Filtered by term "strategies"

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2023 DRU National Summit White Paper

Publication Date:
Findings and insights from a networking and educational event hosted by the Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) Network and the University of Oregon.

Implementation of Prior Recommendations and Barriers to Enactment

Publication Date: 2019
As follow-up to some of its forums, the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Law Enforcement Executives and Administrators (HBCU-LEEAs) partnered to examine whether and how HBCU campuses have implemented the recommendations in three reports. On July 16, 2019, a group of campus safety leaders gathered in Atlanta, Georgia to provide… (read more)

Implementation of Prior Recommendations and Barriers to Enactment

Publication Date: 2019
As follow-up to some of its forums, the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Law Enforcement Executives and Administrators (HBCU-LEEAs) partnered to examine whether and how HBCU campuses have implemented the recommendations in three reports. On July 16, 2019, a group of campus safety leaders gathered in Atlanta, Georgia to provide… (read more)

You Have Options Program (YHOP) Overview and Implementation Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The You Have Options Program (YHOP) has three goals: 1) increase sexual assault reporting by eliminating as many barriers to reporting as possible, 2) increase identification and prosecution of sexual offenders, and 3) decrease sexual assault victimization. Agencies participating in the YHOP receive training in law enforcement options for sexual assault reporting and best practice law enforcement… (read more)

Unsafe and Harassed in Public Spaces: A National Street Harassment Report

Publication Date: 2014
Street harassment is a human rights violation and a form of gender violence. It keeps many harassed people from feeling safe in public spaces. It can dictate where they go, when, with whom, and how they dress. It can impact their hobbies and habits, their routes and routines. It even causes some people to move or quit jobs because of harassers in the vicinity. To stop street harassment, we first… (read more)

Transforming Communities: Key Elements for the Implementation of Comprehensive Community-Based Suicide Prevention

Publication Date: 2017
Developed based on a review and synthesis of relevant programs, guidance, and models, this paper presents seven key elements for comprehensive community-based suicide prevention. The elements are key considerations that should guide suicide prevention program planning and implementation efforts. Community-based programs, policies, and services can play an important role in suicide prevention,… (read more)

Threat Assessment Teams for Troubled Students: Putting the Pieces Together

Publication Date: 2014
Discussions with administrators and other staff at dozens of colleges and universities reveal that many practices are commonly used to help team members identify, intervene with, and manage distressed, disruptive, or potentially violent students. This document includes highlights from these discussions with deans of students, heads of counseling, campus law enforcement officers, legal counsel,… (read more)

The Role of Local Law Enforcement Agencies in Preventing and Investigating Cybercrime

Publication Date: 2014
This report aims to describe what police chiefs and other experts are currently identifying as best approaches to addressing cybercrime. On September 10, 2013, PERF held an executive-level Summit for law enforcement practitioners on the local police response to cybercrime. Participants in the PERF Summit described the evolving nature of the cybercrime threat, including how nearly every type of… (read more)

Strengthening Relationships between Police and Immigrant Communities in a Complex Political Environment: Multicultural Outreach and Engagement Programs for Police Agencies

Publication Date: 2018
In recent years, immigration enforcement has become a sensitive political issue at the local, state, and federal levels. State legislation supporting stricter immigration enforcement and highly publicized news stories of deportations, travel bans, and family separations have caused many immigrants to live in fear and to view law enforcement agencies at all levels warily. This political… (read more)

Strategic Implementation Plan for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States

Publication Date: 2016
In 2011, the United States adopted the Strategy for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States (Strategy) and a corresponding Strategic Implementation Plan. The overall goal of the Strategy is to prevent violent extremists and their supporters from inspiring, radicalizing, financing, or recruiting individuals or groups in the United States to commit acts of… (read more)

Sociable City Guide for College Communities

Publication Date:
This free, online, and interactive guide raises awareness about unique nightlife challenges faced by college communities. It provides additional background and a collection of case studies and promising practices.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO)

Publication Date:
SAPRO is the organization responsible for the oversight of Department of Defense (DOD) sexual assault policy. The Department has implemented a comprehensive policy to ensure the safety, dignity and well being of all members of the Armed Forces. This website provides access to the SAPR Strategic Plan, guidance, speeches & briefings and other information for victims of sexual assault, the… (read more)

Sentinel Event Alert 56: Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all settings

Publication Date: 2016
Through this alert, The Joint Commission aims to assist all health care organizations providing both inpatient and outpatient care to better identify and treat individuals with suicide ideation. Clinicians in emergency, primary and behavioral health care settings particularly have a crucial role in detecting suicide ideation and assuring appropriate evaluation. Behavioral health professionals… (read more)

School Shooters info

Publication Date:
Abstract: is a compendium of documents relating to a wide range of active shooter incidents in educational settings. The purpose of this site is to help prevent school shootings and to provide insight into the perpetrators of large-scale school violence. The information and materials on this site are relevant for professionals in education, mental health, and law enforcement, as well as… (read more)

Safe Housing Partnerships

Publication Date: 2017
Survivors of violence face real barriers when trying to access safe housing: barriers caused by the power and control dynamics of abuse, a need for safety and confidentiality, economic instability, the effects of trauma, and the lack of affordable housing in communities. This website is a collection of strategies, resources, case studies, reports, and statistics that providers and advocates can… (read more)

Running a Campus Food Pantry: Student Government Toolkit

Publication Date: 2015
As food insecurity becomes more common among college and university students, starting a food pantry is a powerful way to support students in need. This toolkit explains how to successfully create and manage a campus food pantry.

Responding to Stalking on Campus: Navigating Title IX and the Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2017
The Stalking Resource Center took the 2016 Department of Education's Handbook for campuses regarding stalking and created this document to help campuses develop policies, procedures, and preventative materials. This guide focuses solely on the crime of stalking and does not incorporate other guidelines for crimes provided by the Department of Education.

Responding to Stalking on Campus: Navigating Title IX and the Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2017
The Stalking Resource Center took the 2016 Department of Education's Handbook for campuses regarding stalking and created this document to help campuses develop policies, procedures, and preventative materials. This guide focuses solely on the crime of stalking and does not incorporate other guidelines for crimes provided by the Department of Education.

Responding to Stalking on Campus: Navigating Title IX and the Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2017
The Stalking Resource Center took the 2016 Department of Education's Handbook for campuses regarding stalking and created this document to help campuses develop policies, procedures, and preventative materials. This guide focuses solely on the crime of stalking and does not incorporate other guidelines for crimes provided by the Department of Education.

Public Safety and Policing in Nightlife Districts

Publication Date: 2018
This guide is based upon a decade of research and collection of common practices among police departments throughout the world. It summarizes the results of several interviews with police and civilian practitioners involved in nightlife public safety and policing; a survey of participants from the Responsible Hospitality Institute's (RHI) Leadership Summits to identify operational tactics and… (read more)

Protecting Minors on Campus from Sexual Misconduct: Behavioral Standards for Interacting With Minors

Publication Date: 2015
This checklist helps to establish guidelines that institutions of higher education should consider for employees, volunteers, contractors, and other adults interacting with minors on campus or in connection with an institution-sponsored program to keep students safe. Topics include: strategies for preventing one-on-one access to minors; behaviors that should not be tolerated during interactions… (read more)

Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence

Publication Date:
The NSVRC provides a variety of information and tools on the prevention of sexual violence. The resources include a primary prevention primer, webinars and videos, evaluation tools, online training courses, and more.

Preventing Underage Drinking Webinar Series

Publication Date: 2013
These webinars feature national leaders and experts discussing the extent and nature of the problem, lessons from recent research, and evidence-based strategies for addressing underage drinking. Webinars include: "Community Coalitions Working Collaboratively Across Secondary and Postsecondary Education to Address Underage Drinking," "The Role of Public Health in Preventing Underage Drinking and… (read more)

Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence

Publication Date:
This special collection emphasizes collaborative and multi-level approaches to the prevention of and response to teen dating violence (TDV). It draws on the work of many organizations and organizes the resources on TDV prevention and responses by different populations. The first section of this special collection provides general information about teen dating violence. The next six sections… (read more)

Postvention: A Guide for Response to Suicide on College Campuses

Publication Date: 2014
This resource is intended for use by colleges and universities that are affected by and/or want to be prepared for campus crises and campus deaths. Suicide postvention efforts address the need for predetermined strategies to effectively and sensitively respond to campus deaths after they occur and also contribute to improved prevention efforts. This resource defines specific areas of… (read more)

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Toolkit

Publication Date: 2017
In 2016, Women In Government seated the National Task Force on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders after hearing from members about the growing epidemic in their states. The group met over the course of the year to collaborate, develop state policy responses and fresh ideas, and create effective partnerships. The task force, which includes state legislators, mental health professionals and… (read more)

Law Enforcement Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: A Guide to Research-Informed Policy and Practice

Publication Date: 2009
Interactions between officers and individuals with mental illnesses are infrequent and can be complex in nature. These calls for service are often time-consuming and difficult to resolve, and, on relatively rare occasions, result in tragic injuries or deaths. Such cases typically involve repeat contacts with the same individuals, who live in the community with unresolved mental health needs. Law… (read more)

Law Enforcement and the Transgender Community - CRS Roll Call Training Video

Publication Date: 2016
This roll call training video, narrated by Brett Parson, features scenarios of three of the most common ways police officers encounter members of the transgender community and provides information, tools, and techniques to help ensure your interactions with them are mutually respectful and professional.

Law Enforcement Guidance Concerning Suspected Unauthorized UAS Operations

Publication Date: 2016
This white paper is intended to offer high-level guidance to law enforcement agencies on how to assess unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations within their jurisdictions and suggest actions to interdict and mitigate unauthorized, illegal or risky operations. This publication also presents an overview of, and addresses concerns about, the proliferation of small UAS throughout U.S. communities.

Innovations in Community-Level Prevention

Publication Date: 2017
Many prevention activities focus on changing individual's knowledge and attitudes and developing new skills that redefine relationships such as promoting healthy intimate relationships and empowering bystanders to intervene in situations that are either high risk for sexual violence or reinforce rape culture. However, focusing on individual behavior alone will not prevent sexual violence. Efforts… (read more)

Informing Students about Campus Policies and Resources: How They Get the Message Matters

Publication Date: 2015
The way campus sexual misconduct policies are communicated to students varies at colleges and universities across the country. Many students receive information about sexual misconduct policies during new student orientation. However, various methods are used to deliver this information (e.g., online websites, in-person discussions) and little is known about how the delivery method impacts what… (read more)

Hunger on Campus: The Challenge of Food Insecurity for College Students

Publication Date: 2016
Food insecurity the lack of reliable access to sufficient quantities of affordable, nutritious food is common at colleges and universities across the country, potentially undermining the educational success of untold thousands of students. Given its potential impact, the collective understanding of this issue is still far too limited. The existing studies on campus food insecurity have almost… (read more)

Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery

Publication Date:
The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery (HECAOD) is a premier alcohol and drug misuse prevention and recovery resource for colleges and universities across the nation. It is the mission of the HECAOD, in partnership with the nation's colleges and universities, to promote student success nationally by providing data-driven solutions to alcohol and drug… (read more)

Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals

Publication Date: 2018
Campus hazing can have far-reaching negative consequences for individual students and their families; student organizations, groups, and teams; and the broader campus community. Because hazing is a complex issue that reflects campus culture, there is no one size fits all solution. The purpose of this Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals is to describe components of a data-driven… (read more)

Fentanyl: A Briefing Guide for First Responders

Publication Date: 2017
In the last several years, U.S. Law Enforcement has seen a dramatic increase in the availability of dangerous synthetic opioids. A large majority of these synthetic opioids are structural derivatives of the synthetic drug fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid currently listed as a Schedule II prescription drug that mimics the effects of morphine in the human body, but has potency 50-100 times… (read more)

Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders

Publication Date: 2017
These recommendations are the result of a Federal Interagency Working Group coordinated by the White House National Security Council. Stakeholder associations and organizations representing the medical, public health, law enforcement, Fire/EMS, and occupational safety and health disciplines provided invaluable input to inform the Interagency Working Group's efforts, and their feedback helped… (read more)

Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU)

Publication Date:
The Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) developed a nationwide network in partnership with the International Association of Emergency Managers' Universities and College Caucus. The mission of the DRU Network is to facilitate open communication, discussion, and resource sharing between university/college emergency management practitioners charged with making our campuses more disaster resilient… (read more)

Cybersecurity Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2016
This guide for state and local law enforcement on cybersecurity includes practical information both on how agencies and officers can protect themselves against cyber threats, as well as how they can protect businesses and individuals in their communities from cybercrime and related threats.

Violence Prevention/De-Escalation of Emotionally Charged Situations

Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Mourning Fox, MA, LCMHC, deputy commissioner for the Vermont Department of Mental Health, explores the issues around why people resort to violence and the risk factors that individuals have that may make them more, or less, likely to use violence. Fox discusses the three major predictors of violence and their impact on how you deal with emotionally charged situations both before… (read more)

The Roles and Strategies of Campus Safety Teams for Preventing Violence in College and University Campus Communities

Publication Date: 2018
In July 2018 a group of campus safety leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, to discuss campus safety's role and strategies for preventing violence in college and university communities. Key discussion topics centered around identifying what campus safety departments can do to prevent violence among their students,… (read more)

The Roles and Strategies of Campus Safety Teams for Preventing Violence in College and University Campus Communities

Publication Date: 2018
In July 2018 a group of campus safety leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, to discuss campus safety's role and strategies for preventing violence in college and university communities. Key discussion topics centered around identifying what campus safety departments can do to prevent violence among their students,… (read more)

The Implications of Social Media on Campus Safety and Security: The Role of Social Media Threat Alerts

Publication Date: 2015
This webinar explores the role and impact of social media on campus safety and security. Specifically, Dr. Margolis discusses how the proliferation of social media has changed the way students, faculty and staff communicate and the unique challenges this creates for those charged with the safety and security of college campuses including police, campus public safety, counseling services,… (read more)

Managing Campus Protests and Demonstrations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Publication Date: 2018
From the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s to today's Black Lives Matter movement, students and faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) have been at the vanguard of social reforms that change America. This powerful and enduring legacy was on the minds of the HBCU participants attending a national forum, and it prompted the following question: Are protests and… (read more)

Managing Campus Protests and Demonstrations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Publication Date: 2018
From the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s to today's Black Lives Matter movement, students and faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) have been at the vanguard of social reforms that change America. This powerful and enduring legacy was on the minds of the HBCU participants attending a national forum, and it prompted the following question: Are protests and… (read more)

Hazing Prevention: A Call to Action

Publication Date: 2018
This presentation provides a research-driven look at what colleges and universities should be focusing on when trying to eradicate hazing from their communities. Kim Novak, the presenter, is CEO of NovakTalks and an independent consultant for campus safety, hazing prevention, student risk management, and student organization development. Using data from several research sources and theory from… (read more)

Guide to Social Media in Educational Environments

Publication Date: 2016
The challenge for many is understanding what social media is and how it impacts safety in an educational setting. This guide intends to help those interested in the safety and security of a school district, college, or university with insight into the use and impact of social media. The guide provides information on social media and its uses in an educational setting, as well as the benefits and… (read more)

Criminal Victimization of International Students: A National Conversation on Effective Prevention Practices

Publication Date: 2018
The National Center for Campus Public Safety convened a daylong forum to facilitate thoughtful conversations about preventing criminal victimization of international students attending U.S. institutions of higher education. Participants represented campuses across the country and included university and college chiefs of police and international student administrators. Representatives from the… (read more)

Criminal Victimization of International Students: A National Conversation on Effective Prevention Practices

Publication Date: 2018
The National Center for Campus Public Safety convened a daylong forum to facilitate thoughtful conversations about preventing criminal victimization of international students attending U.S. institutions of higher education. Participants represented campuses across the country and included university and college chiefs of police and international student administrators. Representatives from the… (read more)

Community-based Resources for Preventing, Intervening in, and Recovering from Incidents Involving Students Experiencing Mental Health Concerns

Publication Date: 2016
Ongoing communication between public safety and other officials is paramount to help address the challenges and increasing need for supportive and effective mental health services for college and university students with differing mental health needs. Partnerships with off-campus providers can augment campus-based services that may help provide a larger mental health network that will benefit… (read more)

College Access and Success for Students Experiencing Homelessness: A Toolkit for Educators and Service Providers

Publication Date: 2013
The College Access and Success Toolkit provides local homeless education liaisons, State Coordinators for Homeless Education, school counselors, college admission counselors, college financial aid administrators, and youth shelters and other service providers with the resources they need to understand the options and supports available for college-bound homeless youth and assist these youth in… (read more)