Making Prevention a Reality: Identifying, Assessing, and Managing the Threat of Targeted Attacks

Publication Date: 2017
Abstract: This guide is the culmination of nearly two years of work following a 2015 gathering of multidisciplinary experts and the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss solutions to reduce attacks such as mass shootings and other forms of targeted violence including stalking, terrorism, or ambush attacks on law enforcement. This publication represents the results of this workgroup and aims to serve as a practical guide to threat assessment and management for public safety officials, including campus public safety officials, of any experience level. The guide first addresses some important awareness aspects of the active shooter problem, not the least of which is the term active shooter. The content of this publication does not begin and end with active shooters, but instead applies to targeted violence generally. Planned violence, threat assessments, violence and mental health, and barriers to successful prevention efforts are also discussed. The guide then offers specific and actionable information on identifying, assessing, and managing persons who pose a true concern for planned, targeted violence. Guidance about setting up and running a threat management team is offered. Sample tools are provided in the appendices. Additionally, this guide is context-neutral, and can be applied to educational, workplace, and other situations.