Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Institutions of Higher Education (Part II)

Publication Date: 2009
Abstract: This training program, developed by noted campus safety and threat assessment experts, is the first ever national curriculum that focuses on a multidisciplinary approach to threat assessment. It has been specifically designed for higher education administrators involved in threat assessment on their campuses, including campus public safety and local law enforcement; faculty; staff; student affairs professionals; counseling center staff; campus judicial officers; campus risk management professionals; and higher education attorneys. This program not only fills the void for a campus-oriented training program, but it also models the ideals of community oriented policing, as it recommends bringing together various constituent groups to act in a proactive manner to prevent potential violence on campuses and provides assistance to campus community members who may be in need of assistance. A multi-disciplinary approach to campus threat assessment epitomizes community policing and when successfully done relies upon collaboration and partnerships in the community. This model of campus threat assessment is based on empirical information about the causes of campus crime and violence.