Filtered by term "cybersecurity"

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Significant risks facing higher education: Volume 2

The COVID-19 “New Reality” and the call for an enterprise approach to risk management

Publication Date:

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the higher education sector found itself quickly confronting risks that had been previously identified as having significant impact but low to moderate likelihood of occurring. In this update, we provide a perspective on the changes in the higher education risk landscape brought forth by COVID- 19. This perspective continues to emphasize the need and benefits… (read more)

Significant risks facing higher education: Volume 3

Getting to the root of risk

Publication Date:

From campus protests to cyberthreats, higher education leaders should employ a robust enterprise risk management system to safeguard the institution from a broad range of risks. This report focuses on the significant risks—and drivers of those risks—facing American colleges and universities over the next one to three years.

The Role of Local Law Enforcement Agencies in Preventing and Investigating Cybercrime

Publication Date: 2014
This report aims to describe what police chiefs and other experts are currently identifying as best approaches to addressing cybercrime. On September 10, 2013, PERF held an executive-level Summit for law enforcement practitioners on the local police response to cybercrime. Participants in the PERF Summit described the evolving nature of the cybercrime threat, including how nearly every type of… (read more)

Just In Time Disaster Training - Library

Publication Date:
The purpose of this on-line video library is to provide a single, easy to search source in which individuals, agencies and organizations can access Just In Time Disaster Training videos.  The videos found in this library cover disaster related mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery training for a wide variety of areas.

Cybersecurity Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2016
This guide for state and local law enforcement on cybersecurity includes practical information both on how agencies and officers can protect themselves against cyber threats, as well as how they can protect businesses and individuals in their communities from cybercrime and related threats.

Cybersecurity for State and Local Law Enforcement: A Policy Roadmap to Enhance Capabilities

Publication Date: 2016
This issue brief complements the NCAP guide, Cybersecurity Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement, by proposing a set of policy recommendations about how executive branch agencies, Congress, and state and local legislators can enhance the role and effectiveness of state and local law enforcement with respect to cybersecurity.

Six Steps to Survive a Cyber Attack

Publication Date: 2016
The range and variety of sensitive data in higher education make it difficult to secure. In the event of a security breach, this six-phase incident response plan will help guide your institution through the crisis.

Center for Education Safety Resource Toolkit

Publication Date: 2015
The Center for Education Safety (CES) is an innovative, public-private partnership of the Missouri Department of Public Safety, Missouri Office of Homeland Security, and the Missouri School Boards Association (MSBA). This CES Resource Toolkit is a PDF document with hyperlinks to focus areas and specific web-based resources and information that could help those involved with school safety to be… (read more)

Cyber Incident Reporting: A Unified Message for Reporting to the Federal Government

Publication Date: 2016
Cyber incidents can have serious consequences. The theft of private, financial, or other sensitive data and cyber attacks that damage computer systems are capable of causing lasting harm to anyone engaged in personal or commercial online transactions. Such risks are increasingly faced by businesses, consumers, and all other users of the Internet. A private sector entity that is a victim of a… (read more)

Campus Resilience Program Resource Library

Publication Date: 2018
This free, online repository offers a variety of resources to empower practitioners and campus leaders to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from various threats and hazards relevant to the academic community. The resources included represent a variety of federal, state, local, private-sector, emergency management, and academic association entities. Resources in the library are organized… (read more)

Managing Cybersecurity Risk: A Law Enforcement Guide

Publication Date: 2017
This paper is designed to aid in educating law enforcement executives on their responsibility to ensure the cybersecurity of their organizations is managed in an effective manner. It provides essential background material to create a greater understanding of the complex issues involved. This paper will be of assistance to any law enforcement executive, whether they are involved in state, province… (read more)

Law Enforcement Cyber Center

Publication Date:
The Law Enforcement Cyber Center is an online portal that educates and builds the capacity of justice and public safety agencies to prevent, investigate, prosecute, and respond to cyber threats and cyber crimes. The Center is designed to address three principal areas: cyber crime investigation, digital forensics, and information systems security. There are dedicated resources for chiefs,… (read more)