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Displaying 151 - 200 of 741Emergency Management: Federal Agencies Could Improve Dissemination of Resources to Colleges
Publication Date: 2018
Colleges and other postsecondary schools must plan for various potential emergencies, ranging from natural disasters to violence. A number of federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of Education (ED), offer resources to support these efforts. GAO was asked to review colleges' awareness of these resources. This… (read more)
Writing Guide for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Publication Date:
SAFECOM helps the public safety community and local, tribal, state, and federal policy makers address critical elements for success as they plan and implement interoperability solutions. SAFECOM developed the Interoperability Continuum that visually depicts the core facets of interoperability according to the stated needs and challenges of the public safety community and aids the efforts of… (read more)
Enhancing Communications Interoperability: General Guidance and Recommendations for Interoperability-related Governance
Publication Date: 2006
This document presents general information about the role, structure, and operations of governing bodies charged with improving communications interoperability at the local, regional, tribal, or state level. Material and information presented in this document should be viewed as general guidance that individual communities should consider in establishing interoperability-related governance that… (read more)
Emergency Communications Governance Guide for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials Fact Sheet
Publication Date: 2015
In 2014, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) released the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) with the emphasis on enhancing decision-making, coordination, and planning for emergency communications through strong governance structures. The Emergency Communications Governance Guide for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials (… (read more)
Emergency Communications Governance Guide for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials
Publication Date: 2015
The Governance Guide serves as a comprehensive tool that provides recommendations and best practices for emergency communications officials at all levels of government to establish, assess, and update governance structures that represent all emergency communications capabilities (Land Mobile Radio [LMR], broadband, 911/Next Generation 911 [NG911], alerts and warnings). Developed with direct input… (read more)
Early Warning for Campus Emergencies
Publication Date: 2009
This article describes the features and testing of the THOR Broadcasting System, a long-range directed acoustic device that can provide effective warning and instructional messages across a campus in emergencies.
DOD Safe Helpline
Publication Date:
The DOD Safe Helpline is a crisis support service for members of the DOD community affected by sexual violence. Safe Helpline provides live, one-on-one support and information to the worldwide DOD community. The service is confidential, anonymous, secure, and available worldwide, 24/7 by click, call or text providing victims with the help they need anytime, anywhere.
Criminal Intelligence Resources Guide: A Collection of Intelligence Information Sharing Products and Resources
Publication Date: 2011
The Criminal Intelligence Resources Guide focuses on intelligence resources available to law enforcement officials.
Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU)
Publication Date:
The Disaster Resilient Universities (DRU) developed a nationwide network in partnership with the International Association of Emergency Managers' Universities and College Caucus. The mission of the DRU Network is to facilitate open communication, discussion, and resource sharing between university/college emergency management practitioners charged with making our campuses more disaster resilient… (read more)
Designing Safe Schools: Planning and Retrofitting for Safety in Educational Facilities
Publication Date: 2015
Each day, schools and school districts are responsible for providing a safe and healthy learning environment for students. Understanding how to design and maintain school buildings is an important part of supporting that environment. Mitigation, or the capabilities necessary to eliminate or reduce the loss of life and property damage by lessening the impact of an emergency, is just one way… (read more)
Cybersecurity Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement
Publication Date: 2016
This guide for state and local law enforcement on cybersecurity includes practical information both on how agencies and officers can protect themselves against cyber threats, as well as how they can protect businesses and individuals in their communities from cybercrime and related threats.
Cybersecurity for State and Local Law Enforcement: A Policy Roadmap to Enhance Capabilities
Publication Date: 2016
This issue brief complements the NCAP guide, Cybersecurity Guide for State and Local Law Enforcement, by proposing a set of policy recommendations about how executive branch agencies, Congress, and state and local legislators can enhance the role and effectiveness of state and local law enforcement with respect to cybersecurity.
You Have Options: An Overview of the National Law Enforcement Sexual Assault Reporting Program
Publication Date: 2016
Led by law enforcement professionals working in partnership with victim advocates and experts in the field of sexual assault response and prevention, the aim of the You Have Options Program (YHOP) is to make the law enforcement response to sexual assault more effective. Specifically, YHOP focuses on changing two fundamental elements in the law enforcement response to sexual violence: increasing… (read more)
Why Campuses Should Conduct Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigations
Publication Date: 2016
Promising practices strongly suggest that when colleges and universities conduct sexual assault investigations and adjudications as required by Title IX, they should employ a trauma-informed approach. This naturally promotes access for complainants by encouraging their participation and promotes accuracy by enabling investigators and decision-makers to ask appropriate questions and better… (read more)
Why Campuses Should Conduct Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigations
Publication Date: 2016
Promising practices strongly suggest that when colleges and universities conduct sexual assault investigations and adjudications as required by Title IX, they should employ a trauma-informed approach. This naturally promotes access for complainants by encouraging their participation and promotes accuracy by enabling investigators and decision-makers to ask appropriate questions and better… (read more)
Weekly Snapshot Directory
Publication Date:
This searchable document provides access to articles from the National Center for Campus Public Safety's electronic bulletin, the Weekly Snapshot. The directory contains article dates, titles, and summaries as well as links to the full content. First released in July 2014, the Weekly Snapshot is regularly published each Wednesday. With… (read more)
Violence Prevention/De-Escalation of Emotionally Charged Situations
Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Mourning Fox, MA, LCMHC, deputy commissioner for the Vermont Department of Mental Health, explores the issues around why people resort to violence and the risk factors that individuals have that may make them more, or less, likely to use violence. Fox discusses the three major predictors of violence and their impact on how you deal with emotionally charged situations both before… (read more)
Understanding How the REMS TA Center Supports Institutions of Higher Education
Publication Date: 2018
Learn more about how the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance Center (REMS TA Center) supports institutions of higher education (IHEs). In this webinar, Madeline Sullivan, contracting officer's representative for the REMS TA Center, and Janelle Hughes, director of communications for the REMS TA Center, provide an overview of the services, resources, and support… (read more)
Top 5 Challenges with the Clery Act and Title IX
Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Clery Center Executive Director Alison Kiss focuses on five key Clery Act challenges. Based on her years of experience working with colleges and universities throughout the country, Alison addresses specific areas such as timely warning policies and procedures; coordination between departments; and current findings through Department of Education (ED) Clery Act Compliance Team… (read more)
Top 5 Challenges with the Clery Act and Title IX
Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Clery Center Executive Director Alison Kiss focuses on five key Clery Act challenges. Based on her years of experience working with colleges and universities throughout the country, Alison addresses specific areas such as timely warning policies and procedures; coordination between departments; and current findings through Department of Education (ED) Clery Act Compliance Team… (read more)
Top 5 Challenges with the Clery Act and Title IX
Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Clery Center Executive Director Alison Kiss focuses on five key Clery Act challenges. Based on her years of experience working with colleges and universities throughout the country, Alison addresses specific areas such as timely warning policies and procedures; coordination between departments; and current findings through Department of Education (ED) Clery Act Compliance Team… (read more)
The Roles and Strategies of Campus Safety Teams for Preventing Violence in College and University Campus Communities
Publication Date: 2018
In July 2018 a group of campus safety leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, to discuss campus safety's role and strategies for preventing violence in college and university communities. Key discussion topics centered around identifying what campus safety departments can do to prevent violence among their students,… (read more)
The Roles and Strategies of Campus Safety Teams for Preventing Violence in College and University Campus Communities
Publication Date: 2018
In July 2018 a group of campus safety leaders, with support from the National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS), gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, to discuss campus safety's role and strategies for preventing violence in college and university communities. Key discussion topics centered around identifying what campus safety departments can do to prevent violence among their students,… (read more)
The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI)
Publication Date: 2018
In this webinar, Monte McKee, Phil Ramer, and Jennifer Skinner, senior research associates at the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR), present on the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI) and the importance of recognizing and reporting suspicious activity to prevent violence targeting educational facilities. The NSI is a joint collaborative effort by the U.S.… (read more)
The Implications of Social Media on Campus Safety and Security: The Role of Social Media Threat Alerts
Publication Date: 2015
This webinar explores the role and impact of social media on campus safety and security. Specifically, Dr. Margolis discusses how the proliferation of social media has changed the way students, faculty and staff communicate and the unique challenges this creates for those charged with the safety and security of college campuses including police, campus public safety, counseling services,… (read more)
The Effects of Marijuana Legalization and Decriminalization on Campus Safety at Institutions of Higher Education
Publication Date: 2016
The number of institutions of higher education (IHEs) that operate in states where marijuana use is now legal or decriminalized is expanding, and those changes are creating new challenges for campus safety officials at IHEs across the United States. In particular, IHEs in many states, regardless of marijuana's legal status there, are finding it necessary to change how they detect and manage drug… (read more)
The Effects of Marijuana Legalization and Decriminalization on Campus Safety at Institutions of Higher Education
Publication Date: 2016
The number of institutions of higher education (IHEs) that operate in states where marijuana use is now legal or decriminalized is expanding, and those changes are creating new challenges for campus safety officials at IHEs across the United States. In particular, IHEs in many states, regardless of marijuana's legal status there, are finding it necessary to change how they detect and manage drug… (read more)
Social Media's Role in Campus Safety: What, Why, and What Now?
Publication Date: 2017
In this presentation, Dr. Gary J. Margolis founder and CEO of Social Sentinel, Inc., co-founder and director of Margolis Healy, and former University of Vermont police chief – discusses alerts to threats shared socially and bringing the digital conversation into your campus safety operations. In October 2016, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) raised concerns with the largest social media… (read more)
Managing Campus Protests and Demonstrations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Publication Date: 2018
From the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s to today's Black Lives Matter movement, students and faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) have been at the vanguard of social reforms that change America. This powerful and enduring legacy was on the minds of the HBCU participants attending a national forum, and it prompted the following question: Are protests and… (read more)
Managing Campus Protests and Demonstrations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Publication Date: 2018
From the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s to today's Black Lives Matter movement, students and faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) have been at the vanguard of social reforms that change America. This powerful and enduring legacy was on the minds of the HBCU participants attending a national forum, and it prompted the following question: Are protests and… (read more)
Human Trafficking: What Your Campus Needs to Know
Publication Date: 2018
Learn from Louisiana State Police Investigator Amy Juneau and Lieutenant Angela Banta from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office about the world's fastest growing crime, human trafficking. This webinar presentation provides participants with an understanding of what human trafficking is and what indicators to look for in their area, signs to look for to identify possible victims of human… (read more)
Human Trafficking: What Your Campus Needs to Know
Publication Date: 2018
Learn from Louisiana State Police Investigator Amy Juneau and Lieutenant Angela Banta from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office about the world's fastest growing crime, human trafficking. This webinar presentation provides participants with an understanding of what human trafficking is and what indicators to look for in their area, signs to look for to identify possible victims of human… (read more)
Hazing Prevention: A Call to Action
Publication Date: 2018
This presentation provides a research-driven look at what colleges and universities should be focusing on when trying to eradicate hazing from their communities. Kim Novak, the presenter, is CEO of NovakTalks and an independent consultant for campus safety, hazing prevention, student risk management, and student organization development. Using data from several research sources and theory from… (read more)
Handling Threats and Other Disturbing Behavior on Campus
Publication Date: 2018
This webinar reviews the components and procedures of behavioral threat assessment, which is recognized as current best practice to prevent violence on campus. Marisa Randazzo, Ph.D., principal and co-founder of SIGMA Threat Management Associates, LLC, provides a checklist of best-practice components, discusses how to evaluate current threat assessment programs, establishes screening questions to… (read more)
Guide to Social Media in Educational Environments
Publication Date: 2016
The challenge for many is understanding what social media is and how it impacts safety in an educational setting. This guide intends to help those interested in the safety and security of a school district, college, or university with insight into the use and impact of social media. The guide provides information on social media and its uses in an educational setting, as well as the benefits and… (read more)
Findings of the 2016 National Higher Education Emergency Management Program Needs Assessment
Publication Date: 2017
In this webinar, Andre Le Duc presents the results of the 2016 National Higher Education Emergency Management Program Needs Assessment, discusses the five final recommendations, which were vetted and refined by an advisory committee, and outlines next steps for moving… (read more)
Emerging Issues in Managing International Programs at Institutions of Higher Education
Publication Date: 2016
Many college and university campuses in the US now have global footprints. They not only welcome hundreds of thousands of international students every year, but also send hundreds of thousands of students, faculty members, and staff all over the world to study, do research, and engage in other activities. Although these programs provide great academic and institutional value to universities, many… (read more)
Emerging Issues in Managing International Programs at Institutions of Higher Education
Publication Date: 2016
Many college and university campuses in the US now have global footprints. They not only welcome hundreds of thousands of international students every year, but also send hundreds of thousands of students, faculty members, and staff all over the world to study, do research, and engage in other activities. Although these programs provide great academic and institutional value to universities, many… (read more)
Criminal Victimization of International Students: A National Conversation on Effective Prevention Practices
Publication Date: 2018
The National Center for Campus Public Safety convened a daylong forum to facilitate thoughtful conversations about preventing criminal victimization of international students attending U.S. institutions of higher education. Participants represented campuses across the country and included university and college chiefs of police and international student administrators. Representatives from the… (read more)
Criminal Victimization of International Students: A National Conversation on Effective Prevention Practices
Publication Date: 2018
The National Center for Campus Public Safety convened a daylong forum to facilitate thoughtful conversations about preventing criminal victimization of international students attending U.S. institutions of higher education. Participants represented campuses across the country and included university and college chiefs of police and international student administrators. Representatives from the… (read more)
Community-based Resources for Preventing, Intervening in, and Recovering from Incidents Involving Students Experiencing Mental Health Concerns
Publication Date: 2016
Ongoing communication between public safety and other officials is paramount to help address the challenges and increasing need for supportive and effective mental health services for college and university students with differing mental health needs. Partnerships with off-campus providers can augment campus-based services that may help provide a larger mental health network that will benefit… (read more)
College Students Speak: A Survey Report on Mental Health
Publication Date: 2012
File: collegereport.pdf
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) conducted a national survey of college students living with mental health conditions to learn about their experiences in school. NAMI designed the survey to hear directly from students about whether schools are meeting their needs and what improvements are needed to support their academic experience. This survey report provides schools with a focused… (read more)
College Access and Success for Students Experiencing Homelessness: A Toolkit for Educators and Service Providers
Publication Date: 2013
The College Access and Success Toolkit provides local homeless education liaisons, State Coordinators for Homeless Education, school counselors, college admission counselors, college financial aid administrators, and youth shelters and other service providers with the resources they need to understand the options and supports available for college-bound homeless youth and assist these youth in… (read more)
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act: Applicability to Education Abroad Programs
Publication Date:
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act has implications for policy and procedure in the education abroad offices of Title IV campuses. This document details the Clery Act's requirements that are applicable to education abroad programs. Please note this is intended to prompt considerations and further conversations on U.S. campuses. It is not legal… (read more)
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act: Applicability to Education Abroad Programs
Publication Date:
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act has implications for policy and procedure in the education abroad offices of Title IV campuses. This document details the Clery Act's requirements that are applicable to education abroad programs. Please note this is intended to prompt considerations and further conversations on U.S. campuses. It is not legal… (read more)
Clery Act and Education Abroad: Understanding Crime Reporting Requirements
Publication Date: 2014
This document is the supplemental handout from the 2014 NAFSA Conference presentation on the Clery Act and education abroad. It provides a variety of pertinent resources for crime reporting abroad to include but not limited to publications, available campus resources, and an education abroad program checklist.
Clery Act and Education Abroad: Understanding Crime Reporting Requirements
Publication Date: 2014
This document is the supplemental handout from the 2014 NAFSA Conference presentation on the Clery Act and education abroad. It provides a variety of pertinent resources for crime reporting abroad to include but not limited to publications, available campus resources, and an education abroad program checklist.
Center for Collegiate Mental Health 2017 Annual Report
Publication Date: 2018
The 2017 Annual Report summarizes data contributed to CCMH during the 2016-2017 academic year, closing on June 30, 2017. De-identified data were contributed by 147 college and university counseling centers, describing 161,014 unique college students seeking mental health treatment; 3,592 clinicians; and over 1,255,052 appointments. The 2017 Report includes important highlights on what's happening… (read more)
CCR Toolkit: A Privacy Toolkit for Coordinated Community Response Teams
Publication Date: 2016
File: CCR_Toolkit.pdf
Coordinated Community Response (CCR) teams need to protect victim privacy as they engage community service professionals in the work of advocating for survivors and ending sexual and domestic violence. This toolkit offers model policies and highlights key state and federal laws regarding victim privacy for organizations that receive funding through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and… (read more)
Campus Threat Assessment and Management Teams: What Risk Managers Need to Know Now
Publication Date: 2011
After the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, many colleges and universities recognized that having threat assessment and management (TAM) teams in place to address potentially threatening behavior and situations among faculty, staff, and students on campus was a best practice. This article focuses on three main aspects of TAM teams on college campuses and what risk managers can do to… (read more)