Filtered by term "homelessness"

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Safe Housing Partnerships

Publication Date: 2017
Survivors of violence face real barriers when trying to access safe housing: barriers caused by the power and control dynamics of abuse, a need for safety and confidentiality, economic instability, the effects of trauma, and the lack of affordable housing in communities. This website is a collection of strategies, resources, case studies, reports, and statistics that providers and advocates can… (read more)

College Access and Success for Students Experiencing Homelessness: A Toolkit for Educators and Service Providers

Publication Date: 2013
The College Access and Success Toolkit provides local homeless education liaisons, State Coordinators for Homeless Education, school counselors, college admission counselors, college financial aid administrators, and youth shelters and other service providers with the resources they need to understand the options and supports available for college-bound homeless youth and assist these youth in… (read more)