Filtered by term "emergency management"

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Hurricane risk perception drops after storms hit

Publication Date:
Programs and policies that help households go beyond stocking up on food and medical supplies to invest in longer-term protections could overcome the risk perception gap and support adaptation to rising climate-related threats.

DRU Climate Resilience Roundtable White Paper

Publication Date:
The objective of the climate resilience roundtable was to understand how IHEs can become more resilient to climate change – particularly the risk assessments, resilience planning, stakeholder collaboration, and community engagement necessary to make IHEs better able to handle hazards related to climate change.

Action Guide for Emergency Management At Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date:
"There are over 4,000 two-and four-year public and private institutions of higher education (IHEs) in the United States totaling over 15 million students and several million staff, faculty, and visitors (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2006). Each of these institutions has a commitment to ensure the safety and general welfare… (read more)

Review of the University of Arizona’s Safety and Security Environment

Publication Date:
"On October 5, 2022, a respected professor and community leader, Dr. Thomas Meixner, was shot and killed in the John W. Harshbarger (“Harshbarger”) building by the alleged suspect (“the Subject”), a former University of Arizona graduate student. On October 24, 2022, PAX Group, LLC, (“PAX” or “PAX Group”) was retained by the University of Arizona (“University”) and began conducting an independent… (read more)

The Presidential Role in Disaster Planning and Response

Publication Date: 2007
White paper on preparedness for campus presidents.

Shaken but not Stirred: A University's Resilience in the Face of Adversity. The 4th September 2010 Earthquake

Publication Date: 2011
On 4 September 2010, people in Canterbury were shaken from their beds by a major earthquake. This report tells the story of the University of Canterbury (UC), its staff and its students, as they rose to the many challenges presented by the earthquake. This report however, is intended to do more than just acknowledge their hard work and determination; it also critically reflects on the things that… (read more)

Defining and Improving Enterprise Risk Management Frameworks and Maturity Models in Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2022
Findings and recommendations from a roundtable hosted by the Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) Network® and the University of Oregon Institute for Resilient Organizations, Communities, and Environments

2022 DRU National Higher Education Program Survey Results

Publication Date: 2022
Results from the 2022 Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) Network members survey of institutions of higher education.

2018 DRU Summit Findings

Publication Date: 2018
2018 National DRU Network Summit: Findings from a roundtable discussion.

Defining the Value of Campus Emergency Management Programs to Communities

Publication Date:
In October 2018, a group of campus emergency management leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety, gathered for a one-day forum to discuss ways to define emergency management’s value to the whole community. Fifteen emergency management leaders, including university and college emergency managers, chiefs of police, and campus safety administrators, came from 13 IHEs… (read more)

Defining the Value of Campus Emergency Management Programs to Communities

Publication Date:
In October 2018, a group of campus emergency management leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety, gathered for a one-day forum to discuss ways to define emergency management’s value to the whole community. Fifteen emergency management leaders, including university and college emergency managers, chiefs of police, and campus safety administrators, came from 13 IHEs… (read more)

FEMA Academia & Resilience

Publication Date: 2019
The Academia & Resilience web page provides links, tools, training and resources for the higher education community including campus security, campus emergency managers, higher education faculty and administrators and college students.