Filtered by term "mental health"

Displaying 51 - 57 of 57

Officer-Involved Shootings: A Guide for Law Enforcement Leaders

Publication Date: 2016
Though few officers will be directly involved in a hostile shooting situation during their careers, many more may experience the impact of one; the effects of such events touch not only the officer involved, but the department and the community as well. Because of the gravity of officer-involved shootings, it is vitally important to ensure that the agency and its officers are prepared in advance… (read more)

Model Policy on Responding to Persons Affected by Mental Illness or In Crisis

Publication Date: 2014
The model policy highlights the unique challenges that law enforcement agencies face in responding to or encountering situations involving persons displaying behaviors consistent with mental illness or crisis and provides guidance, techniques, and resources so that the situation can be resolved in a constructive manner. IACP's white paper, Responding to Persons Affected by… (read more)

Improving Police Response to Persons Affected by Mental Illness

Publication Date: 2017
The report and campaign, developed by law enforcement leaders alongside mental health professionals and advocates, offer concrete strategies to institutionalize the improved delivery of mental health services. These strategies demand the committed efforts of both law enforcement agencies and the mental health community to reduce officer and civilian fatalities or injuries resulting from… (read more)

Improving Officer Response to Persons with Mental Illness and Other Disabilities

Publication Date:
This document serves as a guide for law enforcement leaders and covers the topic areas: understanding the issue, why law enforcement leaders must take action, positioning chiefs as leaders to influence others, partnerships: law enforcement cannot do this alone, implementing proven strategies and designing a program for your jurisdiction.

IACP National Symposium on Law Enforcement Officer Suicide and Mental Health: Breaking the Silence on Law Enforcement Suicides

Publication Date: 2014
This report outlines strategies to be used as a roadmap for police departments seeking to include officer mental wellness as a core element of officer safety and well-being and to mitigate the threat of officer death by suicide. These strategies are also designed to prevent the destructive effects of emotional trauma, mental illness, and officer deaths by suicide on a police community; to… (read more)

CIT Center

Publication Date: 2018
The Memphis Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is an innovative police based first responder program that provides law enforcement based crisis intervention training for helping those individuals with mental illness. CIT works in partnership with those in mental health care to provide a system of services that is friendly to the individuals with mental illness, family members, and police officers.… (read more)

Building Safer Communities: Improving Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness

Publication Date: 2010
The IACP selected "Building Safer Communities: Improving Police Response to Persons with Mental Illness" as the focus for its May, 2009 National Policy Summit. The goal of the summit was to begin a dialogue resulting in recommendations for local, state, federal, and tribal organizations that will improve the safety of community members and law enforcement officers when responding to crisis calls… (read more)