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Displaying 601 - 650 of 741

A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013

Publication Date: 2014
In 2014, the FBI initiated a study of active shooter incidents with the goal to provide federal, state, and local law enforcement with data so they can better understand how to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from these incidents. As a result, the FBI identified 160 active shooter incidents that occurred in the U.S. between 2000 and 2013. The FBI has since published… (read more)

Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2014 and 2015

Publication Date: 2016
This is an addendum to the FBI's study of active shooter incidents from 2000 to 2013. An analysis of 2014 and 2015 active shooter incidents has identified 20 incidents in each of the years. The methodology to identify incidents is the same as articulated in A Study of Active Shooter Incidents in the United States Between 2000 and 2013. To ensure consistency… (read more)

Game of Pawns: The Glenn Duffie Shriver Story

Publication Date: 2014

The FBI, as the lead counterintelligence agency in the US, has ramped up efforts to educate American university students preparing to study abroad about the dangers of knowingly or unknowingly getting caught up in espionage activities. The Game of Pawns: The Glenn Duffie Shriver Story video dramatizes the incremental steps taken by intelligence officers to recruit Shriver and convince… (read more)

Don't Be a Puppet: Pull Back the Curtain on Violent Extremism

Publication Date: 2016
This website is designed to assist in protecting the United States from violent extremism. It was built by the FBI, in consultation with community leaders and other partners, and it uses a series of interactive materials to educate teens on the destructive nature of violent extremism and its messages and goals. The FBI encourages community groups, families, and high schools across the United… (read more)

Safety and Security for US Students Traveling Abroad

Publication Date:
In this brochure, the FBI addresses threats students may encounter when traveling abroad and provides tips for avoiding unsafe situations. Topics covered include: telephone, laptop & PDA security; before you go; during your stay; and upon your return.

We Regret to Inform You

Publication Date:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Pennsylvania State University developed this no-cost, online training module for campus safety officers, law enforcement officers, victim advocates, chaplains, medical examiners, hospital personnel and anyone else who may have to deliver a death notification. The We Regret to Inform You training curriculum is built around a four-step process: plan,… (read more)

Active Shooter Incidents

Publication Date:
The FBI provides operational, behaviorally-based threat assessment and threat management services to help detect and prevent acts of targeted violence, helping academic, mental health, business, community, law enforcement, and government entities recognize and disrupt potential active shooters who may be on a trajectory toward violence. This web page provides access to FBI and other resources as… (read more)

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Functioning and Effectiveness: Findings from the National SART Project

Publication Date: 2015
The primary goal of this research study was to obtain high-quality information on SARTs' operations and effectiveness in the real world, to inform efforts to support SARTs and promote their effectiveness. This report is designed specifically for non-research audiences. Research jargon is avoided as much as possible and the report provides an easy to use table to navigate to various parts of the… (read more)

Policy Development and Implementation of Legislation Permitting the Carrying of Concealed Handguns on College and University Campuses: Promising Practices

Publication Date: 2017
On November 15&16, 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety, funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, convened a forum of campus public safety executives, federal officials, and subject-matter experts to identify and explain critical components and considerations in developing and implementing a policy for carrying concealed handguns on campus. Developing a nationwide model… (read more)

Policy Development and Implementation of Legislation Permitting the Carrying of Concealed Handguns on College and University Campuses: Promising Practices

Publication Date: 2017
On November 15&16, 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety, funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, convened a forum of campus public safety executives, federal officials, and subject-matter experts to identify and explain critical components and considerations in developing and implementing a policy for carrying concealed handguns on campus. Developing a nationwide model… (read more)

Police Departments’ Use of the Lethality Assessment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation

Publication Date: 2014
This quasi-experimental evaluation examined the effectiveness of the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP), a collaboration between police and social service providers that aimed to decrease rates of repeat, severe, lethal and near-lethal domestic violence while increasing rates of emergency safety planning and help-seeking. Under LAP, a police officer responding to the scene of a domestic violence… (read more)

Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Publication Date: 2015
This guidance from the Department of Justice (DOJ) is designed to help law enforcement agencies prevent gender bias in their response to sexual assault and domestic violence, highlighting the need for clear policies, robust training and responsive accountability systems. This document is intended to reflect and further DOJ's partnership with the police leaders, line officers and detectives who… (read more)

Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education

Publication Date: 2013
This guide provides recommendations in the development of plans to respond to an emergency and outlines how Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) can plan for preventing, protecting against, mitigating the impact of and recovering from emergencies. The guide translates lessons learned from the Administration's work on national preparedness to IHEs. The guide introduces new approaches to… (read more)

Fusion Center Guidelines: Developing and Sharing Information and Intelligence in a New Era

Publication Date: 2006
These guidelines should be used to ensure fusion centers are established and operated consistently, resulting in enhanced coordination efforts, strengthened partnerships, and improved crime-fighting and anti-terrorism capabilities. The guidelines and related materials will provide assistance to centers as they prioritize and address threats posed in their specific jurisdictions for all crime… (read more)

Department of Justice Policy Guidance: Domestic Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)

Publication Date: 2015
This guidance will help ensure that the Department of Justice continues to carry out its law enforcement and national security missions while respecting individuals' privacy, civil rights and civil liberties. It will also help ensure an appropriate level of accountability and transparency. This policy guidance does not replace, and is complementary to, the Federal Aviation Administration rules… (read more)

Violence Reduction Response Center (VRRC)

Publication Date: 2018
The VRRC was established under the direction of the Attorney General to connect state, local, and tribal justice agencies with violent crime reduction training and technical assistance (TTA) resources offered by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). By providing direct referrals to DOJ crime reduction publications, grant opportunities, and TTA, VRRC serves as a one-stop shop to connect… (read more)

National Public Safety Partnership (PSP)

Publication Date: 2017
The National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) was established in June 2017 under the direction of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in response to President Trump’s Executive Order on a Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety. The PSP provides an innovative framework for DOJ to enhance its support of state, tribal, and local law enforcement officers and prosecutors in the investigation,… (read more)

Advancing Diversity in Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2016
In December 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission launched a research initiative, Advancing Diversity in Law Enforcement, both to identify barriers that undermine diversity in law enforcement and to highlight promising practices that help agencies better reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. The initiative focused on barriers and… (read more)

Body-Worn Camera Program Update: Fiscal Year 2016

Publication Date: 2016
Over the past two years, more than $41 million in awards have been made through Bureau of Justice Assistance's Body-Worn Camera Program. Read this fiscal year 2016 update to learn more about the program, see current and past year award amounts, and view fiscal year 2016 recipient details.

Dear Colleague Letter on Campus Policing (DOJ)

Publication Date: 2016
To assist states, schools, and their law enforcement partners in assessing the proper role of school resource officers (SROs) and campus law enforcement professionals, both the Justice Department's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Education Department released letters to states and districts emphasizing the importance of well-designed SRO programs and calling on leaders of… (read more)

Dear Colleague Letter Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Recently, questions have arisen from school districts, colleges and universities, and others about transgender students and how to best ensure these students, and non-transgender students, can all enjoy a safe and discrimination-free environment. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implementing regulations prohibit sex discrimination in educational programs and… (read more)

Dear Colleague Letter Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Recently, questions have arisen from school districts, colleges and universities, and others about transgender students and how to best ensure these students, and non-transgender students, can all enjoy a safe and discrimination-free environment. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implementing regulations prohibit sex discrimination in educational programs and… (read more)

Office of Justice Programs Comprehensive Body-Worn Camera Program

Publication Date: 2015
This fact sheet provides information about Office of Justice Programs' efforts, funding, and technical assistance resources available regarding body-worn cameras.

The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2012
The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault: Implications for First Responders in Law Enforcement, Prosecution and Victim Advocacy is part of the National Institute of Justice's translational criminology seminar series and features Dr. Rebecca Campbell of Michigan State University. Dr. Campbell discusses the research on the neurobiology of trauma and the criminal justice system response to sexual assault… (read more)

VAWA Amendments to Clery: Recognizing & Responding to Stalking on Campus

Publication Date: 2015
The 2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act require that colleges and universities address stalking in a variety of ways. While these rules are not effective until July 2015, many campuses are already working to implement these provisions and struggling with questions regarding counting stalking crimes, determining Clery geography in stalking cases, and implementing… (read more)

VAWA Amendments to Clery: Recognizing & Responding to Stalking on Campus

Publication Date: 2015
The 2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act require that colleges and universities address stalking in a variety of ways. While these rules are not effective until July 2015, many campuses are already working to implement these provisions and struggling with questions regarding counting stalking crimes, determining Clery geography in stalking cases, and implementing… (read more)

Understanding Stalking Dynamics and Implications for Transgender Individuals and Communities

Publication Date: 2014
Rebecca Dreke, Deputy Director of the Stalking Resource Center, provides foundational information on stalking, including common stalking dynamics, the impact on victims, and how victim service providers can better assist transgender victims and survivors of stalking. Webinar participants are offered practical tools on safety planning and threat assessment as well as other examples to support them… (read more)

Understanding Stalking Dynamics and Implications for Transgender Individuals and Communities

Publication Date: 2014
Rebecca Dreke, Deputy Director of the Stalking Resource Center, provides foundational information on stalking, including common stalking dynamics, the impact on victims, and how victim service providers can better assist transgender victims and survivors of stalking. Webinar participants are offered practical tools on safety planning and threat assessment as well as other examples to support them… (read more)

The Model Stalking Policy: Responding to Stalking on Campus

Publication Date: 2011
Numerous colleges and universities across the country contact the Stalking Resource Center each year, requesting assistance on how to address stalking on campuses. Along with requests for technical assistance, schools have asked for examples of stalking policies they could adapt and implement on their campuses. This document is a direct response to those inquiries and was developed to help… (read more)

Stalking and the Intersection with Domestic Violence

Publication Date: 2014
Stalking, a dangerous and potentially lethal crime, is often misunderstood, minimized, or missed entirely. This webinar addresses the prevalence and dynamics of stalking with a focus on the intersection of stalking and domestic violence. A PDF of the presentation slides is also available.

National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM)

Publication Date:
The Stalking Resource Center (SRC) of the National Center for Victims of Crime partnered with the U.S. Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women in observing National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM). The NSAM website provides interactive quizzes, videos, fact sheets, guides, posters, artwork for buttons and magnets, event ideas, and media tools to assist with planning NSAM outreach.

Stalking Fact Sheet

Publication Date: 2015
This stalking fact sheet, produced by the Stalking Resource Center, highlights the prevalence of stalking on campus and the impact that has on victims. Information is included on stalking victimization, stalking and intimate partner femicide, RECON study of stalkers, impact of stalking on victims and stalking laws.

Stalking Fact Sheet

Publication Date: 2012
This stalking fact sheet, produced by the Stalking Resource Center, highlights the prevalence of stalking on campus and the impact that has on victims. Information is included on stalking victimization, stalking and intimate partner femicide, RECON study of stalkers, impact of stalking on victims and stalking laws.

The Intersection of Stalking and Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2015
This webinar addresses the often overlooked link between stalking and sexual assault. Stalking is a crime that is often co-perpetrated with other crimes, such as domestic violence and sexual assault. Research supports a connection between stalking and sexual assault both pre- and post-assault. This webinar explores the nature and dynamics of stalking, focusing on its intersection with sexual… (read more)

Working with Victims of Stalking

Publication Date: 2014
This webinar examines the effects of stalking on victims and considerations for working with victims, including victim safety, documentation, and advocacy and support services. Practical issues of threat assessment and safety planning with stalking victims are also discussed. This webinar is free.

Opening Doors: Alternative Reporting Options for Law Enforcement and VAWA Forensic Compliance

Publication Date: 2015
There is currently a very welcome national trend across the country emphasizing alternative reporting methods for sexual assault victims. It is partly the result of provisions in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that were first enacted in 2005 and remain in effect under the current 2013 re-authorization. This is an area known as forensic compliance, and it is critically important to… (read more)

Model Policy Materials: Evidence Retention, Disposition, and/or Removal

Publication Date: 2015
This document was created to provide law enforcement guidance when developing policies and procedures for the retention, disposition, and/or removal of evidence. While law enforcement agencies typically have appropriate policies and procedures for evidence in general, most do not specifically address the types of evidence often found in a sexual assault case. This document also addresses evidence… (read more)

Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview: A Trauma Informed Experience 2 Part Webinar Series: Part 2

Publication Date: 2016
When people experience trauma, they go through a process that many professionals - as well as the individuals themselves - do not understand. For example, most of us were trained to believe that when an individual experiences a traumatic event, the brain records the majority of the details investigators need, or want to know, about the event: Who, What, Where, Why, When and How? Unfortunately,… (read more)

Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview: A Trauma Informed Experience 2 Part Webinar Series: Part 1

Publication Date: 2016
When people experience trauma, they go through a process that many professionals - as well as the individuals themselves - do not understand. For example, most of us were trained to believe that when an individual experiences a traumatic event, the brain records the majority of the details investigators need, or want to know, about the event: Who, What, Where, Why, When and How? Unfortunately,… (read more)

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) Online Training Institute (OLTI)

Publication Date:
The OLTI provides free, state-of-the art training to anyone who is interested, on the topic of criminal justice response to sexual assault. The OLTI offers the opportunity for interested professionals to expand their knowledge of cutting edge developments in the criminal justice and community response to sexual assault, with particular emphasis on those crimes committed by someone who is known to… (read more)

Alternative Reporting Methods: Third Party Reporting Procedures for Victims

Publication Date: 2015
This is the third training bulletin in a series on alternative reporting methods. This installment continues to introduce key concepts and components with a focus on third party reporting procedures for victims.

Alternative Reporting Methods: Third Party Reporting Procedures for Victims

Publication Date: 2015
This is the third training bulletin in a series on alternative reporting methods. This installment continues to introduce key concepts and components with a focus on third party reporting procedures for victims.

Alternative Reporting Methods: Non-Investigative Reporting to Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2015
This is the second installment in a series exploring alternative reporting methods. The previous installment provided an overview of alternative reporting. This bulletin continues to introduce key concepts and components with a focus on non-investigative reporting.

Alternative Reporting Methods: Non-Investigative Reporting to Law Enforcement

Publication Date: 2015
This is the second installment in a series exploring alternative reporting methods. The previous installment provided an overview of alternative reporting. This bulletin continues to introduce key concepts and components with a focus on non-investigative reporting.

Alternative Reporting Methods: Evidence Storage and Retention

Publication Date: 2015
This training bulletin is the seventh in a series designed to explore alternative reporting methods. Previous bulletins have provided an introduction to the essential concepts and explored some key components for implementation. This installment discusses the issue of evidence storage and retention. EVAWI staff are frequently asked questions about this topic and begin by discussing how long… (read more)

Alternative Reporting Methods: Evidence Storage and Retention

Publication Date: 2015
This training bulletin is the seventh in a series designed to explore alternative reporting methods. Previous bulletins have provided an introduction to the essential concepts and explored some key components for implementation. This installment discusses the issue of evidence storage and retention. EVAWI staff are frequently asked questions about this topic and begin by discussing how long… (read more)

Alternative Reporting Methods: Essential Concepts and Components

Publication Date: 2015
This training bulletin is the first in a series designed to explore the key issues related to VAWA forensic compliance and alternative reporting methods for sexual assault victims.  The first installment will begin by introducing the key terms and concepts associated with alternative reporting methods and VAWA forensic compliance. Subsequent bulletins will highlight two communities that have… (read more)

Alternative Reporting Methods: Essential Concepts and Components

Publication Date: 2015
This training bulletin is the first in a series designed to explore the key issues related to VAWA forensic compliance and alternative reporting methods for sexual assault victims.  The first installment will begin by introducing the key terms and concepts associated with alternative reporting methods and VAWA forensic compliance. Subsequent bulletins will highlight two communities that have… (read more)

Alternative Reporting Methods: Developing a Multidisciplinary Protocol

Publication Date: 2015
This training bulletin is the fifth in a series designed to explore alternative reporting methods. The previous installment introduced the essential terms and concepts, as well as two communities that have successfully implemented alternative reporting methods. This bulletin begins to examine key components associated with implementation and highlights the importance of developing a… (read more)

Alternative Reporting Methods: Developing a Multidisciplinary Protocol

Publication Date: 2015
This training bulletin is the fifth in a series designed to explore alternative reporting methods. The previous installment introduced the essential terms and concepts, as well as two communities that have successfully implemented alternative reporting methods. This bulletin begins to examine key components associated with implementation and highlights the importance of developing a… (read more)