Preventing and Addressing Campus Sexual Misconduct: A Guide for University and College Presidents, Chancellors, and Senior Administrators

Publication Date: 2017
Abstract: The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault recommends that college and university leadership use this guide as a foundation to develop, or further hone, comprehensive responses to sexual misconduct at their institutions. This guide focuses, and expands upon, six primary elements that colleges and universities may want to consider as part of a comprehensive plan for addressing sexual misconduct against students: coordinated campus community response; prevention and education; policy development and implementation; reporting options, advocacy, and support services; climate surveys, performance measurement, and evaluation; and transparency. Institutions should consider the recommendations contained in this guide only after determining the unique needs and characteristics of the institution, its student body, and its surrounding community. This is a guide, neither exhaustive nor exclusive, to help a school to consider all of the various components of a comprehensive plan. Schools should consult their legal counsel to ensure they are meeting all elements required by law.