Filtered by term "legal assistance"

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

The National Crime Victim Bar Association (NCVBA)

Publication Date:
The NCVBA is an affiliate and program of the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC). It was founded in April 1999, creating the nation's first professional association of attorneys and expert witnesses dedicated to helping victims seek justice through the civil system. They provide technical support to attorneys representing crime victims in civil actions, refer crime victims to lawyers in… (read more)

Establishing Penetration in Sexual Assault Cases

Publication Date: 2015
This document explains the legal requirements for establishing penetration in sexual assault prosecutions and offers strategies for effectively identifying, evaluating, and presenting evidence of penetration. First, it summarizes the categories of criminal sex offense statutes and outlines the legal requirements to establish penetration. Second, it provides strategies to prepare for and try… (read more)

Office for Victim Assistance (OVA)

Publication Date:
The FBI is committed to ensuring victims receive the rights they are entitled to and the assistance they need to cope with crime. Their resources include an Office for Victim Assistance (OVA) at FBI Headquarters and victim specialists nationwide. The OVA is responsible for ensuring that victims of crimes investigated by the FBI are afforded the opportunity to receive the services and notification… (read more)