Filtered by author "U.S. Department of Education (ED)"

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29

Federal Campus Safety Resources

Publication Date: 2024

The federal government maintains a broad range of campus safety resources that you can draw on based on your needs.

Free to learn: Leading Inclusive Learning Environments in Higher Education

Publication Date:

A resource guide from the U.S. Department of Education for fostering safe and inclusive campuses through the Israel-Hamas conflict and beyond.

Action Guide for Emergency Management At Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date:
"There are over 4,000 two-and four-year public and private institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the United States totaling over 15 million students and several million staff, faculty, and visitors (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2006). Each of these institutions has a commitment to ensure the safety and general welfare… (read more)

Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates

Publication Date: 2002
This publication is the product of an ongoing collaboration between the Secret Service and the Department of Education. The focus is on the use of the threat assessment process pioneered by the Secret Service as one component of the Department of Education's efforts to help schools across the nation reduce school violence and create safe climates. This guide sets forth a process for identifying,… (read more)

The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting 2016 Edition

Publication Date: 2016
This handbook was developed by the U.S. Department of Education to present step-by-step procedures, examples, and references for higher education institutions to follow in meeting the campus safety and security requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. This handbook replaces the 2011 version and includes information on how institutions can comply with the changes the Violence… (read more)

The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting 2016 Edition

Publication Date: 2016
This handbook was developed by the U.S. Department of Education to present step-by-step procedures, examples, and references for higher education institutions to follow in meeting the campus safety and security requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. This handbook replaces the 2011 version and includes information on how institutions can comply with the changes the Violence… (read more)

The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting

Publication Date: 2011
This handbook contains ED guidance and was written to assist institutions, in a step-by-step and readable manner, in understanding and meeting the various Higher Education Act requirements. It is intended for use by postsecondary institutions as well as program reviewers who are responsible for evaluating an institution's compliance with the requirements. This is to ensure that everyone involved… (read more)

The Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative: Implications for the Prevention of School Attacks in the U.S.

Publication Date: 2002
An extensive examination of 37 incidents of targeted school violence that occurred in the United States from December, 1974 through May, 2000.

Safe Lanes on Campus: A Guide for Preventing Impaired Driving and Underage Drinking

Publication Date: 2003
This publication of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and funded by the U.S. Department of Education and NHTSA, is a response to requests from college and university administrators for guidance in preventing two of the most serious problems related to student alcohol consumption: (1) driving under the influence (DUI) and (2) alcohol use by students under the legal… (read more)

Prior Knowledge of Potential School-Based Violence: Information Students Learn May Prevent a Targeted Attack

Publication Date: 2008
This study aimed to further the prevention of targeted school-based attacks by exploring how students with prior knowledge of attacks made decisions regarding what steps, if any, to take after learning the information. The study also sought to identify what might be done to encourage more students to share information they learn about potential targeted school-based violence with one or more… (read more)

Final Regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2014
On October 20, 2014, the Department of Education (ED) published the final regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act. The regulations expand rights afforded to campus survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The final regulations officially go into effect July 1, 2015 and ED has stated that institutions of higher… (read more)

Final Regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2014
On October 20, 2014, the Department of Education (ED) published the final regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act. The regulations expand rights afforded to campus survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The final regulations officially go into effect July 1, 2015 and ED has stated that institutions of higher… (read more)

Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Many transgender students (i.e., students whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth) report feeling unsafe and experiencing verbal and physical harassment or assault in school, and these students may perform worse academically when they are harassed. School administrators, educators, students, and parents are asking questions about how to support transgender… (read more)

Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Many transgender students (i.e., students whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth) report feeling unsafe and experiencing verbal and physical harassment or assault in school, and these students may perform worse academically when they are harassed. School administrators, educators, students, and parents are asking questions about how to support transgender… (read more)

Dear Colleague Letter on Implementation of the VAWA Final Regulations

Publication Date: 2015
This letter summarizes the final regulations implementing major statutory changes to the Clery Act. The changes went into effect July 1, 2015, and apply to all institutions of higher education (IHEs). These are expected to be reflected in this year's Annual Security Reports (ASRs), which are due October 1, 2015.

Dear Colleague Letter on Implementation of the VAWA Final Regulations

Publication Date: 2015
This letter summarizes the final regulations implementing major statutory changes to the Clery Act. The changes went into effect July 1, 2015, and apply to all institutions of higher education (IHEs). These are expected to be reflected in this year's Annual Security Reports (ASRs), which are due October 1, 2015.

Dear Colleague Letter (2014)

Publication Date: 2014
This letter provides a reminder that charter schools are subject to the same Federal civil rights obligations as all other public schools, and highlights some of the legal requirements related to admissions, student discipline, students with disabilities, and English language learners.

Action Guide for Emergency Management at Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2010
This guide has been developed to give higher education institutions a useful resource in the field of emergency management. It is intended for community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, graduate schools, and research institutions associated with higher education entities, both public and private. The guide may be used in a variety of ways: as a starting point in researching the… (read more)

Dear Colleague Letter on Campus Policing (ED)

Publication Date: 2016
To assist states, schools, and their law enforcement partners in assessing the proper role of school resource officers (SROs) and campus law enforcement professionals, both the Justice Department's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Education Department released letters to states and districts emphasizing the importance of well-designed SRO programs and calling on leaders of… (read more)

Campus Safety and Security Reporting Training

Publication Date:
This newly revised online tutorial is an audio/visual companion to The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting. It is designed to be used after reading the handbook to help you apply the HEA safety- and security-related reporting requirements to your institution. Within the training you'll find examples, scenarios, questions and answers, and references to specific parts of the… (read more)

Campus Attacks: Targeted Violence Affecting Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2010
This report provides an assessment of 272 incidents of violence that affected institutions of higher education (IHE) in the United States between 1909 and 2008. The report offers perspectives on key aspects of targeted violence at IHEs and provides a preliminary look at the scope of the issue. The researchers used open-source information to produce this report and as a result the observations and… (read more)

Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2013
This guide provides recommendations in the development of plans to respond to an emergency and outlines how Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) can plan for preventing, protecting against, mitigating the impact of and recovering from emergencies. The guide translates lessons learned from the Administration's work on national preparedness to IHEs. The guide introduces new approaches to… (read more)

Dear Colleague Letter Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Recently, questions have arisen from school districts, colleges and universities, and others about transgender students and how to best ensure these students, and non-transgender students, can all enjoy a safe and discrimination-free environment. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implementing regulations prohibit sex discrimination in educational programs and… (read more)

Dear Colleague Letter Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Recently, questions have arisen from school districts, colleges and universities, and others about transgender students and how to best ensure these students, and non-transgender students, can all enjoy a safe and discrimination-free environment. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implementing regulations prohibit sex discrimination in educational programs and… (read more)

Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship

Publication Date: 2013
The guide provides recommendations in the development of plans not only to respond to an emergency, but also outlines how organizations can plan for preventing, protecting against, mitigating the impact of and recovering from these emergencies. It translates lessons learned from the Administration's work on national preparedness to the school, IHE, and house of worship contexts, ensuring that… (read more)

Educational Facilities Clearinghouse (EFC)

Publication Date:
The priority of the EFC is to collect and disseminate research and other information on effective practices regarding the planning, design, financing, procurement, construction, improvement, operation, and maintenance of safe, healthy, and high-performing facilities for Pre-K through higher education in order to: help education stakeholders increase their use of education facilities to turn… (read more)

Intersection of Title IX and the Clery Act

Publication Date:
Colleges and universities that participate in the federal student financial aid programs are subject to Title IX and the Clery Act, and must comply their requirements that certain employees report incidents of sexual violence to school officials and notify students about the outcome when they file complaints of sexual violence. The purpose of this chart is to clarify the reporting requirements of… (read more)

Intersection of Title IX and the Clery Act

Publication Date:
Colleges and universities that participate in the federal student financial aid programs are subject to Title IX and the Clery Act, and must comply their requirements that certain employees report incidents of sexual violence to school officials and notify students about the outcome when they file complaints of sexual violence. The purpose of this chart is to clarify the reporting requirements of… (read more)

Intersection of Title IX and the Clery Act

Publication Date:
Colleges and universities that participate in the federal student financial aid programs are subject to Title IX and the Clery Act, and must comply their requirements that certain employees report incidents of sexual violence to school officials and notify students about the outcome when they file complaints of sexual violence. The purpose of this chart is to clarify the reporting requirements of… (read more)