Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Source Investigations: A Tool to Combat Impaired Driving

Publication Date: 2011
This document explains what a "source investigation" is and highlights various case studies to: describe how source investigations are conducted, determine the resources expended in pursuit of these investigations, assess the organizational structures that best accommodate the implementation of source investigations, and determine the degree of cooperation and assistance from other governmental… (read more)

Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations: A How-To Guide

Publication Date: 2014

To reduce pedestrian injuries and fatalities, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends a three-pronged approach of engineering, education, and enforcement. This guide primarily discusses the enforcement component of this approach, but it also includes information on the related engineering and education components. You will also find information on planning, implementation… (read more)

A Guide for Local Impaired-Driving Task Forces Volume II: Local Task Force Case Studies

Publication Date: 2011
The purpose of this guide is to assist officials and members of the public interested in establishing an impaired-driving task force at a local or regional level (city, county, or region, not statewide) or who are exploring ways to improve their current task forces. This guide is based on case studies of nine local task forces that represent a range of histories, structures, and approaches. It… (read more)

A Guide for Local Impaired-Driving Task Forces Volume I: Final Report

Publication Date: 2011
The purpose of this two-volume guide is to assist officials and members of the public interested in establishing an impaired-driving task force at a local or regional level or who are exploring ways to improve their current task forces. Volume I is based on case studies of nine local task forces in Costa Mesa, California; Pikes Peak Region, Colorado; Leon County, Florida; Southeastern Louisiana;… (read more)

Safe Lanes on Campus: A Guide for Preventing Impaired Driving and Underage Drinking

Publication Date: 2003
This publication of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention and funded by the U.S. Department of Education and NHTSA, is a response to requests from college and university administrators for guidance in preventing two of the most serious problems related to student alcohol consumption: (1) driving under the influence (DUI) and (2) alcohol use by students under the legal… (read more)

International Drug Evaluation and Classification Program

Publication Date:
The International Drug Evaluation and Classification Program (DECP), coordinated by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) with support from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), trains law enforcement officers with the standardized Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) protocol and educates prosecutors and judges in the prosecution of drugged drivers.


Publication Date:
Distraction.gov is the official government website for distracted driving. Available on the website are resources including distracted driving research, facts and statistics, state laws, news, marketing materials to download, information on how to get involved, and more.