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Displaying 551 - 600 of 741The BJA Session on Executive Police Leadership
Publication Date:
The site features multimedia products focused on the role of policing and police leaders in the changing landscape of 21st century public safety. Taking a long view and a new approach, the Executive Session (2010-2014) brought together leaders from policing, local government, associations, and academia. These principals led teams who took on topics that included organization of the future,… (read more)
Strategies for Policing Innovation (SPI)
Publication Date:
Formerly known as the Smart Policing Initiative, Strategies for Policing Innovation (SPI) is a collaborative effort among BJA, CNA, state and local law enforcement agencies, and researchers. It is designed to assist agencies with identifying innovative and evidence-based solutions to effectively and efficiently tackle chronic crime problems in their jurisdictions. In October 2017, SPI launched a… (read more)
Statewide Law Enforcement / Mental Health Efforts: Strategies to Support and Sustain Local Initiatives
Publication Date: 2012
This publication is one in a series that was developed by the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, in partnership with Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), to address how law enforcement responds to people with mental illnesses. Specialized Policing Responses (SPR) to people with mental illnesses, which prioritize treatment… (read more)
Responding to an Active Shooter Event: First Officer Considerations
Publication Date: 2016
This VALOR webinar was held on August 16, 2016. Participants learned about active shooter events and considerations that law enforcement officers should be aware of when responding to an active shooter event. Leading experts from the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Program discussed: statistics of active shooter events; risks associated with response to active shooter… (read more)
Resource Guide for Enhancing Community Relationships and Protecting Privacy and Constitutional Rights
Publication Date: 2014
This guide is intended to help law enforcement officers build stronger community-police relations. Building strong police-community relations requires a sustained effort over time, yet maintaining these relationships is exceedingly difficult during and in the aftermath of a high-profile incident or civil unrest. Professional law enforcement departments and effective operations require training… (read more)
Protecting Judicial Officials: Implementing an Effective Threat Management Process
Publication Date: 2006
File: BJA_Report_Protecting_Judicial_Officials_Implementing_an_Effective_Threat_Management_Process.pdf
A successful threat management process consists of basic elements, each integral to the others. They compose the rules of contemporary threat management and demonstrate how the judiciary can identify, assess, investigate, and manage risks of violence to judicial officials. Following these rules will allow the judicial threat manager to implement an effective threat management process.
Policing in the 21st Century: Leadership Challenges and New Realities
Publication Date: 2013
A report on the future challenges and realities of policing and police leadership communications.
Police Use of Nonfatal Force, 2002-11
Publication Date: 2015
This report examines the prevalence, circumstance, and characteristics of incidents in which police threatened or used nonfatal force and whether these factors varied across resident race and Hispanic origin. It also describes the type of force threatened or used and the perceptions that force was excessive or the police behaved properly during the contact. Finally, it examines trends in the… (read more)
National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center
Publication Date:
"The National Criminal Intelligence Resource Center (NCIRC) provides criminal justice professionals with a multitude of resources that are primarily concerned with law enforcement intelligence operations and practices. The NCIRC maintains two resource websites:
- A public site that provides criminal justice professionals with easy access to a multitude of resources that are primarily… (read more)
Naloxone Toolkit
Publication Date:
The Bureau of Justice Assistance's Law Enforcement Naloxone Toolkit is a clearinghouse of resources to support law enforcement agencies in establishing a naloxone program. The Law Enforcement Naloxone Toolkit was developed at the urging of the Attorney General in response to the growing opioid overdose epidemic. In the toolkit, you will find answers to frequent questions about naloxone and sample… (read more)
Managing Large-Scale Security Events: A Planning Primer for Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Publication Date: 2013
Carefully planned security operations and multi-agency coordination before, during, and after a large-scale security event are paramount to local law enforcement's ability to maintain a safe environment and to conduct a successful event. With this Planning Primer, law enforcement departments and agencies nationwide can benefit from the lessons learned and proven practices of other agencies. The… (read more)
Maintaining Safety And Order On College And University Campuses During Protests And Demonstrations: Promising Practices
Publication Date: 2013
In 2012 college and university law enforcement executives convened as part of a focus group to discuss the challenges and promising practices for managing public order events on campus. This report offers an array of proven concepts, ideas, and resources identified and discussed during the focus group meeting that campus law enforcement executives may choose from to maintain safety and security… (read more)
Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP)
Publication Date:
The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) supports innovative cross-system collaboration for individuals with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders who come into contact with the justice system. The program encourages early intervention for these multisystem-involved individuals; maximizes diversion opportunities for multisystem-involved… (read more)
In Harm's Way: Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Toolkit
Publication Date:
This Toolkit was designed with input from many law enforcement officers, deputies, and troopers, as well as subject-matter experts to help you present suicide prevention training within your department, reduce the stigma associated with seeking help, and to encourage your officers to support each other.
In Harm's Way: Law Enforcement Suicide Prevention Toolkit
Publication Date: 2007
This Toolkit was designed with input from many law enforcement officers, deputies, and troopers, as well as subject-matter experts to help you present suicide prevention training within your department, reduce the stigma associated with seeking help, and to encourage your officers to roll backup for each other.
Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: The Essential Elements of a Specialized Law Enforcement Based Program
Publication Date: 2008
This publication is one in a series that was developed by the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, in partnership with Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), to address how law enforcement responds to people with mental illnesses. This report serves as the centerpiece of this series. It articulates 10 essential elements for… (read more)
Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: Tailoring Law Enforcement Initiatives to Individual Jurisdictions
Publication Date: 2010
This publication is one in a series that was developed by the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, in partnership with Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), to address how law enforcement responds to people with mental illnesses. This study explores the program design process for a variety of Specialized Policing Responses (… (read more)
Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: Strategies for Effective Law Enforcement Training
Publication Date: 2008
This publication is one in a series that was developed by the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center, in partnership with Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) and supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), to address how law enforcement responds to people with mental illnesses. This training resource guide is written for law enforcement personnel and staff at other agencies… (read more)
Hate Crimes on Campus: The Problem and Efforts to Confront It
Publication Date: 2001
This monograph examines four aspects of the problem of bias, prejudice, and hate crimes on college and university campuses. First, the monograph examines the prevalence of hate crimes on campuses, who is targeted, what kinds of crime are committed, and the frequency and impact of bias incidents. Second, the monograph identifies common problems college communities have experienced in responding to… (read more)
Guidance for Building Communities of Trust
Publication Date: 2015
This guidance document describes the challenges that must be addressed by fusion centers, local law enforcement agencies, and communities in developing relationships of trust.
Developing a Policy on the Use of Social Media in Intelligence and Investigative Activities: Guidance and Recommendations
Publication Date: 2013
This resource provides law enforcement and justice agencies with guidance and recommendations on issues to consider when developing a social media policy or updating other relevant policies, focusing on access, use, storage, and dissemination of information obtained from social media sites for investigative and criminal intelligence purposes. The document includes recommended elements of the… (read more)
Conducted Energy Devices: Development of Standards for Consistency and Guidance
Publication Date: 2006
The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) invested considerable time and resources examining the impact that CEDs have had on law enforcement agencies and communities across the country. While the guidelines and glossary in this document are not meant to represent the final and definitive perspectives on conducted energy devices (CED), they do provide needed clarification and information that… (read more)
Campus Security Guidelines: Recommended Operational Policies for Local and Campus Law Enforcement Agencies
Publication Date: 2009
Based on surveys sent to every member city of the Major Cities Chiefs (MCC) and campus public safety departments, along with subsequent analysis of survey findings by representatives from local and campus law enforcement, this publication contains campus security guidelines in the areas of policies and agreements, prevention and preparedness, coordinated response and "after action."
Ambush Online Training
Publication Date:
This VALOR training module was created in response to the ambush-style assaults that have led to the injuries or deaths of many law enforcement officers in recent years. This training is designed to give officers tools to help prevent and react to ambush attacks.
Police-Mental Health Collaboration (PMHC) Toolkit
Publication Date:
The Police-Mental Health Collaboration (PMHC) Toolkit provides resources for law enforcement agencies to partner with mental health providers to effectively respond to calls for service, improve outcomes for people with mental illness, and advance the safety of all. This toolkit will serve as the comprehensive, go-to source for any information related to these important collaboration efforts. In… (read more)
Violence Reduction Network (VRN)
Publication Date:
A comprehensive program created by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), to leverage existing DOJ resources to deliver strategic, intensive training and technical assistance (TTA) in an "all-hands" approach to reduce violence in some of the country's most violent cities. This data-driven, evidence-based initiative complements… (read more)
Smart Policing Initiative (SPI)
Publication Date:
The Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) is a Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) sponsored initiative that supports law enforcement agencies in building evidence-based, data-driven law enforcement tactics and strategies that are effective, efficient, and economical. Smart Policing represents a strategic approach that brings more science into police operations by leveraging innovative applications of… (read more)
National Body-Worn Camera Toolkit
Publication Date: 2015
The Body-Worn Camera Toolkit is an online clearinghouse of resources designed to support law enforcement professionals and the communities they serve plan and implement body-worn camera programs. This free and easy-to-use online resource consolidates and translates the growing body of knowledge about body-worn camera programs and technology. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) developed this… (read more)
Q&A on Campus Sexual Misconduct
Publication Date: 2017
The Department of Education (ED) is withdrawing the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence dated April 4, 2011, and the Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence dated April 29, 2014. This interim Q&A for schools provides information on how to investigate and adjudicate allegations of campus sexual misconduct under federal law. The updated document:
Q&A on Campus Sexual Misconduct
Publication Date: 2017
The Department of Education (ED) is withdrawing the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence dated April 4, 2011, and the Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence dated April 29, 2014. This interim Q&A for schools provides information on how to investigate and adjudicate allegations of campus sexual misconduct under federal law. The updated document:
Q&A on Campus Sexual Misconduct
Publication Date: 2017
The Department of Education (ED) is withdrawing the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence dated April 4, 2011, and the Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence dated April 29, 2014. This interim Q&A for schools provides information on how to investigate and adjudicate allegations of campus sexual misconduct under federal law. The updated document:
Protecting Civil Rights, Advancing Equality: Report to the President and Secretary of Education
Publication Date: 2015
This is an annual report written by the assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Education and covers three main topic areas: discrimination based on race, color, or national origin; discrimination based on sex; and discrimination based on disability. It chronicles stories of our nation's students, of injustices faced and justice delivered. This report also tells the story of OCR.
Dear Colleague Letter 2017
Publication Date: 2017
The Department of Education (ED) withdrew the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence dated April 4, 2011, and the Questions and Answers on Title IX Sexual Violence dated April 29, 2014. This letter provides details on why the previous documents were withdrawn. ED refers you to the Q&A on Campus Sexual Misconduct(PDF),… (read more)
Dear Colleague Letter 2017
Publication Date: 2017
The Department of Education (ED) withdrew the Dear Colleague Letter on Sexual Violence dated April 4, 2011, and the Questions and Answers on Title IX Sexual Violence dated April 29, 2014. This letter provides details on why the previous documents were withdrawn. ED refers you to the Q&A on Campus Sexual Misconduct(PDF),… (read more)
Title IX Resource Guide
Publication Date: 2015
This resource guide includes an overview of the scope of Title IX, a discussion about Title IX's administrative requirements, as well as a discussion of other key Title IX issues and references to federal resources. The discussion of each Title IX issue includes recommended best practices for the Title IX coordinator to help your institution meet its obligations under Title IX. The resource guide… (read more)
Title IX Resource Guide
Publication Date: 2015
This resource guide includes an overview of the scope of Title IX, a discussion about Title IX's administrative requirements, as well as a discussion of other key Title IX issues and references to federal resources. The discussion of each Title IX issue includes recommended best practices for the Title IX coordinator to help your institution meet its obligations under Title IX. The resource guide… (read more)
Letter to Title IX Coordinators
Publication Date: 2015
This letter is directed to Title IX coordinators and provides more information about the responsibilities of this role. This letter accompanies the ""Dear Colleague Letter on Title IX Coordinators"" to college or university presidents that reminds all educational institutions receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department of Education that they must designate at least one employee to… (read more)
Letter to Title IX Coordinators
Publication Date: 2015
This letter is directed to Title IX coordinators and provides more information about the responsibilities of this role. This letter accompanies the ""Dear Colleague Letter on Title IX Coordinators"" to college or university presidents that reminds all educational institutions receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department of Education that they must designate at least one employee to… (read more)
Dear Colleague Letter on Title IX Coordinators
Publication Date: 2015
The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has previously issued guidance documents that include discussions of the responsibilities of a Title IX coordinator, and those documents remain in full force. This 2015 letter incorporates that existing OCR guidance on Title IX coordinators and provides additional clarification and recommendations as appropriate. This letter… (read more)
Dear Colleague Letter on Title IX Coordinators
Publication Date: 2015
The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has previously issued guidance documents that include discussions of the responsibilities of a Title IX coordinator, and those documents remain in full force. This 2015 letter incorporates that existing OCR guidance on Title IX coordinators and provides additional clarification and recommendations as appropriate. This letter… (read more)
PACT5: Preventing Sexual Assault on College Campuses
Publication Date: 2013
Pact5 is a grassroots movement that began in the documentary production classes of five universities. Dedicated to stopping rape and sexual violence in colleges, Pact5 believes that short documentaries produced by students can create powerful stories that can change potentially tragic behavior patterns. Pact5 believes that students are the ones who can make a difference in the minds of other… (read more)
Adult Sexual Assault: A Trauma Informed Approach
Publication Date: 2014
This training video was designed so that it can be used in a brief in-service training or two short training sessions as part of roll call or shift change briefings at your agency. The training provides an overview of how trauma impacts victims and how law enforcement first responders can implement a trauma informed response and approach to sexual assault survivors. The training video features Dr… (read more)
Practitioners' Thoughts on Promising Practices for Securing College and University Spectator Events from Criminal Extremist Attacks (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
Publication Date: 2012
Spectator events at colleges and universities are symbolic of American life, and there is no event more iconic than college football games. The campus, the crowds, and the media are all elements that make campus events a target for a terrorist attack. In December 2011 a Campus Security Focus Group of experienced university police leaders convened to identify promising practices for providing… (read more)
Office for Victim Assistance (OVA)
Publication Date:
The FBI is committed to ensuring victims receive the rights they are entitled to and the assistance they need to cope with crime. Their resources include an Office for Victim Assistance (OVA) at FBI Headquarters and victim specialists nationwide. The OVA is responsible for ensuring that victims of crimes investigated by the FBI are afforded the opportunity to receive the services and notification… (read more)
Mass Victimization: Promising Avenues for Prevention
Publication Date: 2015
File: Mass_Victimization.pdf
This document is focused on identifying strategies that contribute to preventing, not predicting, incidents of targeted violence that result in mass casualty events. It is the result of a multi-agency collaborative conference held at Quantico, Virginia, in August of 2013. Seven promising avenues for prevention that emerged from this effort: 1) Prepare preparation is essential - a mass… (read more)
Making Prevention a Reality: Identifying, Assessing, and Managing the Threat of Targeted Attacks
Publication Date: 2017
This guide is the culmination of nearly two years of work following a 2015 gathering of multidisciplinary experts and the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. The purpose of this gathering was to discuss solutions to reduce attacks such as mass shootings and other forms of targeted violence including stalking, terrorism, or ambush attacks on law enforcement. This publication represents the results of… (read more)
Internet Social Networking Risks
Publication Date:
Internet-based social networking sites have created a revolution in social connectivity. However, con artists, criminals, and other dishonest actors are exploiting this capability for nefarious purposes. There are primarily two tactics used to exploit online social networks. In practice, they are often combined. Those tactics are: computer savvy hackers who specialize in writing and manipulating… (read more)
Campus Safety: Assessing and Managing Threats
Publication Date: 2010
This article offers threat assessment and management strategies to address the increased demands faced by campus law enforcement, mental health, and administration officials who assess and manage threats, perhaps several simultaneously.
Campus Attacks: Targeted Violence Affecting Institutions of Higher Education
Publication Date: 2010
This report provides an assessment of 272 incidents of violence that affected institutions of higher education (IHE) in the United States between 1909 and 2008. The report offers perspectives on key aspects of targeted violence at IHEs and provides a preliminary look at the scope of the issue. The researchers used open-source information to produce this report and as a result the observations and… (read more)
A Study of the Pre-Attack Behaviors of Active Shooters in the United States Between 2000 and 2013
Publication Date: 2018
The FBI's objective for this initiative was to examine specific behaviors that may precede an attack and which might be useful in identifying, assessing, and managing those who may be on a pathway to deadly violence. By articulating the concrete, observable pre-attack behaviors of many active shooters, the FBI hopes to make these warning signs more visible and easily identifiable. This… (read more)