Filtered by term "sexual assault"

Displaying 1 - 50 of 159

You Have Options Program (YHOP) Overview and Implementation Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The You Have Options Program (YHOP) has three goals: 1) increase sexual assault reporting by eliminating as many barriers to reporting as possible, 2) increase identification and prosecution of sexual offenders, and 3) decrease sexual assault victimization. Agencies participating in the YHOP receive training in law enforcement options for sexual assault reporting and best practice law enforcement… (read more)

What Do Sexual Assault Cases Look Like in Our Community? A SART Coordinators Guidebook for Case File Review

Publication Date: 2017
Over the last several years, the Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault has worked to learn best practices and find better ways to complete case file reviews as an evaluation strategy for Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs). Case file review is one way for multi-disciplinary teams to learn about their actual response to victims versus what they… (read more)

Unsafe and Harassed in Public Spaces: A National Street Harassment Report

Publication Date: 2014
Street harassment is a human rights violation and a form of gender violence. It keeps many harassed people from feeling safe in public spaces. It can dictate where they go, when, with whom, and how they dress. It can impact their hobbies and habits, their routes and routines. It even causes some people to move or quit jobs because of harassers in the vicinity. To stop street harassment, we first… (read more)

Title IX and Education Abroad: Draft Resource from The Forum Standards Committee Title IX Working Group

Publication Date: 2016
U.S. federal laws create specific obligations for U.S. colleges and universities regarding the prevention, reporting, and response to campus sexual misconduct. This document is a resource for Forum member institutions to understand U.S. federal law with regard to sexual misconduct. State law in the United States and international laws are outside the scope of this document. All Forum member… (read more)

Title IX and Education Abroad: Draft Resource from The Forum Standards Committee Title IX Working Group

Publication Date: 2016
U.S. federal laws create specific obligations for U.S. colleges and universities regarding the prevention, reporting, and response to campus sexual misconduct. This document is a resource for Forum member institutions to understand U.S. federal law with regard to sexual misconduct. State law in the United States and international laws are outside the scope of this document. All Forum member… (read more)

The Bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act Summary

Publication Date: 2014
A summary of the Bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASAct).

Sexual Assault Victims' Experiences of Notification after a CODIS hit

Publication Date: 2015
In Houston, victim notification involves reestablishing contact with victims whose cases are re-opened for investigation as a result of a match in the law enforcement database Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), from victims' recently tested sexual assault kits (SAKs). HPD and working group members designed the Complainant Notification and Hotline Protocols to outline victim notification… (read more)

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO)

Publication Date:
SAPRO is the organization responsible for the oversight of Department of Defense (DOD) sexual assault policy. The Department has implemented a comprehensive policy to ensure the safety, dignity and well being of all members of the Armed Forces. This website provides access to the SAPR Strategic Plan, guidance, speeches & briefings and other information for victims of sexual assault, the… (read more)

Serving Male-Identified Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Publication Date: 2017
This technical assistance guidance supports advocates seeking to build capacity to recognize and respond to survivors across the gender spectrum, while honoring the gender analysis that helps us understand the root causes of violence and oppression. It offers guideposts for responding to the needs of male-identified victims of intimate partner violence through an exploration of challenges to… (read more)

Safe Housing Partnerships

Publication Date: 2017
Survivors of violence face real barriers when trying to access safe housing: barriers caused by the power and control dynamics of abuse, a need for safety and confidentiality, economic instability, the effects of trauma, and the lack of affordable housing in communities. This website is a collection of strategies, resources, case studies, reports, and statistics that providers and advocates can… (read more)

Responding to Sexual Assaults in the Study Abroad Setting

Publication Date: 2015
When college and university students study abroad, their institution's obligations under Title IX of The Education Act Amendments of 1972, the Clery Act, and Campus SaVE travel with them. This Risk Research Bulletin addresses an institution's obligations for responding to sexual violence on study abroad trips. It provides best practices for training faculty, administrators, and students as they… (read more)

Responding to Sexual Assaults in the Study Abroad Setting

Publication Date: 2015
When college and university students study abroad, their institution's obligations under Title IX of The Education Act Amendments of 1972, the Clery Act, and Campus SaVE travel with them. This Risk Research Bulletin addresses an institution's obligations for responding to sexual violence on study abroad trips. It provides best practices for training faculty, administrators, and students as they… (read more)

Responding to Sexual Assaults in the Study Abroad Setting

Publication Date: 2015
When college and university students study abroad, their institution's obligations under Title IX of The Education Act Amendments of 1972, the Clery Act, and Campus SaVE travel with them. This Risk Research Bulletin addresses an institution's obligations for responding to sexual violence on study abroad trips. It provides best practices for training faculty, administrators, and students as they… (read more)

Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action

Publication Date: 2014
This report analyzes the most recent, reliable data about rape and sexual assault in our country. It identifies those most at risk of being victims of these crimes, examines the cost of this violence (both to survivors and our communities), and describes the response, too often inadequate, of the criminal justice system. The report catalogues steps this Administration has taken to combat rape and… (read more)

Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence

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The NSVRC provides a variety of information and tools on the prevention of sexual violence. The resources include a primary prevention primer, webinars and videos, evaluation tools, online training courses, and more.

Prevention Innovations Research Center

Publication Date:
Prevention Innovations is a collaboration between researchers and practitioners that develops, implements and evaluates cutting-edge programs, policies and practices that will end violence against women. Their team is made up of researchers and practitioners who work collaboratively to develop and evaluate prevention strategies, evidence-based measures to document the problems of sexual and… (read more)

Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence

Publication Date:
This special collection emphasizes collaborative and multi-level approaches to the prevention of and response to teen dating violence (TDV). It draws on the work of many organizations and organizes the resources on TDV prevention and responses by different populations. The first section of this special collection provides general information about teen dating violence. The next six sections… (read more)

Not on the Radar: Sexual Assault of College Students with Disabilities

Publication Date: 2018
This study set out to investigate the current state of campus sexual assault programs and policies and uncovered multiple barriers to students with disabilities, from reporting crime to receiving needed assistance afterward. The report includes recommendations for Congress, federal agencies, and colleges to improve reporting requirements, training, and policies and procedures to better serve… (read more)

Key Components of Building a Successful Victim Notification Protocol

Publication Date: 2015
A goal of the Houston Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Action Research Project was to collaborate across disciplines to create an innovative, sensitive, and trauma-informed model of victim notification. Thus, members of an interprofessional working group developed and implemented the Complainant Notification and Information Line Protocols (herein after referred to as Protocols). The Protocols outline the… (read more)

Innovations in Community-Level Prevention

Publication Date: 2017
Many prevention activities focus on changing individual's knowledge and attitudes and developing new skills that redefine relationships such as promoting healthy intimate relationships and empowering bystanders to intervene in situations that are either high risk for sexual violence or reinforce rape culture. However, focusing on individual behavior alone will not prevent sexual violence. Efforts… (read more)

Informing Students about Campus Policies and Resources: How They Get the Message Matters

Publication Date: 2015
The way campus sexual misconduct policies are communicated to students varies at colleges and universities across the country. Many students receive information about sexual misconduct policies during new student orientation. However, various methods are used to deliver this information (e.g., online websites, in-person discussions) and little is known about how the delivery method impacts what… (read more)

How to Notify Victims about Sexual Assault Kit Evidence- Insight and Recommendations from Victims and Professionals

Publication Date: 2015
This report describes research on victim and professional perspectives on the delivery of victim notification procedures, implementation of new victim notification processes, victim engagement within the criminal justice system, and recommendations for improvements.

Every Choice

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Every Choice is a program designed to inspire and motivate students to take action when faced with a potential act of sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, or stalking. Every Choice is aimed at reducing campus violence and stalking by equipping students with realistic, actionable bystander intervention tools.

Establishing Penetration in Sexual Assault Cases

Publication Date: 2015
This document explains the legal requirements for establishing penetration in sexual assault prosecutions and offers strategies for effectively identifying, evaluating, and presenting evidence of penetration. First, it summarizes the categories of criminal sex offense statutes and outlines the legal requirements to establish penetration. Second, it provides strategies to prepare for and try… (read more)

DOD Safe Helpline

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The DOD Safe Helpline is a crisis support service for members of the DOD community affected by sexual violence. Safe Helpline provides live, one-on-one support and information to the worldwide DOD community. The service is confidential, anonymous, secure, and available worldwide, 24/7 by click, call or text providing victims with the help they need anytime, anywhere.

You Have Options: An Overview of the National Law Enforcement Sexual Assault Reporting Program

Publication Date: 2016
Led by law enforcement professionals working in partnership with victim advocates and experts in the field of sexual assault response and prevention, the aim of the You Have Options Program (YHOP) is to make the law enforcement response to sexual assault more effective. Specifically, YHOP focuses on changing two fundamental elements in the law enforcement response to sexual violence: increasing… (read more)

Why Campuses Should Conduct Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigations

Publication Date: 2016
Promising practices strongly suggest that when colleges and universities conduct sexual assault investigations and adjudications as required by Title IX, they should employ a trauma-informed approach. This naturally promotes access for complainants by encouraging their participation and promotes accuracy by enabling investigators and decision-makers to ask appropriate questions and better… (read more)

Why Campuses Should Conduct Trauma-Informed Sexual Assault Investigations

Publication Date: 2016
Promising practices strongly suggest that when colleges and universities conduct sexual assault investigations and adjudications as required by Title IX, they should employ a trauma-informed approach. This naturally promotes access for complainants by encouraging their participation and promotes accuracy by enabling investigators and decision-makers to ask appropriate questions and better… (read more)

Human Trafficking: What Your Campus Needs to Know

Publication Date: 2018
Learn from Louisiana State Police Investigator Amy Juneau and Lieutenant Angela Banta from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office about the world's fastest growing crime, human trafficking. This webinar presentation provides participants with an understanding of what human trafficking is and what indicators to look for in their area, signs to look for to identify possible victims of human… (read more)

Human Trafficking: What Your Campus Needs to Know

Publication Date: 2018
Learn from Louisiana State Police Investigator Amy Juneau and Lieutenant Angela Banta from the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office about the world's fastest growing crime, human trafficking. This webinar presentation provides participants with an understanding of what human trafficking is and what indicators to look for in their area, signs to look for to identify possible victims of human… (read more)

CCR Toolkit: A Privacy Toolkit for Coordinated Community Response Teams

Publication Date: 2016
Coordinated Community Response (CCR) teams need to protect victim privacy as they engage community service professionals in the work of advocating for survivors and ending sexual and domestic violence. This toolkit offers model policies and highlights key state and federal laws regarding victim privacy for organizations that receive funding through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) and… (read more)

Addressing Sexual Assault While Abroad

Publication Date: 2015
Students, families, and study abroad program directors should be well-versed on the resources available both domestically and abroad following an incident like sexual assault. This document offers detailed information on travel preparation, those at risk, how students can protect themselves, and options for students and program directors to consider after an incident occurs.

Sexual Violence Prevention: An Athletics Tool Kit for a Healthy and Safe Culture

Publication Date: 2016
The NCAA Sexual Assault Task Force convened in 2015 to provide clear direction on a curriculum that will help athletics departments engage in education, collaboration, and compliance surrounding sexual violence issues. This toolkit, initiated by the task force, builds on critical elements outlined in the fall 2014 NCAA publication, Addressing Sexual… (read more)

Addressing Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence: Athletics’ Role in Support of Healthy and Safe Campuses

Publication Date: 2014
This report from the NCAA presents findings from an executive committee appointed to explore the issue of sexual assault and interpersonal violence on campus and how it relates to athletic programs. This guide is a general introduction to the problems that result from sexual assault and interpersonal violence and how they are affecting college students and student-athletes. The guide includes… (read more)

Addressing Sexual and Relationship Violence: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Publication Date: 2018
The development of effective prevention programming and comprehensive response to sexual and relationship violence requires a university-wide commitment to the values of trauma-informed practice, as well as a commitment to institution-wide use of promising practices in gender-inclusive and culturally-relevant victim/survivor-centered care and programming. Response to victims/survivors with… (read more)

Addressing Alcohol's Role in Campus Sexual Assault: A Toolkit by and for Prevention Specialists

Publication Date: 2018
Alcohol use plays a role in 50-70% of campus sexual assaults, which has generated heightened consideration of the intersections of sexual assault and alcohol use on campus. Existing research and guidance from various organizations stress the importance of consistency between alcohol use/abuse prevention efforts and sexual assault prevention efforts that use individual, relationship, community,… (read more)

Report on the AAU Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct

Publication Date: 2015
Members of the Association of American Universities (AAU) are working to combat sexual assault and misconduct on their campuses. As an association of research universities, AAU decided in 2014 that the best way to help its members address this issue was to develop and implement a scientific survey to better understand the attitudes and experiences of their students with respect to sexual assault… (read more)

AAU Campus Activities Report: Combating Sexual Assault and Misconduct

Publication Date: 2017
This project was developed to understand what efforts and initiatives AAU member universities have undertaken to prevent and address sexual assault and misconduct. The report follows up on the landmark survey AAU conducted among more than 150,000 undergraduate and graduate students in 2015 regarding the prevalence of sexual assault and misconduct on campuses and on student attitudes about these… (read more)

The Culture of Respect CORE Blueprint Program: Findings from a National Pilot Study

Publication Date: 2016
Culture of Respect launched a yearlong, 14-institution pilot program grounded in the Culture of Respect Engagement Blueprint (CORE Blueprint), a six-pillar evidence-based framework that guides institutions in how to respond to and prevent campus sexual violence. The results of the CORE Blueprint Pilot Program, included in this report, suggest it is an effective model for addressing campus sexual… (read more)

State Legislative Developments on Campus Sexual Violence: Issues in the Context of Safety

Publication Date: 2015
NASPA and ECS offer a retrospective analysis of state legislative activity during the 2013 and 2015 legislative sessions that focused on campus sexual violence. We provide detailed descriptions of four major policy themes identified through a content analysis of introduced and enacted legislation and frame considerations for state decision makers and campus leaders. This brief is intended to help… (read more)

Partnership to Elevate Policy and Practice: Campus Sexual Violence and Guns on Campus

Publication Date: 2016
This report, the third installment in a joint partnership between NASPA and ECS, connects policy and practice through two integral issues: campus sexual violence and guns on campus. This publication tracks recent state-led legislation around both issues for the last two years and offers this information in the form of a series of illustrative charts and maps. During 2015, at least 29 states… (read more)

32 National Campus Safety Initiative (32 NCSI™)

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32 National Campus Safety Initiative™ (32 NCSI™) is a program offered through a partnership between NASPA and the VTV Family Outreach Foundation that empowers college and university campus communities to make more informed decisions about campus safety. Developed by a team of leading experts, 32 NCSI is a robust self-assessment tool that colleges and universities can use to conduct an… (read more)

The Second Report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2017
In January 2014, President Obama and Vice President Biden issued a presidential memorandum creating the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. In collaboration with federal partners, the Task Force has produced a number of tools for students, administrators, faculty, campus police, health care professionals, and others who play key roles in these efforts. The Task Force… (read more)

Sample Language for Reporting and Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence

Publication Date:
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault has provided this sample language, referenced in the Not Alone report, which highlights important elements for institutions to consider when drafting an effective policy regarding reporting and confidentially disclosing sexual violence.

Resource Guide to Prevent and Improve the Response to Sexual Violence at Colleges and Universities

Publication Date: 2015
This resource guide supports the efforts of students, faculty, administrators, and communities around the country to prevent sexual violence and improve the response to it at colleges and universities. This resource guide compiles guidance, tools, model policies and procedures, training and technical assistance, funding opportunities, and public messaging materials that the Obama Administration… (read more)

Preventing and Addressing Campus Sexual Misconduct: A Guide for University and College Presidents, Chancellors, and Senior Administrators

Publication Date: 2017
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault recommends that college and university leadership use this guide as a foundation to develop, or further hone, comprehensive responses to sexual misconduct at their institutions. This guide focuses, and expands upon, six primary elements that colleges and universities may want to consider as part of a comprehensive plan for… (read more)

Not Alone Report

Publication Date: 2014
The White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault was established on January 22, 2014, with a mandate to strengthen federal enforcement efforts and provide schools with additional tools to help combat sexual assault on their campuses. The Task Force announced a series of actions to identify the scope of the problem on college campuses; help prevent campus sexual assault; help… (read more)

Establishing Prevention Programming: Strategic Planning for Campuses

Publication Date: 2014
This document outlines key points that campuses should consider in strategic planning for sexual violence prevention.

Climate Surveys: Useful Tools to Help Colleges and Universities in Their Efforts to Reduce and Prevent Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2014
Sexual assault is a significant challenge for colleges and universities nationwide, affecting the health, mental health, and academic success of students. Many schools are working to address sexual assault, but lack assessment tools to understand the scope or nature of the problem. Schools are looking to climate surveys to fill this gap in knowledge, and conducting regular climate surveys is a… (read more)

Bystander-Focused Prevention of Sexual Violence

Publication Date: 2014
This publication provides information for any audience regarding common components of bystander intervention and lists delivery methods, combining tools and online resources.