Filtered by term "health"

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West Bend Prescribed Burn Pilot Project and After Action Review

Publication Date:

The West Bend Prescribed Fire Pilot Project was an ambitious and unprecedented effort in pace and scale in the area, designed in response to wildfire and climate crises, and centering public health. Overall, the project aligned with most of the five guiding principles of the PNW Regional Joint… (read more)

Significant risks facing higher education: Volume 2

The COVID-19 “New Reality” and the call for an enterprise approach to risk management

Publication Date:

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the higher education sector found itself quickly confronting risks that had been previously identified as having significant impact but low to moderate likelihood of occurring. In this update, we provide a perspective on the changes in the higher education risk landscape brought forth by COVID- 19. This perspective continues to emphasize the need and benefits… (read more)

Risk Communication: How to improve risk communication during a public health crisis

Publication Date:
How does risk perception influence the way people respond to risk communication messages during a public health crisis and what factors should communicators take into account when crafting messages?

Wildfire smoke and athletic events: understanding public concerns, experiences, and preparedness

Publication Date: 2023
The increasingly longer and more severe wildfire smoke events in the Pacific Northwest are likely to occur during outdoor athletic events. We investigated wildfire smoke concerns, air quality communication preferences, and protective action behaviors among sporting event attendees through a survey created by our interdisciplinary research team from the University of Oregon.

Stanford University Wildfire Smoke Plan

Publication Date: 2023
The plan lays out trigger thresholds and protective measures to take when experiencing a wildfire smoke episode.

ShakeOut Resources for Healthcare Organizations

Publication Date: 2023
Includes Suggestions for having your Shakeout participation count towards Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services Emergency Preparedness Rule

Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Your Health

Publication Date:
Research-based information from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to assist in reviewing drinking habits and how they affect health.

Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014

Publication Date: 2014
"This report represents the progress countries have made in implementing the recommendations of the 2002 World report on violence and health. The specific aims of the report are to:
• Describe the state of the problem of interpersonal violence worldwide and the extent to which countries are collecting data on fatal and non-fatal violence to inform planning and action
• Assess the current… (read more)

Designing Safe Schools: Planning and Retrofitting for Safety in Educational Facilities

Publication Date: 2015
Each day, schools and school districts are responsible for providing a safe and healthy learning environment for students. Understanding how to design and maintain school buildings is an important part of supporting that environment. Mitigation, or the capabilities necessary to eliminate or reduce the loss of life and property damage by lessening the impact of an emergency, is just one way… (read more)

Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health - Executive Summary

Publication Date: 2016
This is the executive summary for the report, Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. It includes the table of contents, a full summary of the report, a vision for the future, key findings, and supplementary materials. Read the full report.

Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health

Publication Date: 2016
In 2015, over 27 million people in the United States reported current use of illicit drugs or misuse of prescription drugs, and over 66 million people (nearly a quarter of the adult and adolescent population) reported binge drinking in the past month. Alcohol and drug misuse and related disorders are major public health challenges that are taking an enormous toll on individuals, families, and… (read more)

Study to Prevent Alcohol-Related Consequences Using a Community Organizing Approach to Implement Environmental Strategies in and around the College Campus: An Intervention Manual

Publication Date:
This manual provides an overview of the SPARC model and step-by-step guidance on how to implement the interventions of the study. This manual can be implemented locally and is useful for college administrators, practitioners, and others who seek to reduce high-risk drinking behaviors.

The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide)

Publication Date:
The Community Guide is a website that houses the official collection of all Community Preventive Services Task Force findings and the systematic reviews on which they are based. The website provides resources to help you choose programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in your community.

Campus Resilience Program Resource Library

Publication Date: 2018
This free, online repository offers a variety of resources to empower practitioners and campus leaders to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from various threats and hazards relevant to the academic community. The resources included represent a variety of federal, state, local, private-sector, emergency management, and academic association entities. Resources in the library are organized… (read more)

SAMHSA: Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

Publication Date:
SAMHSA promotes and implements prevention and early intervention strategies to reduce the impact of mental and substance use disorders in America's communities. Find information on grants and funding that support programs related to the prevention of substance abuse and mental illness; SAMHSA publications and related resources on the prevention of substance abuse and mental illness; and early… (read more)

Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings

Publication Date: 2014
This report presents a detailed look at results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an annual survey of the civilian, non-institutionalized population of the United States aged 12 years old or older. The report presents national estimates of rates of use, numbers of users, and other measures related to illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products. The report focuses on… (read more)

Building and Sustaining an Officer Wellness Program: Lessons from the San Diego Police Department

Publication Date: 2018
Law enforcement agencies around the country are recognizing the importance of monitoring and tending to employees physical and mental health and wellness. This publication discusses the establishment and operation of a dedicated unit at the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) with the goal of promoting a department-wide culture of wellness. Working toward this goal will also help the department… (read more)

VALOR Program

Publication Date:
"In 2010, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) VALOR Program was created in response to the startling increase in felonious assaults that have taken the lives of many law enforcement officers. VALOR provides all levels of law enforcement with tools to help prevent violence against law enforcement officers and enhance officer safety, wellness, and resiliency.

VALOR is a comprehensive… (read more)

Contagious Disease Planning and Response Special Order

Publication Date: 2007
An awareness and planning tool for police agencies in light of the introduction of the Ebola virus into the United States and the continuing spread of Enterovirus D68. This is a good time for police departments to examine their contingency plans for dealing with widespread communicable diseases and the possible impact they could have on a department's ability to continue service to and protection… (read more)

Educational Facilities Clearinghouse (EFC)

Publication Date:
The priority of the EFC is to collect and disseminate research and other information on effective practices regarding the planning, design, financing, procurement, construction, improvement, operation, and maintenance of safe, healthy, and high-performing facilities for Pre-K through higher education in order to: help education stakeholders increase their use of education facilities to turn… (read more)