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Publication Date: 2016
Intervene is both a stand-alone, online 20-minute video portraying student bystanders successfully intervening in seven situations and an in-person, 60-minute workshop in which students view the video and engage in a facilitated conversation to reflect upon the attitudes and behaviors that influence the process of intervening. The video and workshop are based on real-life situations faced by… (read more)

Assessing Food Insecurity on Campus

Publication Date: 2017
Food insecurity has emerged as a leading public health concern in the United States because of the number of households experiencing food insecurity and its associated negative health consequences. Some researchers and policymakers have focused their attention on food insecurity rates among college students. Food insecurity among college students has been associated with poorer health, poorer… (read more)

Campus Prevention Network

Publication Date:
EverFi launched the Campus Prevention Network to support colleges and universities in driving lasting, large-scale change on critical health, wellness, and safety issues facing students, faculty, and staff through prevention research and best practices, assessments and benchmarking, and population-level prevention programs. The Campus Prevention Network provides a platform for schools doing… (read more)

Student Mental Health and the Law

Publication Date: 2008
This document is a tool to aid colleges and universities in developing awareness of various issues and concerns relating to students in institutions of higher education and in developing or revising policies, protocols and procedures suitable to your unique environment. Making decisions about students who may be distressed, suicidal, or threatening to others can be difficult on many levels. An… (read more)

Starting the Conversation: College and Your Mental Health

Publication Date: 2016
To help put a thoughtful plan into place should a mental health condition arise, NAMI and JED have created this guide to help start the conversation. It offers both parents and students the opportunity to learn more about mental health, including what the privacy laws are and how mental health information can be shared.

Set to Go

Publication Date:
"Set to Go is a program from JED to help high school students prepare for the transition to college and to life after high school. Research with first-year college students shows most wish they were better prepared emotionally for the transition from high school to college. This preparation should begin in high school and Set to Go was created to help. Emotional preparedness for life after high… (read more)

Safeguarding Your Students Against Suicide

Publication Date: 2002
In 2001, the Surgeon General released the first national suicide prevention strategy. As a follow-up to the strategy, a panel of leading experts from various disciplines convened to participate in a roundtable discussion addressing the significant impact of suicide on college and university campuses and the urgent need for intervention. The overall objectives were to gain a more thorough… (read more)

Responding to the Opioid Addiction Epidemic

Publication Date: 2015
The webinar, led by Phoenix House's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Andrew Kolodny, M.D., discusses the effect that skyrocketing rates of opioid addiction and overdose deaths are having on college students across the nation. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the United States is in the midst of a severe epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose deaths. In 2010, there were nearly 17,… (read more)

Balancing Safety and Support on Campus: A Guide for Campus Teams

Publication Date:
Whether a campus is rural or urban, large or small, private or public, community/technical or four-year traditional, most schools have one or more teams with a purpose of supporting students of concern or preventing harmful behaviors. These groups are often called Threat Assessment Teams, Behavioral Intervention Teams, Case Management Teams, etc. The position of campus teams is a somewhat tricky… (read more)

Are Campuses Ready to Support Students in Distress?

Publication Date: 2016
Between February 2012 and June 2017, Kognito surveyed 14,584 faculty and staff members and 51,294 undergraduate students in 100+ colleges and universities in the U.S. Participants were asked to complete the brief online survey as the first step in taking Kognito's evidence-based and interactive mental health simulation entitled At-Risk." The data suggests strongly that while faculty, staff, and… (read more)


Publication Date:
ULifeline is an anonymous, confidential, online resource center where college students can be comfortable searching for the information they need and want regarding emotional health. The website provides information and resources on wellness and to help others in need, a self evaluator, and facts about such topics as alcohol and drugs, anxiety disorders, stress, emotional health, and suicidal… (read more)

JED Campus

Publication Date:
JED Campus is a nationwide initiative of The Jed Foundation (JED) designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, program, and policy development with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, substance abuse, and suicide prevention efforts. By becoming a member of JED Campus, a school demonstrates a commitment to the emotional well-being… (read more)

Generation Rx University

Publication Date:
The mission of Generation Rx is to educate people of all ages about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications. The goal is to enhance medication safety among our youth, college students, other adults in our communities, and seniors. Prescription medications can help us live longer and healthier lives, but any medication has the potential to do harm, especially when misused. These… (read more)

Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide

Publication Date:
Suicide is a public health issue. Media and online coverage of suicide should be informed by using best practices. Some suicide deaths may be newsworthy. However, the way media cover suicide can influence behavior negatively by contributing to contagion, or positively by encouraging help-seeking. This website provides free access to research-based recommendations for reporting on suicide.

Ending Campus Sexual Assault Tool Kit

Publication Date:
Sexual assault disproportionately affects college women and impedes their ability to participate fully in campus life. Educational equity for women and girls requires fair, responsive, and fully developed campus sexual assault policies; knowledgeable administrators; and, ultimately, an end to sexual violence on campuses. This tool kit serves the needs of faculty, staff, students, and advocates.… (read more)

Reducing Violent Crime in American Cities: An Opportunity to Lead

Publication Date: 2017
Over the course of several months in 2016, the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Police Foundation jointly examined federal law enforcement's role in addressing violent crime in major cities. The examination included input from local law enforcement executives; a review of agency documentation and research literature on effective violence reduction approaches; and an analysis of federal… (read more)

Engaging Communities One Step at a Time

Publication Date: 2016
After a discussion of the current literature on foot patrol and a brief description of the methodology used in the present study, this report presents a series of case studies on the five participating agencies describing what the agencies are doing with foot patrol and how they are doing it. Following these site descriptions, the report discusses several salient themes related to foot patrol… (read more)

Colorado's Legalization of Marijuana and the Impact on Public Safety: A Practical Guide for Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2015
The Police Foundation and Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police have developed this guide to illustrate the challenges for law enforcement in Colorado. This guide is designed to summarize the numerous challenges faced by law enforcement when enforcing the laws surrounding legalization, to document solutions that have been proposed and put into effect, and outline problems that still need… (read more)

Averted School Violence (ASV) Near Miss Reporting System

Publication Date:
The Police Foundation launched the Averted School Violence Near Miss Reporting System (ASV) for law enforcement officials, school officials, and mental health professionals with funding from the Community Oriented Policing Services Office. The mission of the ASV system is to share information about averted school violence incidents and lessons learned in order to improve school safety and help… (read more)

Local Sexual and Gender Violence Resources

Publication Date:
This webpage provides a map and list of local sexual and gender violence resources by state.

Sexual Assault Kit Testing Initiatives and Non-investigative Kits

Publication Date: 2017
Sexual assault kits (SAKs) are collected as evidence in sexual assault investigations and may contain DNA evidence that can assist in the investigation of sexual assault cases. Many jurisdictions have implemented alternative reporting and non-reporting options that allow victims to obtain a medical forensic exam while delaying or foregoing a report to law enforcement, and offer them the… (read more)

National Consensus Policy on Use of Force

Publication Date: 2017
This National Consensus Policy on Use of Force is a collaborative effort among 11 law enforcement leadership and labor organizations in the United States (see back panel for list). The purpose of this policy is to provide law enforcement officers with guidelines for the use of less-lethal and deadly force. This document is intended to serve as a template for law enforcement agencies to compare… (read more)

Consular Notification and Access, 4th edition

Publication Date: 2016
This manual contains instructions and guidance relating to the obligations of federal, state, and local government officials to provide information to foreign consular officers and to permit foreign consular officers to assist their nationals in the United States. It focuses on the obligations of consular notification and access that pertain to the arrest and detention of foreign nationals; the… (read more)

Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Technical Assistance (SAFEta)

Publication Date:
The SAFEta project is designed to provide technical guidance for individuals and agencies utilizing the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations of adults/adolescents from the Department of Justice's Office of Violence Against Women. While the protocol was designed to lay the foundation for community based responses to sexual violence, the SAFEta technical assistance… (read more)

Non-Fatal Strangulation Documentation Toolkit

Publication Date: 2016
The Strangulation Toolkit provides detailed guidance on assessment techniques, documentation, and evidence collection for this patient population. This toolkit also provides documents such as discharge instructions and sample policies that can be adjusted to best suit your institution and your forensic practice. While this Strangulation Toolkit was developed for use by forensic nurses and health… (read more)

Utilizing ScreenU on Your Campus

Publication Date: 2017
The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery launched ScreenU in December 2016. ScreenU is a web-based screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment tool that identifies students at risk for negative consequences from alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drug misuse and connects them with resources on your campus and community. This archived webinar… (read more)

Environmental Prevention 101

Publication Date: 2016
College students don't live in a bubble, even those that reside on campus. They may live, work, and play within the community. With alcohol use a top public health issue among college students, the negative consequences can also impact campuses. Campuses and communities can and should work together to implement environmental prevention strategies to reduce high-risk drinking. This webinar gives… (read more)

Restorative Justice Responses to Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2008
A large international literature promotes restorative justice options as satisfying and empowering to crime victims. This paper examines restorative justice for sexual assault from the perspective of three groups of survivors: (a) adults victimized by adult perpetrators; (b) adults or juveniles victimized by juveniles; and (c) adults sexually molested as children by adults. Restorative options… (read more)

Safer Families, Safer Communities

Publication Date:
The website will promote the efforts of communities around the country to prevent domestic violence-related homicides through comprehensive implementation and enforcement of domestic violence-related firearm prohibitions at all levels of government. Website content includes comprehensive strategies and resources, policies, protocols, and useful forms that can enhance implementation of state,… (read more)

Active Shooter Awareness Guidance

Publication Date: 2016
Active shooter situations are unpredictable and evolve quickly. Typically, the immediate deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to victims. Because active shooter situations are often over within 10 to 15 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active shooter situation… (read more)

The National Prevention Toolkit on Domestic Violence for Medical Professionals

Publication Date: 2016
The National Prevention Toolkit on Domestic Violence for Medical Professionals is a multi-disciplinary project of the Institute for Family Violence Studies within Florida State University's College of Social Work. The Toolkit is part of a broad-based effort to prevent violence in the homes of patients and the families of medical professionals, and to support healthy families and communities. The… (read more)

Depart Smart Travel Checklist

Publication Date:
Depart Smart's goal is to help you have a safe journey so you return to the people and places you love. Depart Smart helps you and the ones you love identify and avoid risks when you travel abroad. You may take a 10 point quiz to receive a free Travel Safety Checklist. The checklist includes more than 50 safety checkpoints every student should accomplish before traveling abroad. It also provides… (read more)

Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation: A Progress Report for the United States

Publication Date: 2016
Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation is the inaugural report on the state of sexual violence in the U.S. issued by Raliance, a national partnership led by National Sexual Violence Resource Center, the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault-PreventConnect and the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence. The report analyzes progress in the movement to end sexual violence and how it is… (read more)

Addressing Access and Functional Needs (AFN) in School and Higher Education Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs)

Publication Date: 2016
Students or staff with access and functional needs (AFN) are those who need accommodations and modifications due to a temporary or permanent condition that limits their ability to take some actions in the event of an emergency. An access or a functional need may be due to physical, sensory, behavioral, mental health, intellectual, developmental, or cognitive disabilities; chronic conditions;… (read more)

REMS TA Center Community of Practice

Publication Date:
The REMS TA Center Community of Practice is a collaborative of practitioners with the collective aim to enhance the ability of schools, school districts, institutions of higher education (IHEs), state education agencies, and their community partners to develop high-quality emergency operations plans and implement comprehensive emergency management planning efforts through the sharing of ideas,… (read more)

EOP Interactive Tools

Publication Date:
These interactive tools are meant to support individuals and planning teams at schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education (IHEs) in assessing their knowledge of concepts fundamental to emergency management, and in creating and evaluating emergency operations plans (EOPs). Schools and IHEs can use these tools to create new plans as well as to revise or update existing plans… (read more)

Study to Prevent Alcohol-Related Consequences Using a Community Organizing Approach to Implement Environmental Strategies in and around the College Campus: An Intervention Manual

Publication Date:
This manual provides an overview of the SPARC model and step-by-step guidance on how to implement the interventions of the study. This manual can be implemented locally and is useful for college administrators, practitioners, and others who seek to reduce high-risk drinking behaviors.

Planning Alcohol Interventions Using NIAAA's CollegeAIM (Alcohol Intervention Matrix)

Publication Date: 2015
Harmful and underage drinking remain significant problems on U.S. campuses, despite our collective efforts to address them. Higher education officials understand that, all too often, alcohol-related problems can seem intractable, leading to questions and frustration over how best to reduce student drinking and its negative consequences. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (… (read more)

CollegeAIM: The College Alcohol Intervention Matrix

Publication Date:
CollegeAIM was developed by NIAAA to help college personnel choose among the many potential interventions to address harmful and underage college student drinking. The matrix-based tool, guide, website, and related resources are meant to be used in conjunction with your school’s own processes for anticipating and responding to the needs of your student body, campus environment, and surrounding… (read more)

Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool

Publication Date:
This analysis cutting tool, provided by the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) of the U.S. Department of Education, was designed to provide rapid customized reports for public inquiries relating to campus crime and fire data. The data are drawn from the OPE Campus Safety and Security Statistics website database to which crime statistics and fire statistics (as of the 2010 data collection)… (read more)

Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool

Publication Date:
This analysis cutting tool, provided by the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) of the U.S. Department of Education, was designed to provide rapid customized reports for public inquiries relating to campus crime and fire data. The data are drawn from the OPE Campus Safety and Security Statistics website database to which crime statistics and fire statistics (as of the 2010 data collection)… (read more)

Model Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Campus Sexual Assault Part II: Template MOU

Publication Date: 2015
The Template MOU provides sample language for parties to incorporate into their local agreement. Parties may wish to adapt the Template to ensure consistency with other agreements already in place between some or all of the Parties, and to revisit any preexisting agreements to reconcile any changes in law or practice. Please consult the How-To Guide for context and additional suggestions Parties… (read more)

Model Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Campus Sexual Assault Part I: How-To Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The How-To Guide is a step-by-step guide for stakeholders to create an MOU that reflects local needs and capacity. It is intended to provide context, suggested supplemental content, and points of discussion to assist parties as they tailor the Template MOU to their unique circumstances. The How-To Guide is organized in the same structure as the Template MOU.

Response to Protests on UC Campuses

Publication Date: 2012
After physical conflict erupted between police and protesters during demonstrations at UC Berkeley and UC Davis in November 2011, the University President asked the Vice President, General Counsel, and Berkeley Law School Dean to review existing policies and practices regarding the university's response to demonstrations and civil disobedience. This review was aimed at identifying best practices… (read more)

International Resource Center (IRC)

Publication Date:
The IRC is a resource for colleges and universities engaged in international activities. It provides a framework for the key areas that institutions need to be mindful of when conducting activities abroad. Each activity has its own unique characteristics, which should be specifically addressed, but content on the site is meant to provide general guidance. Users have access to information on… (read more)

Active Shooter/Hostile Event (ASHE) Guide

Publication Date: 2016
The foundation of any Active Shooter/Hostile Event (ASHE) program is a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive ASHE plan provides a framework for developing and implementing specific procedures including training and exercising your capability, equipping your response elements, proactive engagement of your stakeholders, and evaluating your capabilities. A collaborative planning process involving… (read more)

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Publication Date: 2016
This fact sheet explains why dating violence is a public health problem, who is at risk, how it can affect long-term health, and how to approach prevention. It also describes the different forms of dating violence.

Understanding School Violence Fact Sheet

Publication Date: 2013
This fact sheet provides information on understanding school violence, why it's a public health problem, how it affects health, who is at risk, and how to prevent it. There are also school violence resources included.

The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide)

Publication Date:
The Community Guide is a website that houses the official collection of all Community Preventive Services Task Force findings and the systematic reviews on which they are based. The website provides resources to help you choose programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in your community.

Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention

Publication Date: 2016
The information in this document is intended to be a starting place for sexual violence practitioners and their campus partners to begin planning for and implementing sexual violence prevention strategies in a college or university setting. It is important for colleges and universities to move beyond compliance in order to create culture change. Implementing a robust prevention effort is… (read more)