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Campus Safety at Oregon Post-Secondary Education Institutions: A Report from the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group

Publication Date: 2016
Following the tragic shooting at Umpqua Community College in 2015, the Oregon Campus Safety Work Group (OCSWG) was formed to identify resource needs and potential state policies that enable a coordinated strategy across the higher education system for public and private institutions; as well as analyze promising practices and protocols that can be shared across all post-secondary education… (read more)

Campus Fire Fatalities in Residential Buildings: 2000 - 2015

Publication Date: 2015
The goal of this report is to reveal the factors that are leading to the unnecessary fire deaths of college students. This study provides comprehensive information about campus fire fatalities to college and university fire and safety officials along with the local fire and emergency service organizations that serve these institutions so they can better plan to reduce and prevent injuries and… (read more)

Body-Worn Video Cameras for Law Enforcement Assessment Report

Publication Date: 2015
Body-worn video cameras are valuable tools that can be used by law enforcement to record traffic stops, arrests, sobriety tests, and interviews. Body-worn video camera systems typically consist of a camera, microphone, battery, and onboard storage. They are designed to be head-mounted or worn at various locations on the body, depending on the model. In January 2015, the System Assessment and… (read more)

Bias Crime Assessment: A Tool and Guidelines for Law Enforcement and Concerned Communities

Publication Date: 2018
The Bias Crime Assessment Tool (BCAT) can be used whether or not victimization seems to be a result of a hate incident or a hate crime. Hate crimes are any criminal offenses motivated by bias, hostility, or prejudice against a protected class. Hate incidents do not involve criminal behavior. To determine whether a full assessment is appropriate, the BCAT begins with brief screening questions. If… (read more)

Attacks on Federal Government 2001-2013: Threat Assessment Considerations

Publication Date: 2015
Ensuring the continuous operation of government and the safety of the personnel and citizens who enter government facilities on a daily basis is an essential part of securing our homeland. To enhance prevention efforts in this area, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) studied 43 attacks targeting federal government facilities and officials that occurred between 2001… (read more)

After a Suicide: The Zero Suicide Approach to Postvention in Health and Behavioral Healthcare Settings

Publication Date: 2016
This webinar focuses on how health and behavioral healthcare organizations respond following a patient suicide death. Participants hear from health care leaders and experts who discuss key components of an organization-level postvention plan. They explore considerations for supporting patients, staff and the community, and continuing to provide quality care. Additionally, a clinician survivor… (read more)

Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment

Publication Date: 2009
A Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) that provides a best-practice guideline for the treatment of substance abuse disorders. The recommendations contained in each TIP are grounded in an evidence base. Evidence includes scientific research findings and the opinion of the TIP consensus panel of experts.

Driving Overseas: Best Practices

Publication Date: 2015
Students and other campus community members can refer to this document when traveling abroad, as it outlines best practices for operating a motor vehicle when overseas. The document includes the following sections: General Requirements to Rent Cars; Unusual Laws and Practices for Drivers; Law Enforcement Practices; Crimes that Target Rental Cars; Advice/Guidance; and Helpful Resources.

Addressing Sexual Assault While Abroad

Publication Date: 2015
Students, families, and study abroad program directors should be well-versed on the resources available both domestically and abroad following an incident like sexual assault. This document offers detailed information on travel preparation, those at risk, how students can protect themselves, and options for students and program directors to consider after an incident occurs.

Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention: An Athletics Tool Kit

Publication Date: 2017
In collaboration with athletics stakeholders and campus substance abuse prevention experts, and guided by the latest prevention science and deterrence strategies, the NCAA SSI designed this toolkit to support athletics administrators in collaboration with their campus colleagues in efforts to reduce substance abuse and to promote healthy choices, fair competition, and a positive environment for… (read more)

Sexual Violence Prevention: An Athletics Tool Kit for a Healthy and Safe Culture

Publication Date: 2016
The NCAA Sexual Assault Task Force convened in 2015 to provide clear direction on a curriculum that will help athletics departments engage in education, collaboration, and compliance surrounding sexual violence issues. This toolkit, initiated by the task force, builds on critical elements outlined in the fall 2014 NCAA publication, Addressing Sexual… (read more)

Addressing Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence: Athletics’ Role in Support of Healthy and Safe Campuses

Publication Date: 2014
This report from the NCAA presents findings from an executive committee appointed to explore the issue of sexual assault and interpersonal violence on campus and how it relates to athletic programs. This guide is a general introduction to the problems that result from sexual assault and interpersonal violence and how they are affecting college students and student-athletes. The guide includes… (read more)

Campus Violence White Paper

Publication Date: 2005
The purpose of this ACHA White Paper is to confront this serious college health issue through analyzing campus violence patterns, types of violence, methodological problems with collecting campus crime data, underlying issues related to campus violence, and promising practices to prevent and address campus violence.

Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Publication Date: 2018
The development of effective prevention programming and comprehensive response to sexual and relationship violence requires a university-wide commitment to the values of trauma-informed practice, as well as a commitment to institution-wide use of promising practices in gender-inclusive and culturally-relevant victim/survivor-centered care and programming. Response to victims/survivors with… (read more)

Addressing Housing Insecurity and Living Costs in Higher Education: A Guidebook for Colleges and Universities

Publication Date: 2016
This Guidebook reviews and explains strategies that institutions of higher education may consider to support their students with housing insecurity and other living costs, as well as examples of these strategies implementation. In the introduction, the Guidebook contextualizes these strategies with reference to evidence on student living costs, most of which has been discussed in prior… (read more)

Addressing Alcohol's Role in Campus Sexual Assault: A Toolkit by and for Prevention Specialists

Publication Date: 2018
Alcohol use plays a role in 50-70% of campus sexual assaults, which has generated heightened consideration of the intersections of sexual assault and alcohol use on campus. Existing research and guidance from various organizations stress the importance of consistency between alcohol use/abuse prevention efforts and sexual assault prevention efforts that use individual, relationship, community,… (read more)

Active Shooter: Recommendations and Analysis for Risk Mitigation

Publication Date: 2012
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) defines an active shooter as an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. In its definition, DHS notes that, in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has limited this definition to… (read more)

Report on the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct

Publication Date: 2015
Members of the Association of American Universities (AAU) are working to combat sexual assault and misconduct on their campuses. As an association of research universities, AAU decided in 2014 that the best way to help its members address this issue was to develop and implement a scientific survey to better understand the attitudes and experiences of their students with respect to sexual assault… (read more)

AAU Campus Activities Report: Combating Sexual Assault and Misconduct

Publication Date: 2017
This project was developed to understand what efforts and initiatives AAU member universities have undertaken to prevent and address sexual assault and misconduct. The report follows up on the landmark survey AAU conducted among more than 150,000 undergraduate and graduate students in 2015 regarding the prevalence of sexual assault and misconduct on campuses and on student attitudes about these… (read more)

A Prioritized Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention: An Action Plan to Save Lives

Publication Date: 2014
The Research Prioritization Task Force (RPTF) was created to develop a research agenda which, if fully implemented, would provide multiple, research-informed approaches that will lead to a reduction in suicide attempts and deaths. This agenda will advance the suicide prevention efforts of the Action Alliance (National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, 2013a). This document summarizes the… (read more)

A Handbook for Public Safety Officials: Developing the Policy, Technology and Operational Strategies Needed for a Future-Proof Body Camera Program

Publication Date: 2015
This handbook focuses on the interplay of body camera policies with technology and operational strategies and will help law enforcement adopt the right policy and technology for a long-term camera initiative. It highlights key planning questions and insights from agencies initiating their own programs. Checklists and resources will help further an agency's exploration in each planning area.

Source Investigations: A Tool to Combat Impaired Driving

Publication Date: 2011
This document explains what a "source investigation" is and highlights various case studies to: describe how source investigations are conducted, determine the resources expended in pursuit of these investigations, assess the organizational structures that best accommodate the implementation of source investigations, and determine the degree of cooperation and assistance from other governmental… (read more)

Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations: A How-To Guide

Publication Date: 2014

To reduce pedestrian injuries and fatalities, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends a three-pronged approach of engineering, education, and enforcement. This guide primarily discusses the enforcement component of this approach, but it also includes information on the related engineering and education components. You will also find information on planning, implementation… (read more)

A Guide for Local Impaired-Driving Task Forces Volume II: Local Task Force Case Studies

Publication Date: 2011
The purpose of this guide is to assist officials and members of the public interested in establishing an impaired-driving task force at a local or regional level (city, county, or region, not statewide) or who are exploring ways to improve their current task forces. This guide is based on case studies of nine local task forces that represent a range of histories, structures, and approaches. It… (read more)

A Guide for Local Impaired-Driving Task Forces Volume I: Final Report

Publication Date: 2011
The purpose of this two-volume guide is to assist officials and members of the public interested in establishing an impaired-driving task force at a local or regional level or who are exploring ways to improve their current task forces. Volume I is based on case studies of nine local task forces in Costa Mesa, California; Pikes Peak Region, Colorado; Leon County, Florida; Southeastern Louisiana;… (read more)

Environmental Strategies to Prevent Alcohol Problems on College Campuses

Publication Date: 2010
This document describes strategies that are used to create healthier campus environments in which alcohol is less available, more responsibly promoted and served, and poses less of a threat to the health, safety, and well-being of all students. The strategies described in this document accomplish these objectives by changing conditions on campuses, by coordinating and supporting efforts in… (read more)

A Guide for Enforcing Impaired Driving Laws for Youth

Publication Date: 2010
Published by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, this guide provides information on enforcement strategies to reduce impaired driving among youth. This guide may be used to gain an understanding of impaired driving issues as they relate to young drivers; learn about the evidence of effectiveness of zero tolerance laws… (read more)

The Culture of Respect CORE Blueprint Program: Findings from a National Pilot Study

Publication Date: 2016
Culture of Respect launched a yearlong, 14-institution pilot program grounded in the Culture of Respect Engagement Blueprint (CORE Blueprint), a six-pillar evidence-based framework that guides institutions in how to respond to and prevent campus sexual violence. The results of the CORE Blueprint Pilot Program, included in this report, suggest it is an effective model for addressing campus sexual… (read more)

State Legislative Developments on Campus Sexual Violence: Issues in the Context of Safety

Publication Date: 2015
NASPA and ECS offer a retrospective analysis of state legislative activity during the 2013 and 2015 legislative sessions that focused on campus sexual violence. We provide detailed descriptions of four major policy themes identified through a content analysis of introduced and enacted legislation and frame considerations for state decision makers and campus leaders. This brief is intended to help… (read more)

Partnership to Elevate Policy and Practice: Campus Sexual Violence and Guns on Campus

Publication Date: 2016
This report, the third installment in a joint partnership between NASPA and ECS, connects policy and practice through two integral issues: campus sexual violence and guns on campus. This publication tracks recent state-led legislation around both issues for the last two years and offers this information in the form of a series of illustrative charts and maps. During 2015, at least 29 states… (read more)

Guns on Campus: The Architecture and Momentum of State Policy Action

Publication Date: 2016
Amid efforts by campus leaders to build violence prevention and crisis response strategies, colleges and universities continue to be impacted by active shooter violence. Incidents of mass violence have led to debate by lawmakers about the appropriate course of policy action to mitigate the public safety threat that active shooters pose to our communities. This report offers a detailed summary of… (read more)

A Strategic Primer on College Student Mental Health

Publication Date: 2014
This report is the product of a year-long partnership between NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, the American Council on Education, and the American Psychological Association focusing on student mental health issues. Responding in part to President Obama's call to launch a national conversation to increase the understanding and awareness about mental health, the partnering… (read more)

32 National Campus Safety Initiative (32 NCSI™)

Publication Date:

32 National Campus Safety Initiative™ (32 NCSI™) is a program offered through a partnership between NASPA and the VTV Family Outreach Foundation that empowers college and university campus communities to make more informed decisions about campus safety. Developed by a team of leading experts, 32 NCSI is a robust self-assessment tool that colleges and universities can use to conduct an… (read more)

Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health - Executive Summary

Publication Date: 2016
This is the executive summary for the report, Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. It includes the table of contents, a full summary of the report, a vision for the future, key findings, and supplementary materials. Read the full report.

Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health

Publication Date: 2016
In 2015, over 27 million people in the United States reported current use of illicit drugs or misuse of prescription drugs, and over 66 million people (nearly a quarter of the adult and adolescent population) reported binge drinking in the past month. Alcohol and drug misuse and related disorders are major public health challenges that are taking an enormous toll on individuals, families, and… (read more)

2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Goals and Objectives for Action

Publication Date: 2012
The 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (the National Strategy) is the result of a joint effort by the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General and the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. The National Strategy is a call to action that is intended to guide suicide prevention actions in the United States over the next decade. It outlines four strategic directions with 13 goals and… (read more)

10 Facts Law Enforcement Needs to Know When Serving & Protecting People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)

Publication Date: 2015
The Arc is a national community-based organization advocating for and serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families. They encompass all ages and more than 100 different diagnoses including autism, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and various other developmental disabilities. The Arc works with its federation of state and local chapters to create an… (read more)

The Second Report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2017
In January 2014, President Obama and Vice President Biden issued a presidential memorandum creating the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. In collaboration with federal partners, the Task Force has produced a number of tools for students, administrators, faculty, campus police, health care professionals, and others who play key roles in these efforts. The Task Force… (read more)

Sample Language for Reporting and Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence

Publication Date:
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault has provided this sample language, referenced in the Not Alone report, which highlights important elements for institutions to consider when drafting an effective policy regarding reporting and confidentially disclosing sexual violence.

Resource Guide to Prevent and Improve the Response to Sexual Violence at Colleges and Universities

Publication Date: 2015
This resource guide supports the efforts of students, faculty, administrators, and communities around the country to prevent sexual violence and improve the response to it at colleges and universities. This resource guide compiles guidance, tools, model policies and procedures, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and public messaging materials that the Obama Administration… (read more)

Preventing and Addressing Campus Sexual Misconduct: A Guide for University and College Presidents, Chancellors, and Senior Administrators

Publication Date: 2017
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault recommends that college and university leadership use this guide as a foundation to develop, or further hone, comprehensive responses to sexual misconduct at their institutions. This guide focuses, and expands upon, six primary elements that colleges and universities may want to consider as part of a comprehensive plan for… (read more)

Not Alone Report

Publication Date: 2014
The White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault was established on January 22, 2014, with a mandate to strengthen federal enforcement efforts and provide schools with additional tools to help combat sexual assault on their campuses. The Task Force announced a series of actions to identify the scope of the problem on college campuses; help prevent campus sexual assault; help… (read more)

Establishing Prevention Programming: Strategic Planning for Campuses

Publication Date: 2014
This document outlines key points that campuses should consider in strategic planning for sexual violence prevention.

Climate Surveys: Useful Tools to Help Colleges and Universities in Their Efforts to Reduce and Prevent Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2014
Sexual assault is a significant challenge for colleges and universities nationwide, affecting the health, mental health, and academic success of students. Many schools are working to address sexual assault, but lack assessment tools to understand the scope or nature of the problem. Schools are looking to climate surveys to fill this gap in knowledge, and conducting regular climate surveys is a… (read more)

Checklist for Campus Sexual Misconduct Policies

Publication Date: 2014
This checklist for sexual misconduct policies highlights elements that are particularly important for institutions to consider when drafting sexual misconduct policies as part of their overall response to sexual misconduct. The Task Force recommends using this document as a guided checklist for developing effective sexual misconduct policies.

Bystander-Focused Prevention of Sexual Violence

Publication Date: 2014
This publication provides information for any audience regarding common components of bystander intervention and lists delivery methods, combining tools and online resources.

Building Partnerships with Local Rape Crisis Centers: Developing a Memorandum of Understanding

Publication Date:
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault has provided this sample memorandum of understanding (MOU), referenced in the Not Alone report, to help colleges and universities to strengthen sexual assault prevention and response programs by developing partnerships with local rape crisis centers. Schools can adapt this MOU depending on their specific needs and the capacity of… (read more)

Building Partnerships Among Law Enforcement Agencies, Colleges and Universities: Developing a Memorandum of Understanding to Prevent and Respond Effectively to Sexual Assaults at Colleges and Universities

Publication Date:
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault has provided this sample memorandum of understanding (MOU), referenced in the Not Alone report, to assist campuses and law enforcement agencies to work together in their efforts to protect students, address the needs of sexual assault survivors, and ensure a prompt, thorough, and fair response to allegations of sexual misconduct.… (read more)

1 is 2 Many: Twenty Years Fighting Violence Against Women and Girls

Publication Date: 2014
This report opens with a brief summary of how VAWA has helped to change America. It also discusses the many ways in which VAWA has increased accountability and access to services, and has reached underserved communities. The appendix provides details from over 100 programs throughout the country that VAWA has helped to inspire and support.

1 is 2 Many: Twenty Years Fighting Violence Against Women and Girls

Publication Date: 2014
This report opens with a brief summary of how VAWA has helped to change America. It also discusses the many ways in which VAWA has increased accountability and access to services, and has reached underserved communities. The appendix provides details from over 100 programs throughout the country that VAWA has helped to inspire and support.