Filtered by term "violence prevention"

Displaying 1 - 42 of 42

Threat Assessment Teams for Troubled Students: Putting the Pieces Together

Publication Date: 2014
Discussions with administrators and other staff at dozens of colleges and universities reveal that many practices are commonly used to help team members identify, intervene with, and manage distressed, disruptive, or potentially violent students. This document includes highlights from these discussions with deans of students, heads of counseling, campus law enforcement officers, legal counsel,… (read more)

Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence

Publication Date:
The NSVRC provides a variety of information and tools on the prevention of sexual violence. The resources include a primary prevention primer, webinars and videos, evaluation tools, online training courses, and more.

Prevention Innovations Research Center

Publication Date:
Prevention Innovations is a collaboration between researchers and practitioners that develops, implements and evaluates cutting-edge programs, policies and practices that will end violence against women. Their team is made up of researchers and practitioners who work collaboratively to develop and evaluate prevention strategies, evidence-based measures to document the problems of sexual and… (read more)

K-12 School Security: A Guide for Preventing and Protecting Against Gun Violence

Publication Date: 2018
The threat of gun violence in schools necessitates attention across the spectrum of emergency management mission areas: prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery. While mitigation, response, and recovery represent critical aspects of emergency management, this guide focuses on considerations for schools specifically in the areas of prevention and protection. This resource… (read more)

Intimate Partner Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements, Version 2.0

Publication Date: 2015
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a significant public health problem. In addition to the immediate impact, intimate partner violence has lifelong consequences. This document is intended for use by individuals and organizations interested in gathering public health surveillance data on IPV in order to promote and improve consistency across the board. The three major sections of this document are… (read more)

Implementing Behavioral Threat Assessment on Campus: A Virginia Tech Demonstration Project

Publication Date: 2009
This book documents Virginia Tech's experience in developing and implementing a behavioral threat assessment process in the time following the campus shootings on April 16, 2007. In the course of building its behavioral threat assessment capacity, Virginia Tech created considerable documentation to support its Threat Assessment Team and related efforts. This documentation, which appears in… (read more)

Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014

Publication Date: 2014
"This report represents the progress countries have made in implementing the recommendations of the 2002 World report on violence and health. The specific aims of the report are to:
• Describe the state of the problem of interpersonal violence worldwide and the extent to which countries are collecting data on fatal and non-fatal violence to inform planning and action
• Assess the current… (read more)

Enhancing School Safety Using a Threat Assessment Model: An Operational Guide for Preventing Targeted School Violence

Publication Date: 2018
When incidents of school violence occur, they leave a profound and lasting impact on the school, the community, and our nation as a whole. Ensuring safe environments for elementary and secondary school students, educators, administrators, and others is essential. This operational guide was developed to provide fundamental direction on how to prevent incidents of targeted school violence, that is… (read more)

Violence Prevention/De-Escalation of Emotionally Charged Situations

Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Mourning Fox, MA, LCMHC, deputy commissioner for the Vermont Department of Mental Health, explores the issues around why people resort to violence and the risk factors that individuals have that may make them more, or less, likely to use violence. Fox discusses the three major predictors of violence and their impact on how you deal with emotionally charged situations both before… (read more)

The Roles and Strategies of Campus Safety Teams for Preventing Violence in College and University Campus Communities

Publication Date: 2018
In July 2018 a group of campus safety leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, to discuss campus safety's role and strategies for preventing violence in college and university communities. Key discussion topics centered around identifying what campus safety departments can do to prevent violence among their students,… (read more)

The Roles and Strategies of Campus Safety Teams for Preventing Violence in College and University Campus Communities

Publication Date: 2018
In July 2018 a group of campus safety leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, to discuss campus safety's role and strategies for preventing violence in college and university communities. Key discussion topics centered around identifying what campus safety departments can do to prevent violence among their students,… (read more)

The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI)

Publication Date: 2018
In this webinar, Monte McKee, Phil Ramer, and Jennifer Skinner, senior research associates at the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR), present on the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI) and the importance of recognizing and reporting suspicious activity to prevent violence targeting educational facilities. The NSI is a joint collaborative effort by the U.S.… (read more)

Human Trafficking: What Your Campus Needs to Know

Publication Date: 2018
Learn from Louisiana State Police Investigator Amy Juneau and Lieutenant Angela Banta from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office about the world's fastest growing crime, human trafficking. This webinar presentation provides participants with an understanding of what human trafficking is and what indicators to look for in their area, signs to look for to identify possible victims of human… (read more)

Human Trafficking: What Your Campus Needs to Know

Publication Date: 2018
Learn from Louisiana State Police Investigator Amy Juneau and Lieutenant Angela Banta from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office about the world's fastest growing crime, human trafficking. This webinar presentation provides participants with an understanding of what human trafficking is and what indicators to look for in their area, signs to look for to identify possible victims of human… (read more)

Handling Threats and Other Disturbing Behavior on Campus

Publication Date: 2018
This webinar reviews the components and procedures of behavioral threat assessment, which is recognized as current best practice to prevent violence on campus. Marisa Randazzo, Ph.D., principal and co-founder of SIGMA Threat Management Associates, LLC, provides a checklist of best-practice components, discusses how to evaluate current threat assessment programs, establishes screening questions to… (read more)

Campus Threat Assessment and Management Teams: What Risk Managers Need to Know Now

Publication Date: 2011
After the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, many colleges and universities recognized that having threat assessment and management (TAM) teams in place to address potentially threatening behavior and situations among faculty, staff, and students on campus was a best practice. This article focuses on three main aspects of TAM teams on college campuses and what risk managers can do to… (read more)

Campus Safety at Oregon Post-Secondary Education Institutions: A Report from the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group

Publication Date: 2016
Following the tragic shooting at Umpqua Community College in 2015, the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group (OCSWG) was formed to identify resource needs and potential state policies that enable a coordinated strategy across the higher education system for public and private institutions; as well as analyze promising practices and protocols that can be shared across all post-secondary education… (read more)

Campus Violence White Paper

Publication Date: 2005
The purpose of this ACHA White Paper is to confront this serious college health issue through analyzing campus violence patterns, types of violence, methodological problems with collecting campus crime data, underlying issues related to campus violence, and promising practices to prevent and address campus violence.

Guns on Campus: The Architecture and Momentum of State Policy Action

Publication Date: 2016
Amid efforts by campus leaders to build violence prevention and crisis response strategies, colleges and universities continue to be impacted by active shooter violence. Incidents of mass violence have led to debate by lawmakers about the appropriate course of policy action to mitigate the public safety threat that active shooters pose to our communities. This report offers a detailed summary of… (read more)

A Strategic Primer on College Student Mental Health

Publication Date: 2014
This report is the product of a year-long partnership between NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, the American Council on Education, and the American Psychological Association focusing on student mental health issues. Responding in part to President Obama's call to launch a national conversation to increase the understanding and awareness about mental health, the partnering… (read more)

Campus Prevention Network

Publication Date:
EverFi launched the Campus Prevention Network to support colleges and universities in driving lasting, large-scale change on critical health, wellness, and safety issues facing students, faculty, and staff through prevention research and best practices, assessments and benchmarking, and population-level prevention programs. The Campus Prevention Network provides a platform for schools doing… (read more)

Balancing Safety and Support on Campus: A Guide for Campus Teams

Publication Date:
Whether a campus is rural or urban, large or small, private or public, community/technical or four-year traditional, most schools have one or more teams with a purpose of supporting students of concern or preventing harmful behaviors. These groups are often called Threat Assessment Teams, Behavioral Intervention Teams, Case Management Teams, etc. The position of campus teams is a somewhat tricky… (read more)

Reducing Violent Crime in American Cities: An Opportunity to Lead

Publication Date: 2017
Over the course of several months in 2016, the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Police Foundation jointly examined federal law enforcement's role in addressing violent crime in major cities. The examination included input from local law enforcement executives; a review of agency documentation and research literature on effective violence reduction approaches; and an analysis of federal… (read more)

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Publication Date: 2016
This fact sheet explains why dating violence is a public health problem, who is at risk, how it can affect long-term health, and how to approach prevention. It also describes the different forms of dating violence.

Understanding School Violence Fact Sheet

Publication Date: 2013
This fact sheet provides information on understanding school violence, why it's a public health problem, how it affects health, who is at risk, and how to prevent it. There are also school violence resources included.

Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention

Publication Date: 2016
The information in this document is intended to be a starting place for sexual violence practitioners and their campus partners to begin planning for and implementing sexual violence prevention strategies in a college or university setting. It is important for colleges and universities to move beyond compliance in order to create culture change. Implementing a robust prevention effort is… (read more)

A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behavior

Publication Date: 2017
"This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to prevent youth violence and its consequences. These strategies include promoting family environments that support healthy development; providing quality education early in life; strengthening… (read more)

Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence at American Community Colleges

Publication Date: 2016
"In April 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety partnered with the American Association for Women in Community Colleges to facilitate an emerging issues forum to identify the areas of critical need for community colleges regarding prevention and response to sexual violence, as well as to elicit recommendations to mitigate those challenges. The group included safety leaders from 14… (read more)

Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence at American Community Colleges

Publication Date: 2016
"In April 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety partnered with the American Association for Women in Community Colleges to facilitate an emerging issues forum to identify the areas of critical need for community colleges regarding prevention and response to sexual violence, as well as to elicit recommendations to mitigate those challenges. The group included safety leaders from 14… (read more)

Behavioral Threat Assessment on Campus: What You Need to Know

Publication Date: 2015
Does your campus have the ability to address threatening behavior from students, employees, or external sources? Does your process meet current best practices for campus violence prevention? Campus behavioral threat assessment relies upon collaboration and partnerships in the community to identify and respond to at-risk behaviors. In this webinar, Dr. Randazzo provides an overview of best… (read more)

Violence Against Women

Publication Date: 2012
Violence strikes women from all kinds of backgrounds and of all ages. It can happen at work, on the street, or at home. This resource covers information on the different types of violence and ways that women can stay safe. These topics include dating violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, emotional abuse, human trafficking, same-sex relationship violence, sexual assault and abuse,… (read more)

Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates

Publication Date: 2002
This publication is the product of an ongoing collaboration between the Secret Service and the Department of Education. The focus is on the use of the threat assessment process pioneered by the Secret Service as one component of the Department of Education's efforts to help schools across the nation reduce school violence and create safe climates. This guide sets forth a process for identifying,… (read more)

Blue Campaign Student Advocate Toolkit

Publication Date: 2018
The Blue Campaign creates a variety of toolkits for various communities to raise awareness against the heinous crime of human trafficking. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain labor or commercial sex. Types of human trafficking include sex trafficking, forced labor, and domestic servitude. This toolkit offers tips and resources to… (read more)

Threat Assessment in College Settings

Publication Date: 2010
This article was written by Dewey Cornell, Ph.D. and published in Change magazine in 2010. In 2007, the landscape of campus safety changed abruptly with the Virginia Tech shooting and the subsequent wave of anonymous threats in colleges across the country. It seemed that the school shootings that have plagued K-12 schools were now advancing to colleges and universities. In response to the tragedy… (read more)

Community-Based Approaches to Prevention: A report on the 2014 National Summit on Preventing Multiple Casualty Violence

Publication Date: 2015
While the law enforcement community has progressed in advancing training in the tactical response to incidents, there are significant gaps in strategies aimed at preventing multiple casualty violence. To address this need, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers has collaborated with the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing… (read more)

Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Institutions of Higher Education (Part II)

Publication Date: 2009
This training program, developed by noted campus safety and threat assessment experts, is the first ever national curriculum that focuses on a multidisciplinary approach to threat assessment. It has been specifically designed for higher education administrators involved in threat assessment on their campuses, including campus public safety and local law enforcement; faculty; staff; student… (read more)

Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Institutions of Higher Education (Part I)

Publication Date: 2009
This training program, developed by noted campus safety and threat assessment experts, is the first ever national curriculum that focuses on a multidisciplinary approach to threat assessment. It has been specifically designed for higher education administrators involved in threat assessment on their campuses, including campus public safety and local law enforcement; faculty; staff; student… (read more)

Campus Threat Assessment Case Studies: A Training Tool for Investigation, Evaluation, and Intervention

Publication Date: 2013
This guide will allow threat assessment team members to explore and practice threat assessment through small and large group exercises using pre-developed case studies. This guide will also strengthen team members' comprehension and application of the threat assessment principles proscribed in "Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Institutions of Higher Education,"… (read more)

Protecting Judicial Officials: Implementing an Effective Threat Management Process

Publication Date: 2006
A successful threat management process consists of basic elements, each integral to the others. They compose the rules of contemporary threat management and demonstrate how the judiciary can identify, assess, investigate, and manage risks of violence to judicial officials. Following these rules will allow the judicial threat manager to implement an effective threat management process.

Violence Reduction Network (VRN)

Publication Date:
A comprehensive program created by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), to leverage existing DOJ resources to deliver strategic, intensive training and technical assistance (TTA) in an "all-hands" approach to reduce violence in some of the country's most violent cities. This data-driven, evidence-based initiative complements… (read more)

Violence Reduction Response Center (VRRC)

Publication Date: 2018
The VRRC was established under the direction of the Attorney General to connect state, local, and tribal justice agencies with violent crime reduction training and technical assistance (TTA) resources offered by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). By providing direct referrals to DOJ crime reduction publications, grant opportunities, and TTA, VRRC serves as a one-stop shop to connect… (read more)

National Public Safety Partnership (PSP)

Publication Date: 2017
The National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) was established in June 2017 under the direction of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in response to President Trump’s Executive Order on a Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety. The PSP provides an innovative framework for DOJ to enhance its support of state, tribal, and local law enforcement officers and prosecutors in the investigation,… (read more)