Filtered by term "body worn cameras"

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

Police Officer Body-Worn Cameras: Assessing the Evidence

Publication Date: 2014
This publication provides a review of the available evidence on officer body-worn cameras. The goal is to provide a comprehensive resource that will help law enforcement agencies to understand the factors they should consider to make informed decisions regarding the adoption of body-worn camera technology.

Body-Worn Video Cameras for Law Enforcement Assessment Report

Publication Date: 2015
Body-worn video cameras are valuable tools that can be used by law enforcement to record traffic stops, arrests, sobriety tests, and interviews. Body-worn video camera systems typically consist of a camera, microphone, battery, and onboard storage. They are designed to be head-mounted or worn at various locations on the body, depending on the model. In January 2015, the System Assessment and… (read more)

A Handbook for Public Safety Officials: Developing the Policy, Technology and Operational Strategies Needed for a Future-Proof Body Camera Program

Publication Date: 2015
This handbook focuses on the interplay of body camera policies with technology and operational strategies and will help law enforcement adopt the right policy and technology for a long-term camera initiative. It highlights key planning questions and insights from agencies initiating their own programs. Checklists and resources will help further an agency's exploration in each planning area.

Implementing a Body Camera Program: A Guide for Public Safety Officials

Publication Date: 2015
This handbook focuses on the interplay of body camera policies with technology and operational strategies. It highlights key planning questions and insights from agencies initiating their own programs. Checklists and resources will help further an agency's exploration in each planning area.

Implementing a Body-Worn Camera Program: Recommendations and Lessons Learned

Publication Date: 2014
Even as police departments are increasingly adopting body-worn cameras, many questions about this technology have yet to be answered. In an effort to address these questions and produce policy guidance to law enforcement agencies, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), with support from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), conducted… (read more)

A Primer on Body Worn Camera Technologies

Publication Date: 2016
This report provides background context for body-worn cameras (BWCs); methodology for developing the market survey; compiled results from the market survey; and a summary of the information found in A Market Survey on Body Worn Camera Technologies. It also includes policy, training, and other considerations for implementing BWCs.

A Market Survey on Body Worn Camera Technologies

Publication Date: 2016
"The National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) sought to collect information on existing body-worn camera (BWC) technologies. This paper provides the methodology for developing the market survey and results from the market survey. From this market survey, the following was uncovered: 1) there are many more vendors now that sell BWC products as compared to a previous market survey from 2014; 2) the… (read more)

A Primer on Body-Worn Cameras for Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2012
Developed by the NIJ-funded NLECTC Sensor, Surveillance and Biometric Technologies Center of Excellence, A Primer on Body-Worn Cameras for Law Enforcement provides an introduction to body-worn camera systems. The 2012 report discusses the functions and features of body-worn camera systems and highlights issues and factors that law enforcement organizations should consider before and during… (read more)

National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit

Publication Date: 2015
The Body-Worn Camera Toolkit is an online clearinghouse of resources designed to support law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve plan and implement body-worn camera programs. This free and easy-to-use online resource consolidates and translates the growing body of knowledge about body-worn camera programs and technology. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) developed this… (read more)

Body-Worn Camera Program Update: Fiscal Year 2016

Publication Date: 2016
Over the past two years, more than $41 million in awards have been made through Bureau of Justice Assistance's Body-Worn Camera Program. Read this fiscal year 2016 update to learn more about the program, see current and past year award amounts, and view fiscal year 2016 recipient details.

Office of Justice Programs Comprehensive Body-Worn Camera Program

Publication Date: 2015
This fact sheet provides information about Office of Justice Programs' efforts, funding, and technical assistance resources available regarding body-worn cameras.