Filtered by term "best practices"

Displaying 1 - 45 of 45

Mass Attacks Defense Toolkit

Publication Date: 2022
RAND researchers created this tool to advance efforts to prevent and reduce intentional, interpersonal firearm violence and public mass attacks in the United States. The goal of this tool is to provide practical strategies and guidance on deterring, mitigating, and responding to mass attacks for a variety of audiences, including public safety experts, practitioners, policymakers, community groups… (read more)

Shaken but not Stirred: A University's Resilience in the Face of Adversity. The 4th September 2010 Earthquake

Publication Date: 2011
On 4 September 2010, people in Canterbury were shaken from their beds by a major earthquake. This report tells the story of the University of Canterbury (UC), its staff and its students, as they rose to the many challenges presented by the earthquake. This report however, is intended to do more than just acknowledge their hard work and determination; it also critically reflects on the things that… (read more)

2023 DRU National Summit White Paper

Publication Date:
Findings and insights from a networking and educational event hosted by the Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) Network and the University of Oregon.

2018 DRU Summit Findings

Publication Date: 2018
2018 National DRU Network Summit: Findings from a roundtable discussion.

The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence Handlers

Publication Date: 2013
This handbook offers guidance for individuals involved in the collection, examination, tracking, packaging, storing, and disposition of biological evidence. This may include crime scene technicians, law enforcement officers, healthcare professionals, forensic scientists, forensic laboratory managers, evidence supervisors, property managers, storage facility personnel, lawyers, testifying experts… (read more)

Model Policy on Search and Rescue

Publication Date: 2015
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services' (VA DCJS) Search and Rescue Model Policy is intended to serve as a structured template to assist law enforcement agencies that wish to adopt a comprehensive Search and Rescue policy. The DCJS Search and Rescue Model Policy additionally serves as a resource that identifies current best practices to those agencies with existing policies. The… (read more)

Model Policy on Missing Persons

Publication Date: 2015
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services' (VA DCJS) Missing Persons Model Policy is intended to serve as a structured template to assist law enforcement agencies that wish to adopt a comprehensive Missing Persons policy. The DCJS Missing Persons Model Policy additionally serves as a resource that identifies current best practices to those agencies with existing policies. DCJS model… (read more)

Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery

Publication Date:
The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery (HECAOD) is a premier alcohol and drug misuse prevention and recovery resource for colleges and universities across the nation. It is the mission of the HECAOD, in partnership with the nation's colleges and universities, to promote student success nationally by providing data-driven solutions to alcohol and drug… (read more)

Driving Overseas: Best Practices

Publication Date: 2015
Students and other campus community members can refer to this document when traveling abroad, as it outlines best practices for operating a motor vehicle when overseas. The document includes the following sections: General Requirements to Rent Cars; Unusual Laws and Practices for Drivers; Law Enforcement Practices; Crimes that Target Rental Cars; Advice/Guidance; and Helpful Resources.

Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention: An Athletics Tool Kit

Publication Date: 2017
In collaboration with athletics stakeholders and campus substance abuse prevention experts, and guided by the latest prevention science and deterrence strategies, the NCAA SSI designed this toolkit to support athletics administrators in collaboration with their campus colleagues in efforts to reduce substance abuse and to promote healthy choices, fair competition, and a positive environment for… (read more)

Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health - Executive Summary

Publication Date: 2016
This is the executive summary for the report, Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. It includes the table of contents, a full summary of the report, a vision for the future, key findings, and supplementary materials. Read the full report.

Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health

Publication Date: 2016
In 2015, over 27 million people in the United States reported current use of illicit drugs or misuse of prescription drugs, and over 66 million people (nearly a quarter of the adult and adolescent population) reported binge drinking in the past month. Alcohol and drug misuse and related disorders are major public health challenges that are taking an enormous toll on individuals, families, and… (read more)

Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Technical Assistance (SAFEta)

Publication Date:
The SAFEta project is designed to provide technical guidance for individuals and agencies utilizing the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations of adults/adolescents from the Department of Justice's Office of Violence Against Women. While the protocol was designed to lay the foundation for community based responses to sexual violence, the SAFEta technical assistance… (read more)

CollegeAIM: The College Alcohol Intervention Matrix

Publication Date:
CollegeAIM was developed by NIAAA to help college personnel choose among the many potential interventions to address harmful and underage college student drinking. The matrix-based tool, guide, website, and related resources are meant to be used in conjunction with your school’s own processes for anticipating and responding to the needs of your student body, campus environment, and surrounding… (read more)

Response to Protests on UC Campuses

Publication Date: 2012
After physical conflict erupted between police and protesters during demonstrations at UC Berkeley and UC Davis in November 2011, the University President asked the Vice President, General Counsel, and Berkeley Law School Dean to review existing policies and practices regarding the university's response to demonstrations and civil disobedience. This review was aimed at identifying best practices… (read more)

STOP SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence

Publication Date: 2016
This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to reduce sexual violence (SV) and its consequences. These strategies focus on promoting social norms that protect against violence; teaching skills to prevent SV; providing opportunities, both… (read more)

Bystander Intervention in Action: Training the How-Tos of Intervention

Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Jill Weisensel, a night shift operations lieutenant for the Marquette University Police Department, discusses best practices in bystander intervention programming for colleges and universities, the role of broad-based programming in crime prevention, and the value of campus-wide collaboration. She focuses on the "how-tos" of safe intervention, concentrating specifically on… (read more)

Behavioral Threat Assessment on Campus: What You Need to Know

Publication Date: 2015
Does your campus have the ability to address threatening behavior from students, employees, or external sources? Does your process meet current best practices for campus violence prevention? Campus behavioral threat assessment relies upon collaboration and partnerships in the community to identify and respond to at-risk behaviors. In this webinar, Dr. Randazzo provides an overview of best… (read more)

Community Relations Resources

Publication Date: 2015
This is a compilation of available best practices, educational materials, news, publications, training, and toolkits to assist college and university campuses to improve community relations. Trust is the foundation of a successful partnership or relationship between public safety organizations and the diverse and multicultural communities they serve. These relationships are essential to the… (read more)

National Higher Education Emergency Management Program Needs Assessment

Publication Date: 2016
This report presents the results of a needs assessment of emergency management programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the United States. The findings are based on information collected from a survey of emergency management practitioners at IHEs, targeted interviews, case studies, discussions at a summit of representatives from Oregon IHEs, and input from a project advisory… (read more)

NCCPS: Where We Are and Moving Forward Together

Publication Date: 2016
In this webinar, Director Kim Richmond provides an update on a variety of the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) activities as part of our Campus Public Safety Online webinar series. Since our launch in 2014, the NCCPS has provided resources and technical assistance to campus public safety professionals, emergency management officials, and senior leadership by creating… (read more)

NCCPS: Where We Are and Moving Forward Together

Publication Date: 2016
In this webinar, Director Kim Richmond provides an update on a variety of the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) activities as part of our Campus Public Safety Online webinar series. Since our launch in 2014, the NCCPS has provided resources and technical assistance to campus public safety professionals, emergency management officials, and senior leadership by creating… (read more)

Sexual Assault: Courageous Conversations and Bystander Intervention

Publication Date: 2016
It is uncomfortable to talk about sex, it is difficult to talk about sexual assault, and it is troubling to have to consider the behaviors of perpetrators who commit these crimes. It takes courage to have a conversation. The prevalence and growing concern regarding sexual assault in higher education cannot be denied. In this webinar, retired Burlington, VT, police chief and national advisor on… (read more)

Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad

Publication Date: 2015
The Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad support the complex responsibilities inherent in offering education abroad opportunities to students. They act as a means to develop, manage, assess, and improve education abroad programming. In this report, each standard of good practice is structured by statements and queries. Some examples of standards of good practice include student… (read more)

The Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2016
The purpose of The Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault is to fill gaps in current research and identify best practices in campus police response to sexual assault. The Blueprint is a multi-level approach to the complex problem of campus sexual assault that builds upon the existing body of knowledge and recognizes the need for identifying emerging best… (read more)

Agency's Use of Technology Best Practices & Policies Toolkit

Publication Date:
When using technology, both victim advocates and survivors need to consider safety, privacy, and security. This resource provides guidance for programs that provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking on best practices to help maintain the safety and security of crime victims and their personal information. The toolkit was produced by the National… (read more)

Countering False Information on Social Media in Disasters and Emergencies

Publication Date: 2018
Rumors, misinformation, and false information on social media proliferate before, during, and after disasters and emergencies. While this information cannot be completely eliminated, first responder agencies can use various tactics and strategies to offset bad information. This white paper examines motivations people may have for sharing false information, discusses underlying issues that cause… (read more)

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)

Publication Date:
SPRC is the nation's only federally supported resource center devoted to advancing the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. SPRC provides technical assistance, training, and materials to increase the knowledge and expertise of suicide prevention practitioners and other professionals serving people at risk for suicide. SPRC also promotes collaboration among a variety of organizations that… (read more)

Managing Major Events: Best Practices From the Field

Publication Date: 2011
This report, the 17th in the Critical Issues in Policing series, addresses the issue of policing major events, both planned and unplanned, such as political demonstrations, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism. The report aims to explore some of the key issues that have proved important or difficult in the real world of policing. PERF's approach to this project was to bring police… (read more)

Party Patrols: Best Practice Guidelines for College Communities

Publication Date: 2010
The purpose of this guide is to consolidate the experience that campus and community law enforcement agencies have gained in conducting party patrols across jurisdictions and share that information with agencies looking for more effective tools to help manage party-related problems. This guide covers six basic components that together will maximize the chances of having success with party patrols… (read more)

Sports and Special Event Security Planning: Best Practices

Publication Date: 2015
The terrorism incidents on 9-11-2001 changed the way we all looked at security planning and management forever. Prior to 9-11 those of us that were tasked with planning and managing sports and special event security primarily planned for traffic, parking, crowd management and an occasional weather related incident. That has all changed and continues to evolve. In this presentation, we'll examine… (read more)

Preparing for After: How to help victims of mass violence

Publication Date: 2014
In 2014, VOICES completed Preparing for After, a resource kit that documents best practices in preparing for, responding to and recovering from acts of mass violence. The purpose of this eBook is to introduce a long-term recovery perspective into emergency response planning. This publication serves to: underscore the importance of pre-planning to both the short- and long-term outcomes;… (read more)

SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)

Publication Date:
NREPP is a searchable online database of mental health and substance abuse interventions. All interventions in the registry have met NREPP's minimum requirements for review and have been independently assessed and rated for quality of research and readiness for dissemination.

Marathon and Running Events Safety and Security Best Practices Guide

Publication Date: 2017
The sport of running, including marathons, traditional distance races, and other non-traditional race events, attracts annual participation from millions of race runners across the U.S. These events draw even larger numbers of spectators, making safety and security a top priority for race organizers, public safety, and host communities. This guide is intended to assist event operators and their… (read more)

Interscholastic Athletics and After-School Safety and Security Best Practices Guide

Publication Date: 2017
Interscholastic athletic events are an important part of American culture and include participation from millions of students and spectators. Due to the large crowds in attendance, there are a host of potential risks and threats that must be addressed to ensure the safety and security of people, property, and infrastructure. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of important planning… (read more)

Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Best Practices Guide

Publication Date: 2017
The purpose of this guide is to recommend polices, practices, and technologies aimed at identifying vulnerabilities, mitigating risk, and protecting critical assets. It may be used as a reference for those responsible for the design and development of safety and security plans and procedures. The guide outlines key issues and implementation strategies for nine topical areas, including: game/event… (read more)

Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Best Practices Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The purpose of this living guide is to document, through professional collaboration, a collection of vetted best practices to assist those responsible for safety and security at collegiate sports events. The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) at the University of Southern Mississippi hosted the second annual National Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security… (read more)

Marathon Safety and Security Best Practices Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The purpose of this living guide is to document, through professional collaboration, a collection of vetted best practices to assist those responsible for safety and security at marathon and endurance events. The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) at the University of Southern Mississippi hosted the first annual National Marathon/Endurance Events Safety and Security… (read more)

Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Best Practices Guide

Publication Date: 2014
The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) at the University of Southern Mississippi hosted the first annual National Intercollegiate Athletics Safety and Security Summit on January 28-30, 2014. Representatives from university and college athletic administrations, athletic conferences, Bowls, and public safety agencies addressed current safety and security issues facing… (read more)

Essential Components of a Best Practice Model for Tailgating Events

Publication Date: 2010
The Journal of Venue and Event Management is a peer-reviewed professional publication dedicated to the reporting and dissemination of knowledge gained from theoretical and applied research studies. In Volume 2, Issue 2 the article" Essential Components of a Best Practice Model for Tailgating Events" the authors use information gleaned from previous research to recommend components for developing… (read more)

Violent Crime Reduction Operations Guide

Publication Date: 2018
In an effort to address ways in which law enforcement can successfully combat violent crime, the MCCA and BJA have released the Violent Crime Reduction Operations Guide. When it comes to crime, no one just lives in the United States everyone lives in a specific city, in a specific neighborhood. How violent crime is felt in communities, and how the policing executive is challenged to… (read more)

Strategies for Policing Innovation (SPI)

Publication Date:
Formerly known as the Smart Policing Initiative, Strategies for Policing Innovation (SPI) is a collaborative effort among BJA, CNA, state and local law enforcement agencies, and researchers. It is designed to assist agencies with identifying innovative and evidence-based solutions to effectively and efficiently tackle chronic crime problems in their jurisdictions. In October 2017, SPI launched a… (read more)

Smart Policing Initiative (SPI)

Publication Date:
The Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) is a Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) sponsored initiative that supports law enforcement agencies in building evidence-based, data-driven law enforcement tactics and strategies that are effective, efficient, and economical. Smart Policing represents a strategic approach that brings more science into police operations by leveraging innovative applications of… (read more)

Fusion Center Guidelines: Developing and Sharing Information and Intelligence in a New Era

Publication Date: 2006
These guidelines should be used to ensure fusion centers are established and operated consistently, resulting in enhanced coordination efforts, strengthened partnerships, and improved crime-fighting and anti-terrorism capabilities. The guidelines and related materials will provide assistance to centers as they prioritize and address threats posed in their specific jurisdictions for all crime… (read more)

Opening Doors: Alternative Reporting Options for Law Enforcement and VAWA Forensic Compliance

Publication Date: 2015
There is currently a very welcome national trend across the country emphasizing alternative reporting methods for sexual assault victims. It is partly the result of provisions in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that were first enacted in 2005 and remain in effect under the current 2013 re-authorization. This is an area known as forensic compliance, and it is critically important to… (read more)