Filtered by author "International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)"

Displaying 1 - 45 of 45

National Consensus Policy on Use of Force

Publication Date: 2017
This National Consensus Policy on Use of Force is a collaborative effort among 11 law enforcement leadership and labor organizations in the United States (see back panel for list). The purpose of this policy is to provide law enforcement officers with guidelines for the use of less-lethal and deadly force. This document is intended to serve as a template for law enforcement agencies to compare… (read more)

Standards for State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies for the Acquisition of Controlled Equipment with Federal Resources

Publication Date: 2015
These standards were developed in response to Executive Order 13688 Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition, released by President Barack Obama on January 16, 2015. The standards follow the guidelines developed by the Law Enforcement Working Group in their Recommendations Pursuit to Executive Order 13688 Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Acquisition.

The Effects of Adolescent Development on Policing

Publication Date: 2015
This resource brief is targeted to law enforcement who respond and interact directly with youth in the field. It provides information for officers to better understand normal adolescent development and tailor their responses to youth in an age- and developmentally-appropriate manner to obtain better cooperation from youth, provide better life outcomes for youth, and develop better relations… (read more)

Response to Victims of Crime Model Policy

Publication Date: 2010
The purpose of this policy is to emphasize that an effective response to the needs of crime victims is an integral part of the law enforcement mission. This essential function, performed by both sworn and civilian personnel, should address victims' needs by establishing a continuum of support as victims progress through the various phases of the criminal justice process. As first responders, law… (read more)

Response to Victims of Crime Concepts and Issues Paper

Publication Date: 2010
This paper is designed to accompany the Model Policy on Response to Victims of Crime established by the IACP National Law Enforcement Policy Center. It provides essential background material and supporting documentation on the developmental philosophy and implementation requirements of the model policy. This material will be of value to law enforcement executives in their efforts to tailor the… (read more)

Responding to Sexual Violence in LGBTQ+ Communities: Law Enforcement Strategies and Considerations

Publication Date: 2017
Sexual violence perpetrated against individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and queer (LGBTQ+) warrants the full attention of law enforcement agencies. It is imperative that law enforcement agencies strive to build strong relationships with leaders and members of LGBTQ+ communities and implement effective strategies department wide through agency mission,… (read more)

Responding to Persons Affected by Mental Illness or In Crisis

Publication Date: 2014
This paper was designed to accompany the Model Policy on Responding to Persons Affected by Mental Illness or in Crisis developed by the IACP National Law Enforcement Policy Center. This paper provides essential background material and supporting documentation to provide greater understanding of the developmental philosophy and implementation requirements for the… (read more)

Protecting Civil Rights: A Leadership Guide for State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2006
This comprehensive guide highlights the sanctity and importance for law enforcement to protect the civil rights of the citizens they serve. This guide addresses protecting civil rights, sustaining community outreach and engagement, early intervention, managing complaints, managing use of force, addressing racial profiling, including personnel and data-management issues.

Protect and Serve

Publication Date:
The Protect and Serve Presidential Initiative is intended to provide law enforcement officers with the tools and resources they need to help build sustainable community relationships and to educate the public on the role of law enforcement. Through this webpage, IACP members will have access to talking points, model policies, facts and figures about law enforcement, stories from the field,… (read more)

Practitioners' Discussion of Implementing Clery/Title IX: Report on the Summit II

Publication Date: 2015
This Summit was the second in a series of meetings co-hosted by the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), the IACP University and College Police Section, and the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). In August, 2014 a Summit was held to bring together campus officials from around the U.S. to discuss issues around Title IX and other related… (read more)

Practitioners' Discussion of Implementing Clery/Title IX: Report on the Summit II

Publication Date: 2015
This Summit was the second in a series of meetings co-hosted by the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), the IACP University and College Police Section, and the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). In August, 2014 a Summit was held to bring together campus officials from around the U.S. to discuss issues around Title IX and other related… (read more)

Practitioners' Discussion of Implementing Clery/Title IX: Report on the Summit II

Publication Date: 2015
This Summit was the second in a series of meetings co-hosted by the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), the IACP University and College Police Section, and the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). In August, 2014 a Summit was held to bring together campus officials from around the U.S. to discuss issues around Title IX and other related… (read more)

Practitioners' Discussion of Implementing Clery/Title IX: Report on the Summit

Publication Date: 2014
In August 2014 a Summit was held to bring together campus officials from around the U.S. to discuss unresolved issues around Title IX and other related legislation including the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Campus police administrators, deans of students, Title IX and Clery staff, and others met to work toward better compliance not only with the letter of the law but, far… (read more)

Practitioners' Discussion of Implementing Clery/Title IX: Report on the Summit

Publication Date: 2014
In August 2014 a Summit was held to bring together campus officials from around the U.S. to discuss unresolved issues around Title IX and other related legislation including the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Campus police administrators, deans of students, Title IX and Clery staff, and others met to work toward better compliance not only with the letter of the law but, far… (read more)

Practitioners' Discussion of Implementing Clery/Title IX: Report on the Summit

Publication Date: 2014
In August 2014 a Summit was held to bring together campus officials from around the U.S. to discuss unresolved issues around Title IX and other related legislation including the Clery Act and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Campus police administrators, deans of students, Title IX and Clery staff, and others met to work toward better compliance not only with the letter of the law but, far… (read more)

Police Pursuits in an Age of Innovation and Reform: The IACP Police Pursuit Database

Publication Date: 2008
Pursuits have unintended consequences to bystanders and the community. Law enforcement is continually evolving practices and policies to keep the officers and community safe. This guide analyzes data collected by the IACP and provides a review of existing studies of police pursuits, a discussion of contemporary pursuit policies, and presents a broader framework for thinking about pursuits in an… (read more)

Official Blog of the International Association of Chiefs of Police

Publication Date:
This is the official blog of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. There you will find information and resources on a wide variety of law enforcement and public safety topics.

Officer-Involved Shootings: A Guide for Law Enforcement Leaders

Publication Date: 2016
Though few officers will be directly involved in a hostile shooting situation during their careers, many more may experience the impact of one; the effects of such events touch not only the officer involved, but the department and the community as well. Because of the gravity of officer-involved shootings, it is vitally important to ensure that the agency and its officers are prepared in advance… (read more)

Officer-Involved Shootings Investigative Protocols: A Guide for Law Enforcement Leaders

Publication Date:
Officer-involved shootings, though relatively rare when compared to the number of interactions law enforcement officers have with the public each day, tend to be high profile events that draw media coverage and sometimes citizen concern. This guide stresses the importance to have in place protocols to investigate an officer-involved shooting without prejudice and to be transparent with the… (read more)

Model Policy on Responding to Persons Affected by Mental Illness or In Crisis

Publication Date: 2014
The model policy highlights the unique challenges that law enforcement agencies face in responding to or encountering situations involving persons displaying behaviors consistent with mental illness or crisis and provides guidance, techniques, and resources so that the situation can be resolved in a constructive manner. IACP's white paper, Responding to Persons Affected by… (read more)

Managing Cybersecurity Risk: A Law Enforcement Guide

Publication Date: 2017
This paper is designed to aid in educating law enforcement executives on their responsibility to ensure the cybersecurity of their organizations is managed in an effective manner. It provides essential background material to create a greater understanding of the complex issues involved. This paper will be of assistance to any law enforcement executive, whether they are involved in state, province… (read more)

Law Enforcement Recruitment Toolkit

Publication Date: 2009
The International Association of Chiefs of Police, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, has released a new publication to assist agencies with their recruitment efforts. The Law Enforcement Recruitment Toolkit comprises four reports, each focusing on a different area of recruitment: Police Recruitment, Recruiting for Diversity,… (read more)

International Drug Evaluation and Classification Program

Publication Date:
The International Drug Evaluation and Classification Program (DECP), coordinated by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) with support from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), trains law enforcement officers with the standardized Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) protocol and educates prosecutors and judges in the prosecution of drugged drivers.

Improving Police Response to Persons Affected by Mental Illness

Publication Date: 2017
The report and campaign, developed by law enforcement leaders alongside mental health professionals and advocates, offer concrete strategies to institutionalize the improved delivery of mental health services. These strategies demand the committed efforts of both law enforcement agencies and the mental health community to reduce officer and civilian fatalities or injuries resulting from… (read more)

Improving Officer Response to Persons with Mental Illness and Other Disabilities

Publication Date:
This document serves as a guide for law enforcement leaders and covers the topic areas: understanding the issue, why law enforcement leaders must take action, positioning chiefs as leaders to influence others, partnerships: law enforcement cannot do this alone, implementing proven strategies and designing a program for your jurisdiction.

IACP National Symposium on Law Enforcement Officer Suicide and Mental Health: Breaking the Silence on Law Enforcement Suicides

Publication Date: 2014
This report outlines strategies to be used as a roadmap for police departments seeking to include officer mental wellness as a core element of officer safety and well-being and to mitigate the threat of officer death by suicide. These strategies are also designed to prevent the destructive effects of emotional trauma, mental illness, and officer deaths by suicide on a police community; to… (read more)

IACP National Policy Summit on Community-Police Relations: Advancing a Culture of Cohesion and Community Trust

Publication Date: 2015
This report is designed to serve as a roadmap for law enforcement, communities, and stakeholders to build meaningful, sustainable, trusting, and effective working relationships. Summit participants outlined three conceptual elements of building community-police relationships. The report defines those elements- communication, partnerships, and trust- and provides recommendations for improvement in… (read more)

Homegrown Violent Extremism

Publication Date: 2014
Awareness Brief on homegrown violent extremism. This document highlights the following areas: defining homegrown violent extremism, recruiting extremists, examples of extremism, and the role of community policing in prevention efforts.

Ethics Toolkit

Publication Date:
This toolkit is both a call to action and a resource guide to assist local law enforcement agencies. Local agencies using the activities and programs contained in this toolkit will heighten the awareness and visibility of law enforcement's ethical standards both internally and externally. The tools are here to engage your agency in the building blocks of high ethical standards and to demonstrate… (read more)

Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims

Publication Date:
These documents will assist your department in the implementation of the Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims Strategy.

Emerging Use of Force Issues: Balancing Public and Officer Safety

Publication Date: 2012
Relations with the community are often strained due to incidents of use of force. This document examines the core use of force issues and identifies strategies that can be employed to address these issues and build community trust.

Discover Policing

Publication Date:
Discover Policing website combines comprehensive information on law enforcement jobs with a full-featured career center where candidates can post resumes and hiring agencies can post vacancies. Discover Policing is the cornerstone of a nationwide initiative to market the benefits of careers in law enforcement to a broad and diverse audience. Through a clear and accurate portrayal of the full… (read more)

Digital Imaging for Safe Schools: A Public Safety Response to Critical Incidents

Publication Date: 2005
This resource guide presents step-by-step instructions on creating three-dimensional images on CD of school properties for use during critical incidents.

Developing a Cybervetting Strategy for Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2010
The purpose of this document is to present policies and practices to consider when using the Internet to search for information on law enforcement applicants, candidates, and incumbents, and when developing social media policies to limit inappropriate online behaviors. Cybervetting guidelines need to strike the right balance between individuals' constitutional rights and law enforcement agencies… (read more)

Contagious Disease Planning and Response Special Order

Publication Date: 2007
An awareness and planning tool for police agencies in light of the introduction of the Ebola virus into the United States and the continuing spread of Enterovirus D68. This is a good time for police departments to examine their contingency plans for dealing with widespread communicable diseases and the possible impact they could have on a department's ability to continue service to and protection… (read more)

CIT Center

Publication Date: 2018
The Memphis Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is an innovative police based first responder program that provides law enforcement based crisis intervention training for helping those individuals with mental illness. CIT works in partnership with those in mental health care to provide a system of services that is friendly to the individuals with mental illness, family members, and police officers.… (read more)

Building Trust Between the Police and the Citizens They Serve

Publication Date: 2009
This guide focuses on the pivotal role of the Internal Affairs function as one component of an agency-wide professional standards effort in building trust between law enforcement agencies, their staff, and the communities they protect and serve. The guide addresses the Internal Affairs function from complaint processing to decision-making, discipline, notification, and community transparency, as… (read more)

Building Safer Communities: Improving Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness

Publication Date: 2010
The IACP selected "Building Safer Communities: Improving Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness" as the focus for its May, 2009 National Policy Summit. The goal of the summit was to begin a dialogue resulting in recommendations for local, state, federal, and tribal organizations that will improve the safety of community members and law enforcement officers when responding to crisis calls… (read more)

Building Communities of Trust: A Guidance for Community Leaders

Publication Date:
This document is a complementary piece to Guidance for Building Communities of Trust and was developed to assist community leaders working with law enforcement agencies to facilitate dialogue and discuss ways to work together to prevent crime and terrorism. The strategies discussed here also complement national strategic goals to empower local partners to keep communities safe from threats of… (read more)

Bridging the Trust Gap Between Law Enforcement and Communities of Color

Publication Date:
The IACP convened three focus groups of community stakeholders, frontline officers, and law enforcement executives to discuss building community trust. They discussed  strategies that have been used successfully to develop communities of trust and identified challenges facing law enforcement and the community. This toolkit collects some of the most successful strategies, promising programs,… (read more)

Addressing Sexual Offenses and Misconduct by Law Enforcement: Executive Guide

Publication Date:
This guide has been created to promote an understanding of the complexities of sexual offense and misconduct cases involving officers and to encourage the proactive adoption of policy and prevention efforts within law enforcement agencies. Leaders must demonstrate to their officers and their community a consistent, focused effort to identify and eliminate misconduct through the… (read more)

Law Enforcement Benchmarking and Performance Analytics

Publication Date:
Data helps drive better, more informed decision making. With this in mind, the IACP and IACP Net have joined forces with support from the COPS Office to create the new Law Enforcement Benchmarking and Performance Analytics Portal. The Benchmark Portal allows you to conduct comparative analyses with peer agencies and is free for participating agencies. Law enforcement users can input data on a… (read more)

Preparing and Responding to Cyberbullying: Tips for Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2014
Cyberbullying is bullying through technology, such as computers and cell phones. Law enforcement officers are increasingly confronted with cyberbullying complaints due to the prevalence of technology used by children and youth, and new legislation and laws addressing these types of incidents. Some cyberbullying incidents may warrant criminal action while others may not. Either way, law… (read more)

Law Enforcement Cyber Center

Publication Date:
The Law Enforcement Cyber Center is an online portal that educates and builds the capacity of justice and public safety agencies to prevent, investigate, prosecute, and respond to cyber threats and cyber crimes. The Center is designed to address three principal areas: cyber crime investigation, digital forensics, and information systems security. There are dedicated resources for chiefs,… (read more)

Threat Assessment Strategies for Schools and Higher Education

Publication Date: 2014
In this webinar you will learn about information regarding strategies for threat assessment and management in schools and higher education. Learning objectives include: present an overview of the threat assessment and management process; discuss policies and procedures related to the investigation of threats, including a review of the differences between K-12 and higher education settings and;… (read more)