Filtered by term "laws and regulations"

Displaying 1 - 22 of 22

Federal Campus Safety Resources

Publication Date: 2024

The federal government maintains a broad range of campus safety resources that you can draw on based on your needs.

Significant risks facing higher education: Volume 1

Taking an enterprise approach to risk management

Publication Date: 2018

"As higher education continues to rapidly evolve, new risks will emerge, known risks will take new forms, and crises will inevitably unfold. Universities should accept that they will not have all the answers. Knowing they have taken steps to be more resilient in the face of risk, Boards, presidents, and the rest of the university community can be more confident as they embrace a challenging… (read more)

Title IX and Education Abroad: Draft Resource from The Forum Standards Committee Title IX Working Group

Publication Date: 2016
U.S. federal laws create specific obligations for U.S. colleges and universities regarding the prevention, reporting, and response to campus sexual misconduct. This document is a resource for Forum member institutions to understand U.S. federal law with regard to sexual misconduct. State law in the United States and international laws are outside the scope of this document. All Forum member… (read more)

Title IX and Education Abroad: Draft Resource from The Forum Standards Committee Title IX Working Group

Publication Date: 2016
U.S. federal laws create specific obligations for U.S. colleges and universities regarding the prevention, reporting, and response to campus sexual misconduct. This document is a resource for Forum member institutions to understand U.S. federal law with regard to sexual misconduct. State law in the United States and international laws are outside the scope of this document. All Forum member… (read more)

Stalking Resource Center (SRC)

Publication Date:
The SRC provides multiple services including training, technical assistance, a website, and an information clearinghouse. The mission of the SRC is to enhance the ability of professionals, organizations, and systems to effectively respond to stalking. The SRC envisions a future in which the criminal justice system and its many allied community partners will have the best tools to effectively… (read more)

Reporting on Student Safety and Security Abroad: Legal Requirements and Best Practices

Publication Date: 2015
Several U.S. federal laws govern higher education study abroad. These laws should not be confused with risk management standards or best practices for insuring safety. In fact, some of the laws when applied in certain ways may actually lead to greater danger for our students. Colleges should endeavor to comply with the laws discussed in this presentation and outline but should not do so at the… (read more)

Reporting on Student Safety and Security Abroad: Legal Requirements and Best Practices

Publication Date: 2015
Several U.S. federal laws govern higher education study abroad. These laws should not be confused with risk management standards or best practices for insuring safety. In fact, some of the laws when applied in certain ways may actually lead to greater danger for our students. Colleges should endeavor to comply with the laws discussed in this presentation and outline but should not do so at the… (read more)

Reporting on Student Safety and Security Abroad: Legal Requirements and Best Practices

Publication Date: 2015
Several U.S. federal laws govern higher education study abroad. These laws should not be confused with risk management standards or best practices for insuring safety. In fact, some of the laws when applied in certain ways may actually lead to greater danger for our students. Colleges should endeavor to comply with the laws discussed in this presentation and outline but should not do so at the… (read more)

Recommendations Pursuant to Executive Order 13688: Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition

Publication Date: 2015
On January 16, 2015, President Barack Obama issued Executive Order 13688, Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition (EO), to identify actions that can improve Federal support for the appropriate use, acquisition, and transfer of controlled equipment by State, local, and Tribal law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The EO established a Federal interagency Law Enforcement Equipment… (read more)

Implementation of Recommendations: Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Acquisition

Publication Date: 2015
In May 2015, a Federal interagency Working Group, established by Executive Order 13688 and co-chaired by the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Defense with members from several other Federal agencies, delivered a report to the President entitled, "Recommendations Pursuant to Executive Order 13688: Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement… (read more)

Firearms on College Campuses: Research Evidence and Policy Implications

Publication Date: 2016
Restrictions on legal gun owners carrying firearms in public places have been removed or greatly weakened in most states over the past three decades. Eight states now have laws that, generally, allow individuals who can legally carry guns elsewhere to bring guns onto college campuses. In 24 states, colleges and universities have the authority to allow or forbid civilians from having firearms on… (read more)

Campus Threat Assessment and Management Teams: What Risk Managers Need to Know Now

Publication Date: 2011
After the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, many colleges and universities recognized that having threat assessment and management (TAM) teams in place to address potentially threatening behavior and situations among faculty, staff, and students on campus was a best practice. This article focuses on three main aspects of TAM teams on college campuses and what risk managers can do to… (read more)

Partnership to Elevate Policy and Practice: Campus Sexual Violence and Guns on Campus

Publication Date: 2016
This report, the third installment in a joint partnership between NASPA and ECS, connects policy and practice through two integral issues: campus sexual violence and guns on campus. This publication tracks recent state-led legislation around both issues for the last two years and offers this information in the form of a series of illustrative charts and maps. During 2015, at least 29 states… (read more)

Guns on Campus: The Architecture and Momentum of State Policy Action

Publication Date: 2016
Amid efforts by campus leaders to build violence prevention and crisis response strategies, colleges and universities continue to be impacted by active shooter violence. Incidents of mass violence have led to debate by lawmakers about the appropriate course of policy action to mitigate the public safety threat that active shooters pose to our communities. This report offers a detailed summary of… (read more)

Consular Notification and Access, 4th edition

Publication Date: 2016
This manual contains instructions and guidance relating to the obligations of federal, state, and local government officials to provide information to foreign consular officers and to permit foreign consular officers to assist their nationals in the United States. It focuses on the obligations of consular notification and access that pertain to the arrest and detention of foreign nationals; the… (read more)

Safer Families, Safer Communities

Publication Date:
The website will promote the efforts of communities around the country to prevent domestic violence-related homicides through comprehensive implementation and enforcement of domestic violence-related firearm prohibitions at all levels of government. Website content includes comprehensive strategies and resources, policies, protocols, and useful forms that can enhance implementation of state,… (read more)

Behavioral Threat Assessment on Campus: What You Need to Know

Publication Date: 2015
Does your campus have the ability to address threatening behavior from students, employees, or external sources? Does your process meet current best practices for campus violence prevention? Campus behavioral threat assessment relies upon collaboration and partnerships in the community to identify and respond to at-risk behaviors. In this webinar, Dr. Randazzo provides an overview of best… (read more)

Institutionalizing the Clery Act at Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2016
Under the Clery Act, all colleges and universities receiving federal funding must share information about crime on and around campus and their efforts to improve campus safety. They must also provide support for certain crime victims and disclose certain crime-related policies and procedures. However, the complexity of the legislation, resource limitations, and changes in the Act have created… (read more)

Institutionalizing the Clery Act at Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2016
Under the Clery Act, all colleges and universities receiving federal funding must share information about crime on and around campus and their efforts to improve campus safety. They must also provide support for certain crime victims and disclose certain crime-related policies and procedures. However, the complexity of the legislation, resource limitations, and changes in the Act have created… (read more)

Institutionalizing the Clery Act at Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2016
Under the Clery Act, all colleges and universities receiving federal funding must share information about crime on and around campus and their efforts to improve campus safety. They must also provide support for certain crime victims and disclose certain crime-related policies and procedures. However, the complexity of the legislation, resource limitations, and changes in the Act have created… (read more)

Policy Development and Implementation of Legislation Permitting the Carrying of Concealed Handguns on College and University Campuses: Promising Practices

Publication Date: 2017
On November 15&16, 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety, funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, convened a forum of campus public safety executives, federal officials, and subject-matter experts to identify and explain critical components and considerations in developing and implementing a policy for carrying concealed handguns on campus. Developing a nationwide model… (read more)

Policy Development and Implementation of Legislation Permitting the Carrying of Concealed Handguns on College and University Campuses: Promising Practices

Publication Date: 2017
On November 15&16, 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety, funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, convened a forum of campus public safety executives, federal officials, and subject-matter experts to identify and explain critical components and considerations in developing and implementing a policy for carrying concealed handguns on campus. Developing a nationwide model… (read more)