A National Conversation on Police and Community Interactions on HBCU Campuses

Publication Date: 2016
Abstract: "In July 2016, President Obama held a town hall meeting to discuss race and policing in the U.S. The meeting recognized that the national climate surrounding police shootings involving people of color and the retaliation against law enforcement had escalated to a point where leadership was needed. Many police chiefs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) also recognized that their students, in particular, were being negatively affected by these incidents and the national climate.

The NCCPS partnered with the HBCU Law Enforcement Executives and Administrators to host an emerging issues forum in Washington, D.C. on August 30 and 31. The forum included comprehensive dialogue between student leaders and their police chiefs/campus safety executives representing 20 colleges and universities across the nation. The purpose of the forum was to identify gaps in perception between students and public safety officials and to help the campus community bridge those gaps.

Forum participants focused on key areas for improvement and identified a series of potential solutions to the challenges discussed."