2015 Campus Safety Survey Results

Publication Date: 2015
Abstract: Throughout April and May of 2015, Margolis Healy, with input from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), developed and administered an anonymous, online survey regarding the state of campus safety. This was a re-launch of an annual campus safety survey first conducted in 2010. The survey assessed the current state of campus public safety and confirmed findings from the field and information found in other recently released reports such as the Bureau of Statistics' Special Report Campus Law Enforcement 2011-2012. The survey covered five key topics: emergency preparedness, campus public safety, regulatory compliance, study abroad safety and security, and social media use and monitoring on campus. The largest portion of respondents were campus public safety officials (police, security, etc.) at 51%. Other campus officials made up the second largest group of respondents at 21.5%. This group included general counsel, risk management, emergency managers, student affairs professionals, and Title IX and Clery coordinators. Senior leadership (presidents, provosts, VPs, and deans) came in third at 11.9%.