Filtered by term "policy and plan development"

Displaying 1 - 50 of 67

FEMA Continuity Guidance Circular

Publication Date:
This Continuity Guidance Circular serves as a resource for federal and non-federal entities to guide, update, and maintain organizational continuity planning efforts and appropriately integrate and synchronize continuity efforts.

DRU Climate Resilience Roundtable White Paper

Publication Date:
The objective of the climate resilience roundtable was to understand how IHEs can become more resilient to climate change – particularly the risk assessments, resilience planning, stakeholder collaboration, and community engagement necessary to make IHEs better able to handle hazards related to climate change.

Action Guide for Emergency Management At Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date:
"There are over 4,000 two-and four-year public and private institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the United States totaling over 15 million students and several million staff, faculty, and visitors (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2006). Each of these institutions has a commitment to ensure the safety and general welfare… (read more)

Shaken but not Stirred: A University's Resilience in the Face of Adversity. The 4th September 2010 Earthquake

Publication Date: 2011
On 4 September 2010, people in Canterbury were shaken from their beds by a major earthquake. This report tells the story of the University of Canterbury (UC), its staff and its students, as they rose to the many challenges presented by the earthquake. This report however, is intended to do more than just acknowledge their hard work and determination; it also critically reflects on the things that… (read more)

Stanford University Wildfire Smoke Plan

Publication Date: 2023
The plan lays out trigger thresholds and protective measures to take when experiencing a wildfire smoke episode.

Defining and Improving Enterprise Risk Management Frameworks and Maturity Models in Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2022
Findings and recommendations from a roundtable hosted by the Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) Network® and the University of Oregon Institute for Resilient Organizations, Communities, and Environments

2022 DRU National Higher Education Program Survey Results

Publication Date: 2022
Results from the 2022 Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) Network members survey of institutions of higher education.

2018 DRU Summit Findings

Publication Date: 2018
2018 National DRU Network Summit: Findings from a roundtable discussion.

Readiness & Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center

Publication Date:
REMS supports schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education, with their community partners, in the development of high-quality emergency operations plans (EOPs) and comprehensive emergency management planning efforts. Established in October 2004 and administered by the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), the REMS TA Center provides a… (read more)

Postvention: A Guide for Response to Suicide on College Campuses

Publication Date: 2014
This resource is intended for use by colleges and universities that are affected by and/or want to be prepared for campus crises and campus deaths. Suicide postvention efforts address the need for predetermined strategies to effectively and sensitively respond to campus deaths after they occur and also contribute to improved prevention efforts. This resource defines specific areas of… (read more)

Model Policy on Search and Rescue

Publication Date: 2015
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services' (VA DCJS) Search and Rescue Model Policy is intended to serve as a structured template to assist law enforcement agencies that wish to adopt a comprehensive Search and Rescue policy. The DCJS Search and Rescue Model Policy additionally serves as a resource that identifies current best practices to those agencies with existing policies. The… (read more)

Model Policy on Missing Persons

Publication Date: 2015
The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services' (VA DCJS) Missing Persons Model Policy is intended to serve as a structured template to assist law enforcement agencies that wish to adopt a comprehensive Missing Persons policy. The DCJS Missing Persons Model Policy additionally serves as a resource that identifies current best practices to those agencies with existing policies. DCJS model… (read more)

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Toolkit

Publication Date: 2017
In 2016, Women In Government seated the National Task Force on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders after hearing from members about the growing epidemic in their states. The group met over the course of the year to collaborate, develop state policy responses and fresh ideas, and create effective partnerships. The task force, which includes state legislators, mental health professionals and… (read more)

Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals

Publication Date: 2018
Campus hazing can have far-reaching negative consequences for individual students and their families; student organizations, groups, and teams; and the broader campus community. Because hazing is a complex issue that reflects campus culture, there is no one size fits all solution. The purpose of this Hazing Prevention Toolkit for Campus Professionals is to describe components of a data-driven… (read more)

Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU)

Publication Date:
The Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) developed a nationwide network in partnership with the International Association of Emergency Managers' Universities and College Caucus. The mission of the DRU Network is to facilitate open communication, discussion, and resource sharing between university/college emergency management practitioners charged with making our campuses more disaster resilient… (read more)

Cybersecurity for State and Local Law Enforcement: A Policy Roadmap to Enhance Capabilities

Publication Date: 2016
This issue brief complements the NCAP guide, Cybersecurity Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement, by proposing a set of policy recommendations about how executive branch agencies, Congress, and state and local legislators can enhance the role and effectiveness of state and local law enforcement with respect to cybersecurity.

Understanding How the REMS TA Center Supports Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2018
Learn more about how the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center (REMS TA Center) supports institutions of higher education (IHEs). In this webinar, Madeline Sullivan, contracting officer's representative for the REMS TA Center, and Janelle Hughes, director of communications for the REMS TA Center, provide an overview of the services, resources, and support… (read more)

Guide to Social Media in Educational Environments

Publication Date: 2016
The challenge for many is understanding what social media is and how it impacts safety in an educational setting. This guide intends to help those interested in the safety and security of a school district, college, or university with insight into the use and impact of social media. The guide provides information on social media and its uses in an educational setting, as well as the benefits and… (read more)

Campus Safety at Oregon Post-Secondary Education Institutions: A Report from the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group

Publication Date: 2016
Following the tragic shooting at Umpqua Community College in 2015, the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group (OCSWG) was formed to identify resource needs and potential state policies that enable a coordinated strategy across the higher education system for public and private institutions; as well as analyze promising practices and protocols that can be shared across all post-secondary education… (read more)

Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment

Publication Date: 2009
A Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) that provides a best-practice guideline for the treatment of substance abuse disorders. The recommendations contained in each TIP are grounded in an evidence base. Evidence includes scientific research findings and the opinion of the TIP consensus panel of experts.

32 National Campus Safety Initiative (32 NCSI™)

Publication Date:

32 National Campus Safety Initiative™ (32 NCSI™) is a program offered through a partnership between NASPA and the VTV Family Outreach Foundation that empowers college and university campus communities to make more informed decisions about campus safety. Developed by a team of leading experts, 32 NCSI is a robust self-assessment tool that colleges and universities can use to conduct an… (read more)

Preventing and Addressing Campus Sexual Misconduct: A Guide for University and College Presidents, Chancellors, and Senior Administrators

Publication Date: 2017
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault recommends that college and university leadership use this guide as a foundation to develop, or further hone, comprehensive responses to sexual misconduct at their institutions. This guide focuses, and expands upon, six primary elements that colleges and universities may want to consider as part of a comprehensive plan for… (read more)

Establishing Prevention Programming: Strategic Planning for Campuses

Publication Date: 2014
This document outlines key points that campuses should consider in strategic planning for sexual violence prevention.

Checklist for Campus Sexual Misconduct Policies

Publication Date: 2014
This checklist for sexual misconduct policies highlights elements that are particularly important for institutions to consider when drafting sexual misconduct policies as part of their overall response to sexual misconduct. The Task Force recommends using this document as a guided checklist for developing effective sexual misconduct policies.

Campus Prevention Network

Publication Date:
EverFi launched the Campus Prevention Network to support colleges and universities in driving lasting, large-scale change on critical health, wellness, and safety issues facing students, faculty, and staff through prevention research and best practices, assessments and benchmarking, and population-level prevention programs. The Campus Prevention Network provides a platform for schools doing… (read more)

National Consensus Policy on Use of Force

Publication Date: 2017
This National Consensus Policy on Use of Force is a collaborative effort among 11 law enforcement leadership and labor organizations in the United States (see back panel for list). The purpose of this policy is to provide law enforcement officers with guidelines for the use of less-lethal and deadly force. This document is intended to serve as a template for law enforcement agencies to compare… (read more)

Addressing Access and Functional Needs (AFN) in School and Higher Education Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs)

Publication Date: 2016
Students or staff with access and functional needs (AFN) are those who need accommodations and modifications due to a temporary or permanent condition that limits their ability to take some actions in the event of an emergency. An access or a functional need may be due to physical, sensory, behavioral, mental health, intellectual, developmental, or cognitive disabilities; chronic conditions;… (read more)

REMS TA Center Community of Practice

Publication Date:
The REMS TA Center Community of Practice is a collaborative of practitioners with the collective aim to enhance the ability of schools, school districts, institutions of higher education (IHEs), state education agencies, and their community partners to develop high-quality emergency operations plans and implement comprehensive emergency management planning efforts through the sharing of ideas,… (read more)

EOP Interactive Tools

Publication Date:
These interactive tools are meant to support individuals and planning teams at schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education (IHEs) in assessing their knowledge of concepts fundamental to emergency management, and in creating and evaluating emergency operations plans (EOPs). Schools and IHEs can use these tools to create new plans as well as to revise or update existing plans… (read more)

Active Shooter/Hostile Event (ASHE) Guide

Publication Date: 2016
The foundation of any Active Shooter/Hostile Event (ASHE) program is a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive ASHE plan provides a framework for developing and implementing specific procedures including training and exercising your capability, equipping your response elements, proactive engagement of your stakeholders, and evaluating your capabilities. A collaborative planning process involving… (read more)

The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide)

Publication Date:
The Community Guide is a website that houses the official collection of all Community Preventive Services Task Force findings and the systematic reviews on which they are based. The website provides resources to help you choose programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in your community.

Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention

Publication Date: 2016
The information in this document is intended to be a starting place for sexual violence practitioners and their campus partners to begin planning for and implementing sexual violence prevention strategies in a college or university setting. It is important for colleges and universities to move beyond compliance in order to create culture change. Implementing a robust prevention effort is… (read more)

Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence at American Community Colleges

Publication Date: 2016
"In April 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety partnered with the American Association for Women in Community Colleges to facilitate an emerging issues forum to identify the areas of critical need for community colleges regarding prevention and response to sexual violence, as well as to elicit recommendations to mitigate those challenges. The group included safety leaders from 14… (read more)

Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence at American Community Colleges

Publication Date: 2016
"In April 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety partnered with the American Association for Women in Community Colleges to facilitate an emerging issues forum to identify the areas of critical need for community colleges regarding prevention and response to sexual violence, as well as to elicit recommendations to mitigate those challenges. The group included safety leaders from 14… (read more)

Adding International Incidents to Your Campus All-Hazard Emergency Response Plans

Publication Date: 2016
In this webinar, Pascal Schuback, former Global Emergency Manager at the University of Washington and Director at Humanitarian Toolbox, presents essential elements needed to expand your campus all-hazard emergency response plan to include international incidents. Pascal provides information on study abroad programs (faculty-led and independent), academic research, athletics, and general… (read more)

Business Continuity: Getting Your Ducks in a Row

Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Krista M. Dillon, Director of Operations for Safety and Risk Services at the University of Oregon, focuses on the definition, benefits, and basics of continuity planning in higher education. These plans help minimize the negative effects of an emergency incident and expedite the restoration of functions on campus. The session also incorporates several examples of how the… (read more)

Planning for the Safety of Minors: Routine and Emergency Situations

Publication Date: 2016
In this webinar, Ann H. Franke, president of Wise Results, LLC, brings attention to an issue that often goes unnoticed - minors on campus. Minors come to colleges and universities without parents, particularly during the summer, to attend camps and academic enrichment programs. Your institution probably runs year-round tutoring, both on and off campus, K-12 school partnerships, and lots more.… (read more)

Achieving Excellence: Model Standards for Serving Victims & Survivors of Crime

Publication Date: 2016
This e-publication provides guidelines and suggestions to help victim service practitioners and program administrators improve the quality and consistency of their response to crime victims. The e-publication provides access to program standards, competency standards, and ethical standards; information on how to use the standards to improve crime victim/survivor services; and terms, definitions,… (read more)

Action Guide for Emergency Management at Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2010
This guide has been developed to give higher education institutions a useful resource in the field of emergency management. It is intended for community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, graduate schools, and research institutions associated with higher education entities, both public and private. The guide may be used in a variety of ways: as a starting point in researching the… (read more)

Guiding Principles On Use of Force

Publication Date: 2016
This report, the 30th in PERF's Critical Issues in Policing series, represents the culmination of 18 months of research, fieldwork, and national discussions on police use of force, especially in situations involving persons with mental illness and cases where subjects do not have firearms. The report presents guiding principles that are designed to provide officers with guidance and options, and… (read more)

Preparing for After: How to help victims of mass violence

Publication Date: 2014
In 2014, VOICES completed Preparing for After, a resource kit that documents best practices in preparing for, responding to and recovering from acts of mass violence. The purpose of this eBook is to introduce a long-term recovery perspective into emergency response planning. This publication serves to: underscore the importance of pre-planning to both the short- and long-term outcomes;… (read more)

Planning and Managing Security For Major Special Events: Guidelines for Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2007
The guidelines report provides a framework to assist local law enforcement in planning and managing security for events that attract large numbers of people. It includes examples of best practices employed by federal agencies with security responsibilities, as well as strategies that have been effective for local law enforcement and private security. The focus is on national and regional events,… (read more)

Essential Components of a Best Practice Model for Tailgating Events

Publication Date: 2010
The Journal of Venue and Event Management is a peer-reviewed professional publication dedicated to the reporting and dissemination of knowledge gained from theoretical and applied research studies. In Volume 2, Issue 2 the article" Essential Components of a Best Practice Model for Tailgating Events" the authors use information gleaned from previous research to recommend components for developing… (read more)

National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Publication Date: 2017
"The report describes a victim-centered response to sexual assault cases that positively impacts sexual assault response, the experiences of victims, and ultimately results in safer communities. An NIJ working group consisting of victims, victim advocates, sexual assault nurse and medical examiners, prosecutors, forensic scientists, and law enforcement officials, created the report in response… (read more)

National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center

Publication Date:
"The National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center (NCIRC) provides criminal justice professionals with a multitude of resources that are primarily concerned with law enforcement intelligence operations and practices. The NCIRC maintains two resource websites:
  • A public site that provides criminal justice professionals with easy access to a multitude of resources that are primarily… (read more)

Naloxone Toolkit

Publication Date:
The Bureau of Justice Assistance's Law Enforcement Naloxone Toolkit is a clearinghouse of resources to support law enforcement agencies in establishing a naloxone program. The Law Enforcement Naloxone Toolkit was developed at the urging of the Attorney General in response to the growing opioid overdose epidemic. In the toolkit, you will find answers to frequent questions about naloxone and sample… (read more)

Developing a Policy on the Use of Social Media in Intelligence and Investigative Activities: Guidance and Recommendations

Publication Date: 2013
This resource provides law enforcement and justice agencies with guidance and recommendations on issues to consider when developing a social media policy or updating other relevant policies, focusing on access, use, storage, and dissemination of information obtained from social media sites for investigative and criminal intelligence purposes. The document includes recommended elements of the… (read more)

Campus Security Guidelines: Recommended Operational Policies for Local and Campus Law Enforcement Agencies

Publication Date: 2009
Based on surveys sent to every member city of the Major Cities Chiefs (MCC) and campus public safety departments, along with subsequent analysis of survey findings by representatives from local and campus law enforcement, this publication contains campus security guidelines in the areas of policies and agreements, prevention and preparedness, coordinated response and "after action."

Practitioners' Thoughts on Promising Practices for Securing College and University Spectator Events from Criminal Extremist Attacks (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)

Publication Date: 2012
Spectator events at colleges and universities are symbolic of American life, and there is no event more iconic than college football games. The campus, the crowds, and the media are all elements that make campus events a target for a terrorist attack. In December 2011 a Campus Security Focus Group of experienced university police leaders convened to identify promising practices for providing… (read more)

Active Shooter Incidents

Publication Date:
The FBI provides operational, behaviorally-based threat assessment and threat management services to help detect and prevent acts of targeted violence, helping academic, mental health, business, community, law enforcement, and government entities recognize and disrupt potential active shooters who may be on a trajectory toward violence. This web page provides access to FBI and other resources as… (read more)