Filtered by term "SART and SARRT"

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

What Do Sexual Assault Cases Look Like in Our Community? A SART Coordinators Guidebook for Case File Review

Publication Date: 2017
Over the last several years, the Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault has worked to learn best practices and find better ways to complete case file reviews as an evaluation strategy for Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs). Case file review is one way for multi-disciplinary teams to learn about their actual response to victims versus what they… (read more)

Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Technical Assistance (SAFEta)

Publication Date:
The SAFEta project is designed to provide technical guidance for individuals and agencies utilizing the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations of adults/adolescents from the Department of Justice's Office of Violence Against Women. While the protocol was designed to lay the foundation for community based responses to sexual violence, the SAFEta technical assistance… (read more)

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Toolkit

Publication Date:
This toolkit is not a protocol, but rather a collection of resources that service providers may use to formalize, expand on, or evaluate their interagency responses. Communities considering a SART response and communities that already have a coordinated response but want to improve or expand it may use the toolkit to help customize their outreach to victims; provide culturally specific services;… (read more)

SANE Program Development and Operation Guide

Publication Date:
The purpose of the SANE Program Development and Operation Guide is to provide a blueprint for nurses and communities that would like to start a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program. For communities with existing SANE programs, this guide serves as a resource to help expand or enhance services provided to the community. This guide is designed to both complement and integrate resources that… (read more)

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Functioning and Effectiveness: Findings from the National SART Project

Publication Date: 2015
The primary goal of this research study was to obtain high-quality information on SARTs' operations and effectiveness in the real world, to inform efforts to support SARTs and promote their effectiveness. This report is designed specifically for non-research audiences. Research jargon is avoided as much as possible and the report provides an easy to use table to navigate to various parts of the… (read more)

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) Online Training Institute (OLTI)

Publication Date:
The OLTI provides free, state-of-the art training to anyone who is interested, on the topic of criminal justice response to sexual assault. The OLTI offers the opportunity for interested professionals to expand their knowledge of cutting edge developments in the criminal justice and community response to sexual assault, with particular emphasis on those crimes committed by someone who is known to… (read more)