Filtered by term "sexual assault"

Displaying 51 - 100 of 159

Building Partnerships with Local Rape Crisis Centers: Developing a Memorandum of Understanding

Publication Date:
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault has provided this sample memorandum of understanding (MOU), referenced in the Not Alone report, to help colleges and universities to strengthen sexual assault prevention and response programs by developing partnerships with local rape crisis centers. Schools can adapt this MOU depending on their specific needs and the capacity of… (read more)

Building Partnerships Among Law Enforcement Agencies, Colleges and Universities: Developing a Memorandum of Understanding to Prevent and Respond Effectively to Sexual Assaults at Colleges and Universities

Publication Date:
The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault has provided this sample memorandum of understanding (MOU), referenced in the Not Alone report, to assist campuses and law enforcement agencies to work together in their efforts to protect students, address the needs of sexual assault survivors, and ensure a prompt, thorough, and fair response to allegations of sexual misconduct.… (read more)

1 is 2 Many: Twenty Years Fighting Violence Against Women and Girls

Publication Date: 2014
This report opens with a brief summary of how VAWA has helped to change America. It also discusses the many ways in which VAWA has increased accountability and access to services, and has reached underserved communities. The appendix provides details from over 100 programs throughout the country that VAWA has helped to inspire and support.

1 is 2 Many: Twenty Years Fighting Violence Against Women and Girls

Publication Date: 2014
This report opens with a brief summary of how VAWA has helped to change America. It also discusses the many ways in which VAWA has increased accountability and access to services, and has reached underserved communities. The appendix provides details from over 100 programs throughout the country that VAWA has helped to inspire and support.

Campus Prevention Network

Publication Date:
EverFi launched the Campus Prevention Network to support colleges and universities in driving lasting, large-scale change on critical health, wellness, and safety issues facing students, faculty, and staff through prevention research and best practices, assessments and benchmarking, and population-level prevention programs. The Campus Prevention Network provides a platform for schools doing… (read more)

Ending Campus Sexual Assault Tool Kit

Publication Date:
Sexual assault disproportionately affects college women and impedes their ability to participate fully in campus life. Educational equity for women and girls requires fair, responsive, and fully developed campus sexual assault policies; knowledgeable administrators; and, ultimately, an end to sexual violence on campuses. This tool kit serves the needs of faculty, staff, students, and advocates.… (read more)

Local Sexual and Gender Violence Resources

Publication Date:
This webpage provides a map and list of local sexual and gender violence resources by state.

Sexual Assault Kit Testing Initiatives and Non-investigative Kits

Publication Date: 2017
Sexual assault kits (SAKs) are collected as evidence in sexual assault investigations and may contain DNA evidence that can assist in the investigation of sexual assault cases. Many jurisdictions have implemented alternative reporting and non-reporting options that allow victims to obtain a medical forensic exam while delaying or foregoing a report to law enforcement, and offer them the… (read more)

Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Technical Assistance (SAFEta)

Publication Date:
The SAFEta project is designed to provide technical guidance for individuals and agencies utilizing the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations of adults/adolescents from the Department of Justice's Office of Violence Against Women. While the protocol was designed to lay the foundation for community based responses to sexual violence, the SAFEta technical assistance… (read more)

Non-Fatal Strangulation Documentation Toolkit

Publication Date: 2016
The Strangulation Toolkit provides detailed guidance on assessment techniques, documentation, and evidence collection for this patient population. This toolkit also provides documents such as discharge instructions and sample policies that can be adjusted to best suit your institution and your forensic practice. While this Strangulation Toolkit was developed for use by forensic nurses and health… (read more)

Restorative Justice Responses to Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2008
A large international literature promotes restorative justice options as satisfying and empowering to crime victims. This paper examines restorative justice for sexual assault from the perspective of three groups of survivors: (a) adults victimized by adult perpetrators; (b) adults or juveniles victimized by juveniles; and (c) adults sexually molested as children by adults. Restorative options… (read more)

Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation: A Progress Report for the United States

Publication Date: 2016
Ending Sexual Violence in One Generation is the inaugural report on the state of sexual violence in the U.S. issued by Raliance, a national partnership led by National Sexual Violence Resource Center, the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault-PreventConnect and the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence. The report analyzes progress in the movement to end sexual violence and how it is… (read more)

Model Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Campus Sexual Assault Part II: Template MOU

Publication Date: 2015
The Template MOU provides sample language for parties to incorporate into their local agreement. Parties may wish to adapt the Template to ensure consistency with other agreements already in place between some or all of the Parties, and to revisit any preexisting agreements to reconcile any changes in law or practice. Please consult the How-To Guide for context and additional suggestions Parties… (read more)

Model Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Campus Sexual Assault Part I: How-To Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The How-To Guide is a step-by-step guide for stakeholders to create an MOU that reflects local needs and capacity. It is intended to provide context, suggested supplemental content, and points of discussion to assist parties as they tailor the Template MOU to their unique circumstances. The How-To Guide is organized in the same structure as the Template MOU.

Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Publication Date: 2016
This fact sheet explains why dating violence is a public health problem, who is at risk, how it can affect long-term health, and how to approach prevention. It also describes the different forms of dating violence.

Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for Prevention

Publication Date: 2016
The information in this document is intended to be a starting place for sexual violence practitioners and their campus partners to begin planning for and implementing sexual violence prevention strategies in a college or university setting. It is important for colleges and universities to move beyond compliance in order to create culture change. Implementing a robust prevention effort is… (read more)

Preventing Sexual Violence on College Campuses: Lessons from Research and Practice

Publication Date: 2014
This document describes the best practices in developing, selecting, and implementing prevention strategies with the highest chance of successfully changing sexual violence in communities. A description of programs that work, programs that may work, and programs that don't work are also included. The final section of Part One provides guidance to college campuses on what they can do now to… (read more)

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies, and Practices

Publication Date: 2017
This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) and its consequences across the lifespan. These strategies include teaching safe and healthy relationship skills, engaging influential adults and peers… (read more)

STOP SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence

Publication Date: 2016
This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on prevention activities with the greatest potential to reduce sexual violence (SV) and its consequences. These strategies focus on promoting social norms that protect against violence; teaching skills to prevent SV; providing opportunities, both… (read more)

Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence at American Community Colleges

Publication Date: 2016
"In April 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety partnered with the American Association for Women in Community Colleges to facilitate an emerging issues forum to identify the areas of critical need for community colleges regarding prevention and response to sexual violence, as well as to elicit recommendations to mitigate those challenges. The group included safety leaders from 14… (read more)

Challenges in Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence at American Community Colleges

Publication Date: 2016
"In April 2016, the National Center for Campus Public Safety partnered with the American Association for Women in Community Colleges to facilitate an emerging issues forum to identify the areas of critical need for community colleges regarding prevention and response to sexual violence, as well as to elicit recommendations to mitigate those challenges. The group included safety leaders from 14… (read more)

Applying the Best Available Research Evidence to Build Comprehensive Strategies for Sexual Violence Prevention

Publication Date: 2016
Eliminating sexual violence on college campuses and in communities requires a comprehensive approach to primary prevention based on the best available research evidence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in partnership with federal and local partners, is committed to advancing the science of sexual violence prevention to inform the development of more effective strategies. The… (read more)

Sexual Assault: Courageous Conversations and Bystander Intervention

Publication Date: 2016
It is uncomfortable to talk about sex, it is difficult to talk about sexual assault, and it is troubling to have to consider the behaviors of perpetrators who commit these crimes. It takes courage to have a conversation. The prevalence and growing concern regarding sexual assault in higher education cannot be denied. In this webinar, retired Burlington, VT, police chief and national advisor on… (read more)

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Toolkit

Publication Date:
This toolkit is not a protocol, but rather a collection of resources that service providers may use to formalize, expand on, or evaluate their interagency responses. Communities considering a SART response and communities that already have a coordinated response but want to improve or expand it may use the toolkit to help customize their outreach to victims; provide culturally specific services;… (read more)

Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2014
This guide provides an enhanced understanding of transgender-related issues, professionals and providers who serve victims of sexual assault can be sources of support and care for all victims, including individuals in this high-risk population.

Promoting Effective Criminal Investigations of Campus Sex Crimes

Publication Date: 2012
This report summarizes the discussions of a forum held by the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) to consider ways to improve criminal investigations of campus sex crimes. The forum was attended by representatives from college law enforcement, student affairs, campus sexual assault victim services, government agencies, national organizations that focus on campus safety or… (read more)

SANE Program Development and Operation Guide

Publication Date:
The purpose of the SANE Program Development and Operation Guide is to provide a blueprint for nurses and communities that would like to start a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program. For communities with existing SANE programs, this guide serves as a resource to help expand or enhance services provided to the community. This guide is designed to both complement and integrate resources that… (read more)

Campus Sexual Assault Webinars

Publication Date: 2016
OVC TTAC offers live interactive, facilitated training sessions on campus sexual assault. This webinar series was launched with "Know Your Title IX Rights" in July 2014. Since then, OVC TTAC has released "What Can Advocates Do To Help Victims?", "Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims", "Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault", "Title IX Live Chat", "Title IX and… (read more)

Campus Sexual Assault Webinars

Publication Date: 2016
OVC TTAC offers live interactive, facilitated training sessions on campus sexual assault. This webinar series was launched with "Know Your Title IX Rights" in July 2014. Since then, OVC TTAC has released "What Can Advocates Do To Help Victims?", "Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims", "Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault", "Title IX Live Chat", "Title IX and… (read more)

Campus Sexual Assault Webinars

Publication Date: 2016
OVC TTAC offers live interactive, facilitated training sessions on campus sexual assault. This webinar series was launched with "Know Your Title IX Rights" in July 2014. Since then, OVC TTAC has released "What Can Advocates Do To Help Victims?", "Safety Planning With Campus Sexual Violence Victims", "Legal Representation for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault", "Title IX Live Chat", "Title IX and… (read more)

Violence Against Women

Publication Date: 2012
Violence strikes women from all kinds of backgrounds and of all ages. It can happen at work, on the street, or at home. This resource covers information on the different types of violence and ways that women can stay safe. These topics include dating violence, domestic and intimate partner violence, emotional abuse, human trafficking, same-sex relationship violence, sexual assault and abuse,… (read more)

Safe Place: Trauma-Sensitive Practice for Health Centers Serving Students

Publication Date:
The Safe Place resource kit encompasses a broad range of material introducing and endorsing trauma-sensitive practice with an emphasis on sexual assault trauma. Designed specifically for health center staff who serve as primary care providers to students in higher education, the kit will support health center staff at all levels to understand the likelihood that they serve higher education… (read more)

Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Many transgender students (i.e., students whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth) report feeling unsafe and experiencing verbal and physical harassment or assault in school, and these students may perform worse academically when they are harassed. School administrators, educators, students, and parents are asking questions about how to support transgender… (read more)

Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students

Publication Date: 2016
Many transgender students (i.e., students whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth) report feeling unsafe and experiencing verbal and physical harassment or assault in school, and these students may perform worse academically when they are harassed. School administrators, educators, students, and parents are asking questions about how to support transgender… (read more)

The Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2016
The purpose of The Blueprint for Campus Police: Responding to Sexual Assault is to fill gaps in current research and identify best practices in campus police response to sexual assault. The Blueprint is a multi-level approach to the complex problem of campus sexual assault that builds upon the existing body of knowledge and recognizes the need for identifying emerging best… (read more)

Using Popular Education to Engage Communities in Sexual Violence Prevention

Publication Date: 2015
This web conference discusses popular education as a community mobilization approach rooted in social justice. It explores the use of popular education in statewide prevention capacity building, in addition to exploring the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault's (TAASA) support of rape crisis centers in using the methodology themselves. The benefits and challenges of using this methodology… (read more)

PreventConnect Campus Prevention Resource Guide

Publication Date: 2016
Preventing sexual and interpersonal violence on college and university campuses requires collaboration from state coalitions, rape crisis centers and institutions of higher education. PreventConnect Campus has created a prevention resource guide to promote comprehensive and collaborative prevention on campus. The guide is a collection of key resources in campus prevention and is intended for… (read more)

Hunting Ground Viewing Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The Clery Center is excited to share their "Hunting Ground" Viewing Guide, which suggests things to consider prior to screening the film and outlines follow-up action steps after your institution's screening.

Hunting Ground Viewing Guide

Publication Date: 2015
The Clery Center is excited to share their "Hunting Ground" Viewing Guide, which suggests things to consider prior to screening the film and outlines follow-up action steps after your institution's screening.

Agency's Use of Technology Best Practices & Policies Toolkit

Publication Date:
When using technology, both victim advocates and survivors need to consider safety, privacy, and security. This resource provides guidance for programs that provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking on best practices to help maintain the safety and security of crime victims and their personal information. The toolkit was produced by the National… (read more)

Executive Guidebook: Practical Approaches for Strengthening Law Enforcement's Response to Sexual Assault

Publication Date: 2018
Most sexual assaults never even come to the attention of police. As recently as 2014, the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics found that only one-third of rapes and sexual assaults were being reported to police. Media reports, congressional hearings, research, the change in the FBI definition of rape, rape kit backlogs, high-profile cases of sexual assault on college campuses, and Justice… (read more)

Framing Three Key Issues in Campus Public Safety

Publication Date: 2015
In this inaugural webinar, the National Center for Campus Public Safety welcomed national experts to discuss three essential topics in campus public safety: Thomas R. Tremblay on trauma-informed sexual assault investigation, Dr. Marisa Randazzo on behavioral threat assessment and Steven J. Healy on fair and impartial policing. Director Kim Vansell also provided an update on the NCCPS. As an… (read more)

The Neurobiology of Trauma

Publication Date: 2013
Dr. David Lisak speaks on the neurobiology of trauma in a webinar hosted by the Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Dr. Lisak has worked as a forensic consultant, clinical psychologist, and associate professor at the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

Rape and Sexual Assault Victimization Among College-Age Females 1995-2013

Publication Date: 2014
This report compares the characteristics of rape and sexual assault victimization against females ages 18 to 24 who are enrolled and not enrolled in college. The report also examines the relationship between the victim and offender, the involvement of a weapon, location of the victimization, reporting to police, perceived offender characteristics, and victim demographics.

Campus Climate Survey Validation Study Final Technical Report

Publication Date: 2016
The White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault was established in January 2014. One of its primary goals is to provide institutions of higher education with tools that they can use to more effectively respond to and prevent rape and sexual assault. As noted in the first report of the Task Force (Not Alone), one such tool is a climate survey designed to help schools understand… (read more)

Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence: A Roundtable Discussion

Publication Date: 2016
In August 2015, law enforcement executives and officers, crime victim advocates, academics, and other subject matter experts convened to discuss a draft of the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault… (read more)

Campus Safety CD-ROM

Publication Date: 2007
The Campus Safety CD-ROM is free to order and includes more than 80 resources for public safety institutions, academic administrators, students, and communities on issues such as sexual assault and stalking, alcohol and substance abuse, property crime and nuisance violations, emergency preparedness and management, and crime prevention and community partners.

Acquaintance Rape of College Students

Publication Date: 2013
This guide describes the problem of acquaintance rape of college students, addressing its scope, causes, and contributing factors; methods for analyzing it on a particular campus; tested responses; and measures for assessing response effectiveness. With this information, police and public safety officers can more effectively prevent the problem. This guide is part of the Problem-Specific Guides… (read more)

The Historically Black College and University Campus Sexual Assault (HBCU-CSA) Study

Publication Date: 2010
Sexual assault has a substantial impact on both victims and society. Victims of sexual assault may suffer both immediate and long-term physical and mental health consequences, including injury, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy. This technical research report explores the prevalence, context, response, reactions and reporting of various forms of sexual violence on historically black… (read more)

National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Publication Date: 2017
"The report describes a victim-centered response to sexual assault cases that positively impacts sexual assault response, the experiences of victims, and ultimately results in safer communities. An NIJ working group consisting of victims, victim advocates, sexual assault nurse and medical examiners, prosecutors, forensic scientists, and law enforcement officials, created the report in response… (read more)