Planning Alcohol Interventions Using NIAAA's CollegeAIM (Alcohol Intervention Matrix)

Publication Date: 2015
Abstract: Harmful and underage drinking remain significant problems on U.S. campuses, despite our collective efforts to address them. Higher education officials understand that, all too often, alcohol-related problems can seem intractable, leading to questions and frustration over how best to reduce student drinking and its negative consequences. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) developed the CollegeAIM (College Alcohol Intervention Matrix) guide and website to help college personnel choose wisely among the many potential interventions to address harmful and underage college student drinking. The centerpiece of the guide is a user-friendly, matrix-based tool developed with input from leading college alcohol researchers, along with college student life and alcohol and other drug program staff. The CollegeAIM tool allows school officials to easily use research-based information to inform decisions about alcohol intervention strategies.