Filtered by term "stalking"

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Stalking Resource Center (SRC)

Publication Date:
The SRC provides multiple services including training, technical assistance, a website, and an information clearinghouse. The mission of the SRC is to enhance the ability of professionals, organizations, and systems to effectively respond to stalking. The SRC envisions a future in which the criminal justice system and its many allied community partners will have the best tools to effectively… (read more)

Responding to Stalking on Campus: Navigating Title IX and the Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2017
The Stalking Resource Center took the 2016 Department of Education's Handbook for campuses regarding stalking and created this document to help campuses develop policies, procedures, and preventative materials. This guide focuses solely on the crime of stalking and does not incorporate other guidelines for crimes provided by the Department of Education.

Responding to Stalking on Campus: Navigating Title IX and the Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2017
The Stalking Resource Center took the 2016 Department of Education's Handbook for campuses regarding stalking and created this document to help campuses develop policies, procedures, and preventative materials. This guide focuses solely on the crime of stalking and does not incorporate other guidelines for crimes provided by the Department of Education.

Responding to Stalking on Campus: Navigating Title IX and the Amendments to the Clery Act

Publication Date: 2017
The Stalking Resource Center took the 2016 Department of Education's Handbook for campuses regarding stalking and created this document to help campuses develop policies, procedures, and preventative materials. This guide focuses solely on the crime of stalking and does not incorporate other guidelines for crimes provided by the Department of Education.

Prevention Innovations Research Center

Publication Date:
Prevention Innovations is a collaboration between researchers and practitioners that develops, implements and evaluates cutting-edge programs, policies and practices that will end violence against women. Their team is made up of researchers and practitioners who work collaboratively to develop and evaluate prevention strategies, evidence-based measures to document the problems of sexual and… (read more)

Every Choice

Publication Date:
Every Choice is a program designed to inspire and motivate students to take action when faced with a potential act of sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, or stalking. Every Choice is aimed at reducing campus violence and stalking by equipping students with realistic, actionable bystander intervention tools.

Report on the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct

Publication Date: 2015
Members of the Association of American Universities (AAU) are working to combat sexual assault and misconduct on their campuses. As an association of research universities, AAU decided in 2014 that the best way to help its members address this issue was to develop and implement a scientific survey to better understand the attitudes and experiences of their students with respect to sexual assault… (read more)

Resource Guide to Prevent and Improve the Response to Sexual Violence at Colleges and Universities

Publication Date: 2015
This resource guide supports the efforts of students, faculty, administrators, and communities around the country to prevent sexual violence and improve the response to it at colleges and universities. This resource guide compiles guidance, tools, model policies and procedures, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and public messaging materials that the Obama Administration… (read more)

1 is 2 Many: Twenty Years Fighting Violence Against Women and Girls

Publication Date: 2014
This report opens with a brief summary of how VAWA has helped to change America. It also discusses the many ways in which VAWA has increased accountability and access to services, and has reached underserved communities. The appendix provides details from over 100 programs throughout the country that VAWA has helped to inspire and support.

1 is 2 Many: Twenty Years Fighting Violence Against Women and Girls

Publication Date: 2014
This report opens with a brief summary of how VAWA has helped to change America. It also discusses the many ways in which VAWA has increased accountability and access to services, and has reached underserved communities. The appendix provides details from over 100 programs throughout the country that VAWA has helped to inspire and support.

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Publication Date: 2016
This fact sheet explains why dating violence is a public health problem, who is at risk, how it can affect long-term health, and how to approach prevention. It also describes the different forms of dating violence.

Violence Against Women

Publication Date: 2012
Violence strikes women from all kinds of backgrounds and of all ages. It can happen at work, on the street, or at home. This resource covers information on the different types of violence and ways that women can stay safe. These topics include dating violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, emotional abuse, human trafficking, same-sex relationship violence, sexual assault and abuse,… (read more)


Publication Date: 2012
Stalking creates uncertainty, instills fear, and can completely disrupt lives. This guide reviews the problem of stalking and the factors that contribute to it. It identifies a series of questions to help law enforcement analyze their local problem. Finally, it reviews responses to the problem of stalking and what is known about them from evaluative research and police practice.

Campus Safety CD-ROM

Publication Date: 2007
The Campus Safety CD-ROM is free to order and includes more than 80 resources for public safety institutions, academic administrators, students, and communities on issues such as sexual assault and stalking, alcohol and substance abuse, property crime and nuisance violations, emergency preparedness and management, and crime prevention and community partners.

VAWA Amendments to Clery: Recognizing & Responding to Stalking on Campus

Publication Date: 2015
The 2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act require that colleges and universities address stalking in a variety of ways. While these rules are not effective until July 2015, many campuses are already working to implement these provisions and struggling with questions regarding counting stalking crimes, determining Clery geography in stalking cases, and implementing… (read more)

VAWA Amendments to Clery: Recognizing & Responding to Stalking on Campus

Publication Date: 2015
The 2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act require that colleges and universities address stalking in a variety of ways. While these rules are not effective until July 2015, many campuses are already working to implement these provisions and struggling with questions regarding counting stalking crimes, determining Clery geography in stalking cases, and implementing… (read more)

Understanding Stalking Dynamics and Implications for Transgender Individuals and Communities

Publication Date: 2014
Rebecca Dreke, Deputy Director of the Stalking Resource Center, provides foundational information on stalking, including common stalking dynamics, the impact on victims, and how victim service providers can better assist transgender victims and survivors of stalking. Webinar participants are offered practical tools on safety planning and threat assessment as well as other examples to support them… (read more)

The Model Stalking Policy: Responding to Stalking on Campus

Publication Date: 2011
Numerous colleges and universities across the country contact the Stalking Resource Center each year, requesting assistance on how to address stalking on campuses. Along with requests for technical assistance, schools have asked for examples of stalking policies they could adapt and implement on their campuses. This document is a direct response to those inquiries and was developed to help… (read more)

Stalking and the Intersection with Domestic Violence

Publication Date: 2014
Stalking, a dangerous and potentially lethal crime, is often misunderstood, minimized, or missed entirely. This webinar addresses the prevalence and dynamics of stalking with a focus on the intersection of stalking and domestic violence. A PDF of the presentation slides is also available.

National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM)

Publication Date:
The Stalking Resource Center (SRC) of the National Center for Victims of Crime partnered with the U.S. Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women in observing National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM). The NSAM website provides interactive quizzes, videos, fact sheets, guides, posters, artwork for buttons and magnets, event ideas, and media tools to assist with planning NSAM outreach.

Stalking Fact Sheet

Publication Date: 2015
This stalking fact sheet, produced by the Stalking Resource Center, highlights the prevalence of stalking on campus and the impact that has on victims. Information is included on stalking victimization, stalking and intimate partner femicide, RECON study of stalkers, impact of stalking on victims and stalking laws.

Stalking Fact Sheet

Publication Date: 2012
This stalking fact sheet, produced by the Stalking Resource Center, highlights the prevalence of stalking on campus and the impact that has on victims. Information is included on stalking victimization, stalking and intimate partner femicide, RECON study of stalkers, impact of stalking on victims and stalking laws.

The Intersection of Stalking and Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2015
This webinar addresses the often overlooked link between stalking and sexual assault. Stalking is a crime that is often co-perpetrated with other crimes, such as domestic violence and sexual assault. Research supports a connection between stalking and sexual assault both pre- and post-assault. This webinar explores the nature and dynamics of stalking, focusing on its intersection with sexual… (read more)

Working with Victims of Stalking

Publication Date: 2014
This webinar examines the effects of stalking on victims and considerations for working with victims, including victim safety, documentation, and advocacy and support services. Practical issues of threat assessment and safety planning with stalking victims are also discussed. This webinar is free.