Displaying 351 - 400 of 748
Gaining Insight, Taking Action: Basic Skills for Serving Victims
Publication Date: 2005
This publication consists of a consolidated DVD and discussion guide produced by OVC to provide broader accessibility to three popular videos and companion guides that were originally released as part of the 2005 National Victim Assistance Academy curriculum. Now with updated resources and a contemporary format, the DVD and guide remain valuable training tools for a broad range of service… (read more)
Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT)
Publication Date: 2017
In 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime, awarded a grant to Northeastern University's Institute on Urban Health Research and Practice to work with stakeholders in the field to develop the Vicarious Trauma Toolkit (VTT). The VTT was developed on the premise that exposure to the traumatic experiences of other people known as vicarious trauma… (read more)
SANE Program Development and Operation Guide
Publication Date:
The purpose of the SANE Program Development and Operation Guide is to provide a blueprint for nurses and communities that would like to start a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program. For communities with existing SANE programs, this guide serves as a resource to help expand or enhance services provided to the community. This guide is designed to both complement and integrate resources that… (read more)
OVC HELP for Victim Service Providers Web Forum
Publication Date:
This message board, hosted by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), is meant to help exchange lessons learned and practices (HELP) in victim services. Victim service providers and allied professionals can share ideas, suggestions, and recommendations concerning promising practices, best practices, and victim issues. Participants can reply to ongoing discussions, start new discussions, suggest… (read more)
Achieving Excellence: Model Standards for Serving Victims & Survivors of Crime
Publication Date: 2016
This e-publication provides guidelines and suggestions to help victim service practitioners and program administrators improve the quality and consistency of their response to crime victims. The e-publication provides access to program standards, competency standards, and ethical standards; information on how to use the standards to improve crime victim/survivor services; and terms, definitions,… (read more)
Campus Sexual Assault Webinars
Publication Date: 2016
OVC TTAC offers live interactive, facilitated training sessions on campus sexual assault. This webinar series was launched with "Know Your Title IX Rights" in July 2014. Since then, OVC TTAC has released "What Can Advocates Do To Help Victims?", "Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims", "Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault", "Title IX Live Chat", "Title IX and… (read more)
Campus Sexual Assault Webinars
Publication Date: 2016
OVC TTAC offers live interactive, facilitated training sessions on campus sexual assault. This webinar series was launched with "Know Your Title IX Rights" in July 2014. Since then, OVC TTAC has released "What Can Advocates Do To Help Victims?", "Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims", "Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault", "Title IX Live Chat", "Title IX and… (read more)
Campus Sexual Assault Webinars
Publication Date: 2016
OVC TTAC offers live interactive, facilitated training sessions on campus sexual assault. This webinar series was launched with "Know Your Title IX Rights" in July 2014. Since then, OVC TTAC has released "What Can Advocates Do To Help Victims?", "Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims", "Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault", "Title IX Live Chat", "Title IX and… (read more)
Violence Against Women
Publication Date: 2012
Violence strikes women from all kinds of backgrounds and of all ages. It can happen at work, on the street, or at home. This resource covers information on the different types of violence and ways that women can stay safe. These topics include dating violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, emotional abuse, human trafficking, same-sex relationship violence, sexual assault and abuse,… (read more)
Insurance Claims Data and Mortality Rate for College Students Studying Abroad
Publication Date: 2016
Education abroad and its professionals must maintain and continuously strive to improve student health and safety abroad. This can be achieved by offering high quality education abroad programs, providing training for education abroad professionals and students, and regularly reviewing health and safety policies and procedures and adjusting them as necessary. The purpose of this report is to… (read more)
Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad
Publication Date: 2015
The Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad support the complex responsibilities inherent in offering education abroad opportunities to students. They act as a means to develop, manage, assess, and improve education abroad programming. In this report, each standard of good practice is structured by statements and queries. Some examples of standards of good practice include student… (read more)
Title IX for Forensic Nurses
Publication Date: 2015
This webinar will introduce participants to Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments and help them understand how forensic nurses might be called upon during schools' sexual misconduct proceedings. It begins with a brief overview of Title IX and explains schools' investigatory and adjudicatory obligations under the law. The webinar contrasts schools' Title IX proceedings with criminal… (read more)
Title IX for Forensic Nurses
Publication Date: 2015
This webinar will introduce participants to Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments and help them understand how forensic nurses might be called upon during schools' sexual misconduct proceedings. It begins with a brief overview of Title IX and explains schools' investigatory and adjudicatory obligations under the law. The webinar contrasts schools' Title IX proceedings with criminal… (read more)
National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (NCEF)
Publication Date:
With more than 23,000 resources in its collection, the NCEF website is the largest source of school facilities information in the world. Its purpose is to offer timely and comprehensive information for all stakeholders involved in designing, building, and maintaining safe, healthy, high-performing schools. Some of the resources NCEF provides include subject-specific resource lists that provide… (read more)
Preventing Hazing on Campus
Publication Date: 2015
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE), funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Healthy Students, hosted a webinar on December 17, 2015 and discussed the latest research on hazing and described implications for campus personnel. The event featured a video introduction from Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and also offered practical… (read more)
Safe Place: Trauma-Sensitive Practice for Health Centers Serving Students
Publication Date:
The Safe Place resource kit encompasses a broad range of material introducing and endorsing trauma-sensitive practice with an emphasis on sexual assault trauma. Designed specifically for health center staff who serve as primary care providers to students in higher education, the kit will support health center staff at all levels to understand the likelihood that they serve higher education… (read more)
Strategies to Prevent Hazing on Campus
Publication Date: 2016
Hazing is behavior that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers someone for the purpose of gaining or maintaining membership in a group regardless of a person's willingness to participate. Hazing events are commonplace in American schools with nearly half (47%) of students in the United States reporting they had experienced hazing before entering college, and three in five college students… (read more)
Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates
Publication Date: 2002
This publication is the product of an ongoing collaboration between the Secret Service and the Department of Education. The focus is on the use of the threat assessment process pioneered by the Secret Service as one component of the Department of Education's efforts to help schools across the nation reduce school violence and create safe climates. This guide sets forth a process for identifying,… (read more)
The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting 2016 Edition
Publication Date: 2016
This handbook was developed by the U.S. Department of Education to present step-by-step procedures, examples, and references for higher education institutions to follow in meeting the campus safety and security requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. This handbook replaces the 2011 version and includes information on how institutions can comply with the changes the Violence… (read more)
The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting 2016 Edition
Publication Date: 2016
This handbook was developed by the U.S. Department of Education to present step-by-step procedures, examples, and references for higher education institutions to follow in meeting the campus safety and security requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. This handbook replaces the 2011 version and includes information on how institutions can comply with the changes the Violence… (read more)
The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting
Publication Date: 2011
File: handbook.pdf
This handbook contains ED guidance and was written to assist institutions, in a step-by-step and readable manner, in understanding and meeting the various Higher Education Act requirements. It is intended for use by postsecondary institutions as well as program reviewers who are responsible for evaluating an institution's compliance with the requirements. This is to ensure that everyone involved… (read more)
The Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative: Implications for the Prevention of School Attacks in the U.S.
Publication Date: 2002
An extensive examination of 37 incidents of targeted school violence that occurred in the United States from December, 1974 through May, 2000.
Safe Lanes on Campus: A Guide for Preventing Impaired Driving and Underage Drinking
Publication Date: 2003
File: Safe_Lanes.pdf
This publication of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and funded by the U.S. Department of Education and NHTSA, is a response to requests from college and university administrators for guidance in preventing two of the most serious problems related to student alcohol consumption: (1) driving under the influence (DUI) and (2) alcohol use by students under the legal… (read more)
Prior Knowledge of Potential School-Based Violence: Information Students Learn May Prevent a Targeted Attack
Publication Date: 2008
This study aimed to further the prevention of targeted school-based attacks by exploring how students with prior knowledge of attacks made decisions regarding what steps, if any, to take after learning the information. The study also sought to identify what might be done to encourage more students to share information they learn about potential targeted school-based violence with one or more… (read more)
Final Regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Amendments to the Clery Act
Publication Date: 2014
On October 20, 2014, the Department of Education (ED) published the final regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act. The regulations expand rights afforded to campus survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The final regulations officially go into effect July 1, 2015 and ED has stated that institutions of higher… (read more)
Final Regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Amendments to the Clery Act
Publication Date: 2014
On October 20, 2014, the Department of Education (ED) published the final regulations for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act. The regulations expand rights afforded to campus survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The final regulations officially go into effect July 1, 2015 and ED has stated that institutions of higher… (read more)
Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students
Publication Date: 2016
Many transgender students (i.e., students whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth) report feeling unsafe and experiencing verbal and physical harassment or assault in school, and these students may perform worse academically when they are harassed. School administrators, educators, students, and parents are asking questions about how to support transgender… (read more)
Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students
Publication Date: 2016
Many transgender students (i.e., students whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth) report feeling unsafe and experiencing verbal and physical harassment or assault in school, and these students may perform worse academically when they are harassed. School administrators, educators, students, and parents are asking questions about how to support transgender… (read more)
Dear Colleague Letter on Implementation of the VAWA Final Regulations
Publication Date: 2015
This letter summarizes the final regulations implementing major statutory changes to the Clery Act. The changes went into effect July 1, 2015, and apply to all institutions of higher education (IHEs). These are expected to be reflected in this year's Annual Security Reports (ASRs), which are due October 1, 2015.
Dear Colleague Letter on Implementation of the VAWA Final Regulations
Publication Date: 2015
This letter summarizes the final regulations implementing major statutory changes to the Clery Act. The changes went into effect July 1, 2015, and apply to all institutions of higher education (IHEs). These are expected to be reflected in this year's Annual Security Reports (ASRs), which are due October 1, 2015.
Dear Colleague Letter (2014)
Publication Date: 2014
This letter provides a reminder that charter schools are subject to the same Federal civil rights obligations as all other public schools, and highlights some of the legal requirements related to admissions, student discipline, students with disabilities, and English language learners.
Action Guide for Emergency Management at Institutions of Higher Education
Publication Date: 2010
This guide has been developed to give higher education institutions a useful resource in the field of emergency management. It is intended for community colleges, four-year colleges and universities, graduate schools, and research institutions associated with higher education entities, both public and private. The guide may be used in a variety of ways: as a starting point in researching the… (read more)
Dear Colleague Letter on Campus Policing (ED)
Publication Date: 2016
To assist states, schools, and their law enforcement partners in assessing the proper role of school resource officers (SROs) and campus law enforcement professionals, both the Justice Department's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Education Department released letters to states and districts emphasizing the importance of well-designed SRO programs and calling on leaders of… (read more)
Campus Safety and Security Reporting Training
Publication Date:
This newly revised online tutorial is an audio/visual companion to The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting. It is designed to be used after reading the handbook to help you apply the HEA safety- and security-related reporting requirements to your institution. Within the training you'll find examples, scenarios, questions and answers, and references to specific parts of the… (read more)
Operations & Emergency Management Division, Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau
Publication Date:
This FCC website provides access to emergency communications plans from colleges and universities of various sizes, case studies and lessons learned, and guidelines that may be relevant to emergency preparedness planning for first responders, 9-1-1 Call Centers, hospitals, and other public safety organizations.
Intelligence Guide for First Responders
Publication Date: 2015
This guide was produced by first responders for first responders and was designed to improve information sharing among state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions and the federal government. This reference aid will accomplish the following: highlight your role and responsibility as a consumer of intelligence information; demonstrate how to handle this information and why it must be… (read more)
The Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault
Publication Date: 2016
The purpose of The Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault is to fill gaps in current research and identify best practices in campus police response to sexual assault. The Blueprint is a multi-level approach to the complex problem of campus sexual assault that builds upon the existing body of knowledge and recognizes the need for identifying emerging best… (read more)
Building Trust With Communities
Publication Date:
Recent events in Ferguson, New York, and Baltimore have led law enforcement agencies to rethink how they can build and maintain trust, confidence, and satisfaction with the communities that they serve, especially communities of color. As agencies embrace this challenge, they may need resources to update their training and professional development. In collaboration with the Northern Virginia… (read more)
Background Check Guide
Publication Date:
Background check companies investigate the background and history of individuals, and then compile easy-to-read reports. Background check companies can be used to come up with information about people including their criminal records, financial history and driving records, and they are often utilized by employers looking to learn more about potential employees or landlords screening potential… (read more)
Implementing a Body Camera Program: A Guide for Public Safety Officials
Publication Date: 2015
This handbook focuses on the interplay of body camera policies with technology and operational strategies. It highlights key planning questions and insights from agencies initiating their own programs. Checklists and resources will help further an agency's exploration in each planning area.
Using Popular Education to Engage Communities in Sexual Violence Prevention
Publication Date: 2015
This web conference discusses popular education as a community mobilization approach rooted in social justice. It explores the use of popular education in statewide prevention capacity building, in addition to exploring the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault's (TAASA) support of rape crisis centers in using the methodology themselves. The benefits and challenges of using this methodology… (read more)
PreventConnect Campus Prevention Resource Guide
Publication Date: 2016
Preventing sexual and interpersonal violence on college and university campuses requires collaboration from state coalitions, rape crisis centers and institutions of higher education. PreventConnect Campus has created a prevention resource guide to promote comprehensive and collaborative prevention on campus. The guide is a collection of key resources in campus prevention and is intended for… (read more)
Timely Warning vs. Emergency Notification
Publication Date: 2014
Under the Clery Act, colleges and universities use timely warnings and emergency notifications to inform the campus community of potential threats against which they can take preventive measures. These ongoing disclosure requirements, when implemented, can help to create and promote a safe campus environment. This document gives an overview of timely warnings and emergency notifications, as well… (read more)
Timely Warning vs. Emergency Notification
Publication Date: 2014
Under the Clery Act, colleges and universities use timely warnings and emergency notifications to inform the campus community of potential threats against which they can take preventive measures. These ongoing disclosure requirements, when implemented, can help to create and promote a safe campus environment. This document gives an overview of timely warnings and emergency notifications, as well… (read more)
Roadmap to Collaboration: The Collaborative Process
Publication Date: 2015
This document explains the five-step process that is necessary for effective collaboration, and provides detailed actions for each step.
Jeanne Clery Act Training Toolkit to Build Collaboration
Publication Date:
File: CollaborationToolkit.pdf
This toolkit can be used to assist you and your institution in identifying the potential stakeholders, their potential contributions, and their expectations regarding the institution's sexual assault policies; helping to identify existing expertise among the partners in the collaboration as well as help fill gaps in the knowledge and skills necessary for successful implementation of improved/… (read more)
Jeanne Clery Act Training Toolkit to Build Collaboration
Publication Date:
File: CollaborationToolkit.pdf
This toolkit can be used to assist you and your institution in identifying the potential stakeholders, their potential contributions, and their expectations regarding the institution's sexual assault policies; helping to identify existing expertise among the partners in the collaboration as well as help fill gaps in the knowledge and skills necessary for successful implementation of improved/… (read more)
Hunting Ground Viewing Guide
Publication Date: 2015
The Clery Center is excited to share their "Hunting Ground" Viewing Guide, which suggests things to consider prior to screening the film and outlines follow-up action steps after your institution's screening.
Hunting Ground Viewing Guide
Publication Date: 2015
The Clery Center is excited to share their "Hunting Ground" Viewing Guide, which suggests things to consider prior to screening the film and outlines follow-up action steps after your institution's screening.
From Outline to Action: Implementation of the VAWA Amendments to Clery
Publication Date: 2014
In 2013 the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act expanded the Clery Act to include additional rights for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. On October 20, 2014, the final regulations for the Violence Against Women Act amendments to the Clery Act were published by the Department of Education. For this webinar, the Clery Center and a representative… (read more)