Filtered by term "climate resilience"
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3West Bend Prescribed Burn Pilot Project and After Action Review
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The West Bend Prescribed Fire Pilot Project was an ambitious and unprecedented effort in pace and scale in the area, designed in response to wildfire and climate crises, and centering public health. Overall, the project aligned with most of the five guiding principles of the PNW Regional Joint… (read more)
Hurricane risk perception drops after storms hit
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Programs and policies that help households go beyond stocking up on food and medical supplies to invest in longer-term protections could overcome the risk perception gap and support adaptation to rising climate-related threats.
DRU Climate Resilience Roundtable White Paper
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The objective of the climate resilience roundtable was to understand how IHEs can become more resilient to climate change – particularly the risk assessments, resilience planning, stakeholder collaboration, and community engagement necessary to make IHEs better able to handle hazards related to climate change.