Filtered by term "emergency management and homeland security"

Displaying 1 - 48 of 48

Defining the Value of Campus Emergency Management Programs to Communities

Publication Date:
In October 2018, a group of campus emergency management leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety, gathered for a one-day forum to discuss ways to define emergency management’s value to the whole community. Fifteen emergency management leaders, including university and college emergency managers, chiefs of police, and campus safety administrators, came from 13 IHEs… (read more)

Defining the Value of Campus Emergency Management Programs to Communities

Publication Date:
In October 2018, a group of campus emergency management leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety, gathered for a one-day forum to discuss ways to define emergency management’s value to the whole community. Fifteen emergency management leaders, including university and college emergency managers, chiefs of police, and campus safety administrators, came from 13 IHEs… (read more)

Readiness & Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center

Publication Date:
REMS supports schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education, with their community partners, in the development of high-quality emergency operations plans (EOPs) and comprehensive emergency management planning efforts. Established in October 2004 and administered by the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), the REMS TA Center provides a… (read more)

Preparedness and Response to a Rural Mass Casualty Incident: Workshop Summary

Publication Date: 2011
The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events held a workshop to examine the current capabilities of emergency response systems and the future opportunities to improve mass casualty response in rural communities. This report provides a summary of the workshop.

National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC)

Publication Date:
The NDPC is a partnership of several nationally recognized organizations whose membership is based on the urgent need to address the counter-terrorism preparedness needs of the nation's emergency first responders within the context of all hazards including chemical, biological, radiological, and explosive Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) hazards. The mission of the NDPC is to enhance the… (read more)

Just In Time Disaster Training - Library

Publication Date:
The purpose of this on-line video library is to provide a single, easy to search source in which individuals, agencies and organizations can access Just In Time Disaster Training videos.  The videos found in this library cover disaster related mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery training for a wide variety of areas.

Emergency Management: Federal Agencies Could Improve Dissemination of Resources to Colleges

Publication Date: 2018
Colleges and other postsecondary schools must plan for various potential emergencies, ranging from natural disasters to violence. A number of federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of Education (ED), offer resources to support these efforts. GAO was asked to review colleges' awareness of these resources. This… (read more)

Writing Guide for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Publication Date:
SAFECOM helps the public safety community and local, tribal, state, and federal policy makers address critical elements for success as they plan and implement interoperability solutions. SAFECOM developed the Interoperability Continuum that visually depicts the core facets of interoperability according to the stated needs and challenges of the public safety community and aids the efforts of… (read more)

Enhancing Communications Interoperability: General Guidance and Recommendations for Interoperability-related Governance

Publication Date: 2006
This document presents general information about the role, structure, and operations of governing bodies charged with improving communications interoperability at the local, regional, tribal, or state level. Material and information presented in this document should be viewed as general guidance that individual communities should consider in establishing interoperability-related governance that… (read more)

Emergency Communications Governance Guide for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials Fact Sheet

Publication Date: 2015
In 2014, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) released the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) with the emphasis on enhancing decision-making, coordination, and planning for emergency communications through strong governance structures. The Emergency Communications Governance Guide for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials (… (read more)

Emergency Communications Governance Guide for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials

Publication Date: 2015
The Governance Guide serves as a comprehensive tool that provides recommendations and best practices for emergency communications officials at all levels of government to establish, assess, and update governance structures that represent all emergency communications capabilities (Land Mobile Radio [LMR], broadband, 911/Next Generation 911 [NG911], alerts and warnings). Developed with direct input… (read more)

Early Warning for Campus Emergencies

Publication Date: 2009
This article describes the features and testing of the THOR Broadcasting System, a long-range directed acoustic device that can provide effective warning and instructional messages across a campus in emergencies.

Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU)

Publication Date:
The Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) developed a nationwide network in partnership with the International Association of Emergency Managers' Universities and College Caucus. The mission of the DRU Network is to facilitate open communication, discussion, and resource sharing between university/college emergency management practitioners charged with making our campuses more disaster resilient… (read more)

Weekly Snapshot Directory

Publication Date:
This searchable document provides access to articles from the National Center for Campus Public Safety's electronic bulletin, the Weekly Snapshot. The directory contains article dates, titles, and summaries as well as links to the full content. First released in July 2014, the Weekly Snapshot is regularly published each Wednesday. With… (read more)

Understanding How the REMS TA Center Supports Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2018
Learn more about how the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center (REMS TA Center) supports institutions of higher education (IHEs). In this webinar, Madeline Sullivan, contracting officer's representative for the REMS TA Center, and Janelle Hughes, director of communications for the REMS TA Center, provide an overview of the services, resources, and support… (read more)

Findings of the 2016 National Higher Education Emergency Management Program Needs Assessment

Publication Date: 2017

In this webinar, Andre Le Duc presents the results of the 2016 National Higher Education Emergency Management Program Needs Assessment, discusses the five final recommendations, which were vetted and refined by an advisory committee, and outlines next steps for moving… (read more)

Campus Safety at Oregon Post-Secondary Education Institutions: A Report from the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group

Publication Date: 2016
Following the tragic shooting at Umpqua Community College in 2015, the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group (OCSWG) was formed to identify resource needs and potential state policies that enable a coordinated strategy across the higher education system for public and private institutions; as well as analyze promising practices and protocols that can be shared across all post-secondary education… (read more)

32 National Campus Safety Initiative (32 NCSI™)

Publication Date:

32 National Campus Safety Initiative™ (32 NCSI™) is a program offered through a partnership between NASPA and the VTV Family Outreach Foundation that empowers college and university campus communities to make more informed decisions about campus safety. Developed by a team of leading experts, 32 NCSI is a robust self-assessment tool that colleges and universities can use to conduct an… (read more)

Addressing Access and Functional Needs (AFN) in School and Higher Education Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs)

Publication Date: 2016
Students or staff with access and functional needs (AFN) are those who need accommodations and modifications due to a temporary or permanent condition that limits their ability to take some actions in the event of an emergency. An access or a functional need may be due to physical, sensory, behavioral, mental health, intellectual, developmental, or cognitive disabilities; chronic conditions;… (read more)

REMS TA Center Community of Practice

Publication Date:
The REMS TA Center Community of Practice is a collaborative of practitioners with the collective aim to enhance the ability of schools, school districts, institutions of higher education (IHEs), state education agencies, and their community partners to develop high-quality emergency operations plans and implement comprehensive emergency management planning efforts through the sharing of ideas,… (read more)

EOP Interactive Tools

Publication Date:
These interactive tools are meant to support individuals and planning teams at schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education (IHEs) in assessing their knowledge of concepts fundamental to emergency management, and in creating and evaluating emergency operations plans (EOPs). Schools and IHEs can use these tools to create new plans as well as to revise or update existing plans… (read more)

Adding International Incidents to Your Campus All-Hazard Emergency Response Plans

Publication Date: 2016
In this webinar, Pascal Schuback, former Global Emergency Manager at the University of Washington and Director at Humanitarian Toolbox, presents essential elements needed to expand your campus all-hazard emergency response plan to include international incidents. Pascal provides information on study abroad programs (faculty-led and independent), academic research, athletics, and general… (read more)

Business Continuity: Getting Your Ducks in a Row

Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Krista M. Dillon, Director of Operations for Safety and Risk Services at the University of Oregon, focuses on the definition, benefits, and basics of continuity planning in higher education. These plans help minimize the negative effects of an emergency incident and expedite the restoration of functions on campus. The session also incorporates several examples of how the… (read more)

National Higher Education Emergency Management Program Needs Assessment

Publication Date: 2016
This report presents the results of a needs assessment of emergency management programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the United States. The findings are based on information collected from a survey of emergency management practitioners at IHEs, targeted interviews, case studies, discussions at a summit of representatives from Oregon IHEs, and input from a project advisory… (read more)

NCCPS: Where We Are and Moving Forward Together

Publication Date: 2016
In this webinar, Director Kim Richmond provides an update on a variety of the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) activities as part of our Campus Public Safety Online webinar series. Since our launch in 2014, the NCCPS has provided resources and technical assistance to campus public safety professionals, emergency management officials, and senior leadership by creating… (read more)

NCCPS: Where We Are and Moving Forward Together

Publication Date: 2016
In this webinar, Director Kim Richmond provides an update on a variety of the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) activities as part of our Campus Public Safety Online webinar series. Since our launch in 2014, the NCCPS has provided resources and technical assistance to campus public safety professionals, emergency management officials, and senior leadership by creating… (read more)

Action Guide for Emergency Management at Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2010
This guide has been developed to give higher education institutions a useful resource in the field of emergency management. It is intended for community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, graduate schools, and research institutions associated with higher education entities, both public and private. The guide may be used in a variety of ways: as a starting point in researching the… (read more)

Operations & Emergency Management Division, Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau

Publication Date:
This FCC website provides access to emergency communications plans from colleges and universities of various sizes, case studies and lessons learned, and guidelines that may be relevant to emergency preparedness planning for first responders, 9-1-1 Call Centers, hospitals, and other public safety organizations.

Regional Intrastate Governance Guide for Interoperable Emergency Communications Efforts

Publication Date: 2010
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) developed, with stakeholder input, this guide to provide recommendations for implementing a robust, stakeholder-driven, governance system focusing on emergency communications interoperability. This guide is a starting point from which your organization can begin to plan and implement regional governance structures… (read more)

Countering False Information on Social Media in Disasters and Emergencies

Publication Date: 2018
Rumors, misinformation, and false information on social media proliferate before, during, and after disasters and emergencies. While this information cannot be completely eliminated, first responder agencies can use various tactics and strategies to offset bad information. This white paper examines motivations people may have for sharing false information, discusses underlying issues that cause… (read more)

Campus Resilience Program Resource Library

Publication Date: 2018
This free, online repository offers a variety of resources to empower practitioners and campus leaders to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from various threats and hazards relevant to the academic community. The resources included represent a variety of federal, state, local, private-sector, emergency management, and academic association entities. Resources in the library are organized… (read more)

National Emergency Communications Plan

Publication Date: 2014
Emergency communications is a shared mission across all levels of government; the private sector, including private cultural and educational institutions; nongovernmental organizations; and even the public. The 2014 National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) provides information and guidance to those that plan for, coordinate, invest in, and use operable and interoperable communications for… (read more)

Personal Emergency Evacuation Planning Checklist

Publication Date: 2007
The Personal Emergency Evacuation Planning Checklist is provided as part of the Emergency Evacuation Planning Guide for People with Disabilities. This checklist can be used by building services managers and people with disabilities to design a personalized evacuation plan. To personalize the form, and add the appropriate information specific to… (read more)

Emergency Evacuation Planning Guide For People with Disabilities

Publication Date: 2007
NFPA's guide provides information on the five general categories of disabilities (mobility, visual, hearing, speech, and cognitive) and the four elements of evacuation information that occupants need: notification, way finding, use of the way, and assistance. It also includes a checklist that building services managers and people with disabilities can use… (read more)

2015 Campus Safety Survey Results

Publication Date: 2015
Throughout April and May of 2015, Margolis Healy, with input from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), developed and administered an anonymous, online survey regarding the state of campus safety. This was a re-launch of an annual campus safety survey first conducted in 2010. The survey assessed the current state of campus public safety and confirmed findings from the field and… (read more)

2015 Campus Safety Survey Results

Publication Date: 2015
Throughout April and May of 2015, Margolis Healy, with input from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), developed and administered an anonymous, online survey regarding the state of campus safety. This was a re-launch of an annual campus safety survey first conducted in 2010. The survey assessed the current state of campus public safety and confirmed findings from the field and… (read more)

2015 Campus Safety Survey Results

Publication Date: 2015
Throughout April and May of 2015, Margolis Healy, with input from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), developed and administered an anonymous, online survey regarding the state of campus safety. This was a re-launch of an annual campus safety survey first conducted in 2010. The survey assessed the current state of campus public safety and confirmed findings from the field and… (read more)

Preparing for After: How to help victims of mass violence

Publication Date: 2014
In 2014, VOICES completed Preparing for After, a resource kit that documents best practices in preparing for, responding to and recovering from acts of mass violence. The purpose of this eBook is to introduce a long-term recovery perspective into emergency response planning. This publication serves to: underscore the importance of pre-planning to both the short- and long-term outcomes;… (read more)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Presentations

Publication Date:
The Pacific ADA Center offers webinars on a variety of subjects under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). They offer webinars on ADA topics individually or in a series and can create customized webinars and trainings for your campus or group upon request. Archived webinars are available on the ADA Presentations website. All webinars offered have real-time closed captioning for persons who… (read more)

Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2013
This guide provides recommendations in the development of plans to respond to an emergency and outlines how Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) can plan for preventing, protecting against, mitigating the impact of and recovering from emergencies. The guide translates lessons learned from the Administration's work on national preparedness to IHEs. The guide introduces new approaches to… (read more)

Operational Templates and Guidance for EMS Mass Incident Deployment

Publication Date: 2012
The primary objective of this project is to understand model policies and practices across a spectrum of disciplines and provider types that will lead to a better prepared EMS deployment to mass care incidents. While not a comprehensive guidance document, this project should serve as a foundation for further development of EMS specific policies and templates that improve EMS readiness to manage… (read more)

National Disaster Recovery Framework

Publication Date: 2011
This guide is intended to promote effective recovery, particularly for incidents that are large-scale or catastrophic. It provides guidance that enables effective recovery support to disaster-impacted states, tribes and local jurisdictions. It also describes the concepts and principles that promote effective federal recovery assistance for disasters of all kinds and sources. Resources and best… (read more)

Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship

Publication Date: 2013
The guide provides recommendations in the development of plans not only to respond to an emergency, but also outlines how organizations can plan for preventing, protecting against, mitigating the impact of and recovering from these emergencies. It translates lessons learned from the Administration's work on national preparedness to the school, IHE, and house of worship contexts, ensuring that… (read more)

Engaging Faith-based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers

Publication Date: 2018
This guide provides a methodology for emergency managers to engage with faith-based and community organizations to enhance the resiliency of our nation. By building partnerships with these groups, particularly those in diverse communities, emergency managers can provide training and technical assistance to strengthen their skills, connect them with existing partners, and integrate them into… (read more)

Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK)

Publication Date: 2018
Americans at all income levels have experienced the challenges of rebuilding their lives after a disaster or other emergency. In these stressful circumstances, having access to personal financial, insurance, medical, and other records is crucial for starting the process of recovery quickly and efficiently. Taking the time now to collect and secure these critical records will give you peace of… (read more)

Effective Coordination of Recovery Resources for State, Tribal, Territorial and Local Incidents

Publication Date: 2015
This guide is intended for state, tribal, territorial and local government officials and other key stakeholders that may have a leadership, management, or coordination role in the recovery process. It highlights the critical tasks and coordination challenges that state, tribal, territorial or local governments most commonly address when managing a recovery process. It describes the processes,… (read more)

Campus CERT Starter Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a nationally supported, locally implemented program that teaches people how to be better prepared for hazards that may impact their communities and trains them in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. During disasters, CERT volunteer teams perform basic… (read more)

Educational Facilities Clearinghouse (EFC)

Publication Date:
The priority of the EFC is to collect and disseminate research and other information on effective practices regarding the planning, design, financing, procurement, construction, improvement, operation, and maintenance of safe, healthy, and high-performing facilities for Pre-K through higher education in order to: help education stakeholders increase their use of education facilities to turn… (read more)